Saddam Hussein's Whereabouts Unknown: Any Updates?

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In summary, there are reports that Saddam Hussein and his sons may have been killed in a recent strike in Baghdad. However, there is currently no confirmation of their deaths and it is unclear if Saddam is still alive. There have been reports of lookalikes and speculation about his whereabouts. Some compare this situation to the disappearance of Russian Czar Dmitri and fear that there may be future imposters claiming to be Saddam. There is also speculation about potential movies about Saddam's brain or cloning.
  • #1
It was suggested to me that as of a few minutes ago Saddam Hussein is no longer in Iraq or anywhere else on this globe. Unfortunately the person who IM'd me is offline now. Anyone hear anything?
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  • #2
Many media outlets are reporting tonight that Saddam and his sons may have been killed in a recent strike. An email from a reader: MSNBC is reporting Saddam and his sons killed in a B-2 bomb strike in residential Baghdad. Four bunker buster bombs dropped as a result of "good intelligence."
  • #3
Right after I posted I received this CCN Breaking News

-- "U.S. officials tell CNN there was a "leadership strike" in Baghdad with a large amount of ordnance hitting a residence where Saddam Hussein may have been. Condition of Saddam is unknown."

I guess we will wait and see.
  • #4
Wow this is some real news for once (hopefully). The bad thing is saddam and bin laden will always survive symbolicly.
  • #5
I'd hold off on the celebrating...when you have 24 hours of news to fill, you might not bother to confirm before reporting.
  • #6
I just got an IM from Saddam, he said he wanted my mp3's. Saddam is safe and sound in a nuclear proof bunker.
  • #7
Didn't you see the vedio Saddam appears in buying Juice from one of the public stores ?
It's clear that the vedio is new , becuase the smoke was clearly appeared in the sky of that place .
  • #8
I stand by my opinion that Saddam is long gone.
The video guy is probably one of his lookalikes. Hell, he's got so many lookalikes that even if we kill him, we won't know.

How do we know what the real Saddam looks like anyway? For all we know, all our past pictures could be lookalikes. Do we actually know what he really looks like?

Hmm, I forsee the war in Iraq degenerating into a giant game of "Where's Wally?"
  • #9
After the death of the Russian Czar known as Ivan the Terrible, his son and heir, Dmitri, disappeared. For decades afterwards, there were revolts based based around a new "False Dmitri". I hope we don't have a new look-a-like rising up every few years claiming to be Saddam and leading fanatics in attempted coups.

  • #10
What was that old saying;
Alive and well, living in Argentina.

If he had any sense I think he would have pulled a Bin Laden by this time and gotten out of the country. I'm not sure if he is alive or dead and it might be that there will never be any finality to his state of existence. Perhaps it will be stated that he is suspected of living in the next country on the hit list…
  • #11
So are there going to be cheap movies in the future about saving Saddam's brain, or cloning him?

  • #12
So are there going to be cheap movies in the future about saving Saddam's brain, or cloning him?
Hahaha, I hadn't even thought of that but yes, I bet there will.

FAQ: Saddam Hussein's Whereabouts Unknown: Any Updates?

What is the current status of Saddam Hussein's whereabouts?

The whereabouts of Saddam Hussein are unknown. He was captured by US forces in 2003 and executed in 2006. However, there have been rumors and speculations about his possible survival and hiding.

Has there been any recent updates on Saddam Hussein's whereabouts?

As of now, there have been no confirmed updates on Saddam Hussein's whereabouts. There have been several claims and sightings, but none have been verified.

Why is it difficult to determine Saddam Hussein's whereabouts?

There are several reasons why it is difficult to determine Saddam Hussein's whereabouts. He was a skilled dictator who had a network of loyal supporters and was known for his ability to hide and evade capture. In addition, the political and social instability in the region also makes it challenging to gather accurate information.

What are some theories about Saddam Hussein's whereabouts?

There are several theories about Saddam Hussein's whereabouts. Some believe he was killed during the US invasion in 2003, while others speculate that he is still alive and in hiding. Some theories suggest he may have fled to another country, while others claim he may have been killed by his own loyalists.

Why is it important to know Saddam Hussein's whereabouts?

Knowing Saddam Hussein's whereabouts is important for closure and justice for the victims of his regime. It also has political implications, as it could potentially reveal information about his connections and involvement in other events. Additionally, it could bring closure to the families of those who were affected by his actions.

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