Sampling to figure most common color in M&M packet

In summary, the conversation discusses the struggle of finding the most common color in a packet of M&Ms through a sampling approach. The speaker realizes the need to brush up on their probability and statistics knowledge and is seeking help in understanding the process and potential errors in their approach. They also mention the possibility of contacting the manufacturers for more information. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of using a significant sample size and a numerical random variable when conducting experiments and making conclusions.
  • #1

I am struggling with a problem and do not know how I should approach it.

I went to a baseball game with my son, where I bought him a packet of M&Ms. While eating the candy, my son asked me what color most of the M&Ms are. At first, I intended to tell him that there are equal numbers of M&Ms of every color, but then I decided to do an experiment. I asked him to randomly take out 10 M&Ms from the packet, without replacing them back. We had the following sample.

Br Br Br Br Y Y R O O G

Where, Br= Brown, Y=Yellow, R=Red, O=Orange, G= Green, B= Blue.
Altogether, there were six colors and about 150 M&Ms in that 150-gm packet.

Seeing this, I was not sure what answer to put forward. I asked him to draw one more sample. The second sample was as given below.

Now I was totally confused. I realized that I need to brush up on my Probability and Stats knowledge. Here are the questions I am struggling with.

1. How can I find the most common color using the sampling approach?
2. What was wrong with my approach to the problem?
3. What would I need to do if I wanted to find the two most common colors in a packet?
4. How can I calculate the standard deviation of a sample in this kind of experiment?


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  • #2
There are many statistical tests you can do to decide if a sample is at all an indication that one should throw away a hypothesis. Just google hypothesis testing, for example. If you want to decide what the most common colour is, for example, you just need to make lots of tests, then decide if your results are significant enough to discard the hypothesis that all colours are equally likely. So also google significance testing.

Or you could call the manufacturers and ask them.

About the only error I can see is that you attempted to make a judgement about something from a way too small sample. Though you should make it clear if you mean that you want to think about one particular packet, or just a packet in general. And if you want to work out a 'standard deviation' then you need a numerical random variable: the most common colour isn't something that even has a standard deviation. The number of purple M&Ms in a packet is a random variable that has a standard deviation.

FAQ: Sampling to figure most common color in M&M packet

1. What is sampling?

Sampling is a statistical method used to gather data from a larger population by selecting a subset of the population. In this case, we would be selecting a subset of M&M candies from a packet to determine the most common color.

2. How is sampling used to figure out the most common color in an M&M packet?

Sampling is used by randomly selecting a handful of M&M candies from a packet and recording the colors. This process is repeated multiple times to get a more accurate representation of the overall population of M&Ms in the packet. The color that appears the most frequently in the samples is considered the most common color in the packet.

3. How many samples should be taken to accurately determine the most common color?

The number of samples needed depends on the size of the M&M packet and the desired level of accuracy. Generally, the larger the packet, the more samples should be taken. A rule of thumb is to take at least 30 samples to get a reliable result.

4. Why is sampling used instead of counting all the M&Ms in the packet?

Sampling is used because it is a quicker and more efficient way to gather data from a larger population. Counting all the M&Ms in a packet would take a lot of time and effort, whereas sampling only requires a small subset of the population to be counted.

5. Can sampling be used to determine the most common color in other types of candy packets?

Yes, sampling can be used to determine the most common color in other types of candy packets or any other population of objects. It is a commonly used statistical method to gather data and make inferences about a larger population.
