Second Quantization: Exploring the Strange Results

In summary, if we have <N_i - 1|â_i|N_i> = N_i^0.5 but let â operate on our ket it should give:<N_i - 1||N_i - 1> = N_i^0.5 its adjoint however is the creation operator (right?) which gives if we let i work on our bra:<N_i|N_i > = <N_i - 1||N_i - 1> = N_i^0.5
  • #1
Didnt seem to be many threads about this subject although I don't find it trivial at all..

Lets start with a question:

If we now have <N_i - 1|â_i|N_i> = N_i^0.5 but let â operate on our ket it should give:
<N_i - 1||N_i - 1> = N_i^0.5 its adjoint however is the creation operator (right?) which gives if we let i work on our bra:

<N_i|N_i > = <N_i - 1||N_i - 1> = N_i^0.5

This seems strange! Because then the probabilitiy of finding N particles in state i is independent of N. Or where do I get i wrong?
Physics news on
  • #2
Hymne said:
Or where do I get i wrong?

Such calculations depend on the normalization conventions one
chooses for the multiparticle states. I.e., you've probably missed a
normalization factor somewhere. What definition are you using for
the N-particle states (in terms of the creation op acting on the vacuum)?
  • #3
Hmm, I´m reading Landau and Lifgarbagez and he hasnt got to the vaccumstate get but otherwise he defines:

â_i|N_i> = (N_i)^0.5|N_i - 1>


â_i*|N_i> = (N_i+1)^0.5|N_i + 1>.
  • #4
The goal of these definitions is (a) that no physically impossible states can be created (say, with N_i < 0) and (b) that the occupation number operators can be represented as
[tex]\hat n_i = \hat a_i^\dagger \hat a_i.[/tex]
This, however, depends on the concrete definition of the normalization factors in your many-body basis determinants corresponding to strings of occupation numbers. For bosonic states those N_i occupation numbers would occur in these basis state definitions and cancel the sqrt(N_is) from the creation/destruction operators. Note that the |N_i - 1> in your formulas is itself /not/ a normalized N-1 body state, but rather just the state you get from |N_i> by reducing one of the occupation numbers (N_i) by one and otherwise keeping the prefactors of |N_i> (i.e., forming a determinant from one orbital less).
  • #5
Hymne, this sort of stuff is more enjoyable to read in latex form.
I've latexified your quote below as an example so you can get
the idea how it's done... (hint, hint).

Hymne said:
a_i |N_i\rangle ~=~ \sqrt{N_i} ~ |N_i - 1 \rangle


a_i^* |N_i \rangle ~=~ \sqrt{N_i+1} ~ |N_i + 1\rangle ~.

OK,... but... then I don't see how you got the result you think you
did in the original post. (I.e., I'm still not sure exactly what point
you're missing.)

FAQ: Second Quantization: Exploring the Strange Results

1. What is second quantization?

Second quantization is a mathematical framework used to describe the behavior of many-particle systems in quantum mechanics. It is based on the principle of indistinguishability, which states that identical particles cannot be distinguished from each other. This framework is necessary for understanding the behavior of systems with large numbers of particles, such as atoms or molecules.

2. What are the strange results of second quantization?

The strange results of second quantization refer to the counterintuitive behavior of particles in quantum systems. This includes phenomena such as superposition, where particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously, and entanglement, where particles can become correlated even when separated by large distances.

3. How is second quantization different from first quantization?

In first quantization, the behavior of a single particle is described by a wave function. In contrast, second quantization deals with systems with multiple particles and describes their behavior using creation and annihilation operators. These operators act on the wave function to create or destroy particles and account for their indistinguishability.

4. What are the applications of second quantization?

Second quantization is widely used in many fields of physics, including quantum mechanics, condensed matter physics, and nuclear physics. It is essential for understanding phenomena such as superconductivity, superfluidity, and Bose-Einstein condensation. It also has applications in quantum computing and quantum information theory.

5. What are the limitations of second quantization?

Second quantization is limited to describing systems with identical particles, such as atoms or subatomic particles. It also assumes that these particles are non-interacting, which is not always the case in real-world systems. Additionally, it does not take into account relativistic effects and is therefore not suitable for describing high-energy phenomena.

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