Should I take Combinatorics with Analysis I or Algebra I?

In summary, the individual is deciding between taking Linear Algebra with Proofs, Analysis I, or Abstract Algebra I for the Fall Semester. They can only choose one course, and they are trying to determine if the introductory combinatorics course is more focused on analytic or algebraic aspects. They are considering the connection between the courses and combinatorics, but their academic adviser is unavailable for a few days. They are seeking advice from other faculty members and are encouraged to discuss their interests and goals in order to make the best decision.
  • #1
Hello! On this Fall Semester, I will be taking the Linear Algebra with Proofs (Friedberg), Analysis I (Rudin-PMA) or Abstract Algebra I (Dummit/Foote), and Combinatorics (Brualdi). Since I can take only one from Analysis I or AAI on Fall, I am trying to figure out if the introductory combinatorics lies more on the analytic or algebraic aspect. I see that the linear algebra is frequently used in both analysis and algebra, so I think I will make a decision on which course to take based on their connections to the combinatorics. Of course, I know that the best method is to discuss with my academic adviser but the problem is that he is currently away from the works and unavailable for few days, which I need to make a decision before then. Please help me!
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  • #2
I"m not a mathematician, but I do recommend you speak with other faculty members for advice - perhaps a former math professor you have had, and/or perhaps even the combinatorics professor. Also, make sure that you tell her what your interests and goals are: without such information they may not know what makes the most sense for you. Likewise for advice from folks here - more info will help.


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