Showing that a_n > 0 given its decreasing and lim a_n=0

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  • Thread starter Mr Davis 97
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In summary, if ##\lim_{n\to\infty}a_n = 0## and ##a_{n+1}\le a_n## for all ##n##, then it must be the case that ##a_n \ge 0## for all ##n##. This can be proven by assuming the opposite and using the definition of a limit to show that it leads to a contradiction.
  • #1
Mr Davis 97
I'm reading a proof, and it says that since ##\lim_{n\to\infty}a_n = 0## and ##a_{n+1}\le a_n## for all ##n##, it must be the case that ##a_n \ge 0##.

This seems very obvious, since if ##a_n < 0## for some ##n## then it would decreasing from then on, so there wouldn't be infinitely many elements contained in every ##\epsilon##-neighborhood around ##0##. But is this sufficient for proof? What would a write up of a "proof" of this simple statement look like?
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  • #2
Assume the opposite. Then there's some ##a_n<0##. Then show that every subsequent member of the series is at least distance ##|a_n|## from 0. So 0 can't be the limit.
  • #3

Yes, your intuition is correct. To prove this statement rigorously, we can use the definition of a limit. Since ##\lim_{n\to\infty}a_n = 0##, for any ##\epsilon > 0##, there exists a positive integer ##N## such that for all ##n \ge N##, we have ##|a_n - 0| < \epsilon##. In other words, ##a_n## is within ##\epsilon## distance from ##0## for all large enough values of ##n##.

Now, let's assume that ##a_n < 0## for some ##n##. This means that ##a_n## is negative, and since ##a_{n+1}\le a_n##, this implies that ##a_{n+1}## is also negative. Continuing this pattern, we can see that all the terms ##a_{n+1}, a_{n+2}, a_{n+3},...## will also be negative. But this contradicts our assumption that ##\lim_{n\to\infty}a_n = 0##, because there would be infinitely many negative terms in the sequence, and thus the sequence would not be within ##\epsilon## distance from ##0## for all large enough values of ##n##.

Therefore, our assumption that ##a_n < 0## for some ##n## must be false, and hence it must be the case that ##a_n \ge 0## for all ##n##. This completes the proof.

FAQ: Showing that a_n > 0 given its decreasing and lim a_n=0

1. How can you prove that a sequence is decreasing?

To prove that a sequence is decreasing, you must show that each term in the sequence is smaller than the previous term. This can be done by using mathematical induction or by showing that the sequence's derivative is always negative.

2. What does it mean for a sequence to have a limit of 0?

If a sequence has a limit of 0, it means that as the sequence continues, the values get closer and closer to 0. This does not mean that the sequence will ever reach 0, but that it approaches it as closely as possible.

3. How does the fact that a sequence is decreasing help to prove that it is greater than 0?

Since the sequence is decreasing, each term is smaller than the previous one. This means that as the sequence approaches 0, it must always be greater than 0 because it can never become negative.

4. Can a sequence be decreasing and have a limit other than 0?

Yes, a sequence can be decreasing and have a limit other than 0. For example, a sequence could be decreasing but approach a limit of -1. However, in order to prove that a sequence is greater than 0, the limit must be 0.

5. Are there any other conditions that must be met to prove that a sequence is greater than 0?

Yes, in addition to being decreasing and having a limit of 0, the terms in the sequence must also be positive. This can be proven by showing that the sequence's terms are always greater than 0, or by using the fact that the sequence is decreasing to prove that the terms must be positive.

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