Understanding Wedge Products in General Relativity

In summary, the wedge product of two one-forms (dual vectors) is defined as (1/2)(AμBν - AνBμ) for n indices, and the components of d\theta \wedge d\phi are given by a two-form that maps pairs of vectors to a determinant of their actions on the basis dual vectors.
  • #1
I am studying general relativity from Sean Carroll's text and I have a simple question about the wedge product. According to the text, the wedge product of two one-forms (dual vectors) is

[tex](A \wedge B)_{\mu\nu} = 2A_{[\mu}B_{\nu]} = A_\mu B_\nu - A_\nu B_\mu[/tex]

I understand the why the first two expressions are equal given the definition of the wedge product. I also understand that the square brackets in the third second expression denotes antisymmetry and that the two indices can be exchanged at the cost of a minus sign. However, the third expression seems to imply that the antisymmetry of the two indices (perhaps because they belong to two different quantities) really means the expansion given in the third expression. Can anyone clear up what I'm sure is a simple misunderstanding of notation?

Followup question: what is the meaning of, for example in Minkowski spacetime with spherical spatial coordinates, [tex]d\theta \wedge d\phi[/tex]? I know that each of these is a (basis) one-form but I'm not sure how exactly to apply the wedge product to them.
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  • #2
ABν] is defined as (1/2)(AμBν - AνBμ)

For n indices, A[abc...d] = (1/n!)(Aabc...d + ... ).

This is just a matter of convention. If we define antisymmterization without the 1/n! factor, then we also change the definition of the wedge product to make it all work out the same.
  • #3
Yes, I see that now. Thanks dx! Anyone have any insight as to the meaning of [tex]d\theta \wedge d\phi[/tex]? I guess my confusion is what are the "components" of these basis dual vectors to which to apply the definition of the wedge product?
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  • #4
In what basis? The components of dφ in the (dθ, dφ) basis are (0, 1).
  • #5
[itex]d\theta \wedge d\phi[/itex] is a two-form, which means it is a map [itex]T_xM \times T_xM \rightarrow {\mathbb R}[/itex], whose action on a pair of vectors u, v is like follows:

[tex](d\theta \wedge d\phi)(u, v) = \det \left| \begin{array}{cc} d\theta(u) & d\phi(u) \\ d\theta(v) & d\phi(v) \end{array} \right| = d\theta(u) \; d\phi(v) - d\theta(v) \; d\phi(u)[/tex]

That is the meaning of a wedge product.
  • #6
Yes, I think I see now. The components, in matrix form, of the resulting two-form would then be

(d\theta \wedge d\phi)_{\mu\nu} = \left[\begin{array}{cccc}
0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\
0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\
0 & 0 & 0 & 1\\
0 & 0 & -1 & 0

in the [tex]dx^\mu \otimes dx^\nu[/tex] basis in Minkowski spacetime with spherical spatial coordinates.

FAQ: Understanding Wedge Products in General Relativity

What is a simple wedge product?

A simple wedge product, also known as a wedge or exterior product, is a mathematical operation that combines two vectors to produce a new vector. It is denoted by the symbol ∧ and is commonly used in linear algebra and multivariable calculus.

What are the properties of a simple wedge product?

Some of the properties of a simple wedge product include anti-commutativity, bilinearity, and associativity. This means that changing the order of the vectors being wedged gives a negative result, the operation distributes over addition, and it is possible to perform multiple wedge operations in a row without changing the final result.

How is a simple wedge product different from a dot product?

A dot product, also known as an inner product, is a different mathematical operation that also combines two vectors to produce a scalar. Unlike a simple wedge product, a dot product is commutative and produces a scalar rather than a vector. In addition, the geometric interpretation and applications of the two operations are different.

What are some real-life applications of a simple wedge product?

Simple wedge products have many applications in physics, engineering, and computer science. They are used to calculate areas and volumes in three-dimensional space, determine the orientation of objects, and solve problems involving torque and angular momentum. In addition, they are used in computer graphics to perform 3D transformations and in coding theory to detect and correct errors in data transmission.

Are there any limitations to using a simple wedge product?

One limitation of using a simple wedge product is that it is only defined for two vectors in three-dimensional space. It cannot be extended to higher dimensions or to a different number of vectors. In addition, it is not always possible to perform a simple wedge product if the vectors are not in the same plane or if they are parallel or anti-parallel.
