Small oscillations on a constraint curve

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of finding the equation of motion for small oscillations of a mass particle in a constant vertical gravitational field along a curved path defined by y=ax^4. The attempt at a solution involved taking the constraint into account and using the Lagrangian, but the resulting equation did not show any oscillation. It was concluded that the motion is not harmonic and the equation of motion is simply the derivative of the potential.
  • #1

Homework Statement

From Goldstein Classical Mechanics, 6.16:

A mass particle moves in a constant vertical gravitational field along the curve defined by y=ax4 , where y is the vertical direction. Find the equation of motion for small oscillations about the position of equilibrium.

The Attempt at a Solution

When taking a quadratic approximation as in the standard way to solve small oscillations, the eigenfrequency vanishes, giving a result without oscillation, which is clearly not what I'm looking for. I'm honestly not sure how to proceed with this.
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  • #2
Hi tmode, welcome to PF. Show what you tried in detail, please. How did you take the constraint into account?

  • #3
Hello, thank you.

I took the constraint into account by substituting [itex]y=ax^4[/itex] and [itex]\dot{y}=4ax^3[/itex] into the Lagrangian: [tex]L = T-V = \frac{1}{2}m(\dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2) - mgy[/tex]
To yield, without any small oscillation approximation: [tex]L = \frac{1}{2}m\dot{x}^2 (1+16 a^2 x^6) -mgax^4[/tex]
However, when you try to Taylor expand the [itex]m(1+16a^2 x^6)[/itex] and [itex]mgax^4[/itex] about the equilibrium point x=0 (ie. small x), at quadratic order you get back m in the former and 0 in the latter, resulting in ω=0 for this treatment as a small oscillation approximation, and therefore no oscillation. For the potential, the first non-zero Taylor expansion approximation is the original value [itex]mgax^4[/itex], which would be very small in any case, on the order of x^4.

Taking the Euler-Lagrange equation to get equation of motion, we end up with [tex]0=m\ddot{x}(1+16a^2 x^6) + 48m\dot{x}^2 a^2 x^5 + 4mga x^3[/tex]
I don't think this is all the question wants answered, since it's not taking any sort of small oscillation approximation, nor does it give an explicit equation of motion.
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  • #4
The equation you derived is correct. I do not see anything you can do more. Even ignoring the terms with x^5 and x^6 it is not an equation for SHM.

  • #5
The motion is not harmonic, why do you expect to find a equation for harmonic motion?

In first non-vanishing order, we get ##\ddot{x} = -4gax^3##, which is just the derivative of the potential => okay.
  • #6
Alright, thanks both of you. In the context of the level of difficulty of the rest of the problems from that chapter, it seemed far too simple leaving it there, seeming like an incomplete solution. Thanks again.

FAQ: Small oscillations on a constraint curve

1. What are small oscillations on a constraint curve?

Small oscillations on a constraint curve refer to the motion of a system that is confined to move along a specific path or curve. These oscillations occur when the system is displaced from its equilibrium position and then released, causing it to oscillate back and forth around the equilibrium point.

2. What is the significance of small oscillations on a constraint curve?

Small oscillations on a constraint curve are important in understanding the behavior of physical systems, such as pendulums, springs, and electrical circuits. They can help us analyze the stability, frequency, and amplitude of the oscillations and make predictions about the system's future behavior.

3. How are small oscillations on a constraint curve different from large oscillations?

The main difference between small and large oscillations on a constraint curve is the amplitude of the oscillations. Small oscillations have a small amplitude and occur around the equilibrium point, while large oscillations have a larger amplitude and can extend beyond the equilibrium point. Small oscillations also follow a linear path, while large oscillations may involve nonlinear behavior.

4. What factors affect the frequency of small oscillations on a constraint curve?

The frequency of small oscillations on a constraint curve is affected by several factors, including the mass and stiffness of the system, the length of the constraint curve, and the initial displacement of the system from its equilibrium position. These factors can change the period, or time it takes for one complete oscillation, of the system.

5. How can we calculate the frequency of small oscillations on a constraint curve?

The frequency of small oscillations on a constraint curve can be calculated using the equation f = 1/T, where f is the frequency and T is the period of the oscillations. The period can be found by solving the differential equation that describes the motion of the system and determining the natural frequency of the system. Alternatively, the frequency can also be calculated using the formula f = √(k/m), where k is the spring constant and m is the mass of the system.

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