Solving Second order non-Homogeneous PDE

In summary, the author is using the Hankel transformation to solve for the PDE, and the BCs are implied by the type of problem.
  • #1
Hi Everyone,

I was reading a paper and I found it hard to comprehend how some of the equations were arrived at, probably because my math rottenness. Anyway I need your help on understanding how these equations were arrived at. The problem goes like this:

We have this PDE in cylindrical co-ordinate:

[itex]\frac{\partial^{2} }{\partial t^{2}} P [/itex] - [itex]c_{0}^{2} \Delta P [/itex] = [itex] \frac{\partial}{\partial t}[/itex] q([itex]\underline{r}[/itex],t)

and q([itex]\underline{r}[/itex],t) = δ(t) Q([itex]\underline{r}[/itex])

Here is a quote from the paper:
In axially symmetric case P([itex]\underline{r}[/itex],t) = P(r,z,t), the radial co-ordinate is expressed through a superposition of Bessel function [itex] J_{0} (λ r)[/itex] with continuous (P(r,z,t) = [itex]∫^{∞}_{0} P_{λ}(z,t) J_{0} (λ r) λ dλ[/itex]) or discrete series of λ values.

In both cases for spectrum amplitude [itex] P_{λ}(z,t) [/itex] one get equation:

[itex]\frac{\partial^{2} }{\partial t^{2}} P_{λ} [/itex] - [itex]c_{0}^{2} (\frac{\partial^{2} P_{λ}}{\partial z^{2}} - λ^{2} P_{λ} )[/itex] = 0

Basically my question is, how does the author arrived at equation P(r,z,t) = [itex]∫^{∞}_{0} P_{λ}(z,t) J_{0} (λ r) λ dλ[/itex] and [itex]\frac{\partial^{2} }{\partial t^{2}} P_{λ} [/itex] - [itex]c_{0}^{2} (\frac{\partial^{2} P_{λ}}{\partial z^{2}} - λ^{2} P_{λ} )[/itex] = 0

And secondly, it is possible to solve the above PDE without using any boundary conditions because I didn't see any BC or IC used in arriving at the two equations (that is, P(r,z,t) = [itex]∫^{∞}_{0} P_{λ}(z,t) J_{0} (λ r) λ dλ[/itex] and [itex]\frac{\partial^{2} }{\partial t^{2}} P_{λ} [/itex] - [itex]c_{0}^{2} (\frac{\partial^{2} P_{λ}}{\partial z^{2}} - λ^{2} P_{λ} )[/itex] = 0)?

Looking forward for your assistance and thank you in advance.
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  • #2
Look up "Bessel function" ... he gets there because he recognized the type of DE and looked it up. This happens a lot. All the lambdas is because of the substitution he needed to make the Bessel function solution work.

Notice that it's a definite integral and [itex]P_\lambda[/itex] will need boundary conditions which will be provided by the particular system.

I don't know what that big delta is doing there though. Is it supposed to be [itex]\nabla[/itex] ... or maybe the Laplace operator [itex]\nabla^2[/itex]?
If you expand the operator you should see the starting point.

Aside: In physics papers the BCs can often be implied by the type of problem - remember they are written for other professional academics working in, and familiar with, the field.
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  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
Look up "Bessel function" ... he gets there because he recognized the type of DE and looked it up. This happens a lot. All the lambdas is because of the substitution he needed to make the Bessel function solution work.

Notice that it's a definite integral and [itex]P_\lambda[/itex] will need boundary conditions which will be provided by the particular system.

I don't know what that big delta is doing there though. Is it supposed to be [itex]\nabla[/itex] ... or maybe the Laplace operator [itex]\nabla^2[/itex]?
If you expand the operator you should see the starting point.

Aside: In physics papers the BCs can often be implied by the type of problem - remember they are written for other professional academics working in, and familiar with, the field.
Thank you very your reply. I've been going through my old mathematical physics text, from what I've read so far it seem the author is using Hankel transformation but I'm not totally sure though, but it worth giving it a shot!

To answer your question. Yes, the operator in the pde is a Laplace operator.

On the BCs of the problem, is it possible to deduce the BCs' without been a professional in the field? And if the answer is yes, can you tell me how, I can have a feeling of what the BCs' and ic's are?
  • #4
To answer your question. Yes, the operator in the pde is a Laplace operator.
Yes that makes sense - it's just that, around here, it's sometimes an error: someone sees a nabla and they think it's supposed to be a delta...

If you expand out the laplassian in cylindrical coords, simply for no angular dependence, you'll find you can make it look like the Bessel equation.

On the BCs of the problem, is it possible to deduce the BCs' without been a professional in the field?
Yes you can, one of the beauties of science is that you shouldn't need to be an "insider" to be able to understand it. You need to look at the specific physics being investigated and ask yourself what the limits are on that system.

One of the things that can help is to work with someone who can be in the room with you. There is a limit to what I will do - I can help you steer but you have to do the actual driving. Fun... isn't it ;)
  • #5
Simon Bridge said:
There is a limit to what I will do - I can help you steer but you have to do the actual driving. Fun... isn't it ;)

Thanks! I will definitely love to drive with your help :)
Let me give it a shot and I will let you know how it goes. Once again, thank you!

FAQ: Solving Second order non-Homogeneous PDE

1. What is a second order non-homogeneous PDE?

A second order non-homogeneous partial differential equation (PDE) is a mathematical equation that involves partial derivatives of a function with respect to two or more independent variables, and also includes a non-zero function on the right-hand side. This non-zero function is known as the non-homogeneous term.

2. How do you solve a second order non-homogeneous PDE?

To solve a second order non-homogeneous PDE, you can use the method of variation of parameters. This involves finding a particular solution to the non-homogeneous equation by substituting a trial solution into the equation, and then finding the general solution by adding it to the complementary solution of the corresponding homogeneous equation.

3. What is the difference between a homogeneous and non-homogeneous PDE?

A homogeneous PDE has a right-hand side that is equal to zero, meaning it does not include any non-zero functions. On the other hand, a non-homogeneous PDE has a non-zero function on the right-hand side, making it a more complex equation to solve.

4. What are some real-world applications of second order non-homogeneous PDEs?

Second order non-homogeneous PDEs are commonly used in physics and engineering to model physical systems, such as heat transfer, wave propagation, and fluid dynamics. They can also be used to solve problems in other areas such as finance, biology, and chemistry.

5. Are there any limitations or challenges when solving second order non-homogeneous PDEs?

One challenge when solving second order non-homogeneous PDEs is finding a particular solution to the non-homogeneous equation, as it requires a good understanding of the underlying physics and knowledge of various mathematical techniques. Additionally, some PDEs may not have analytical solutions, and numerical methods may need to be used instead.

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