Some basic problems with energy band

In summary, Ashcroft's footnote discusses the limitations of conventional degenerate perturbation theory and the need for a more subtle approach that is valid for all k in the first Brillouin zone. In the previous section, he assumes inversion symmetry to avoid complicating the notation, but invites readers to explore the argument without this assumption. The main difference is just in notation, but the problem can still be understood quantum mechanically. However, truly understanding this theory requires practical application rather than just reading about it.
  • #1
I am learning Ashcroft's Solid State Physics. In the Electrons in a Weak Periodic Potential, I got some problems.

1. Ashcroft mentioned in the footnote: The reader familiar with stationary perturbation theory may think that if there is no exact degeneracy, we can always make all level differences large compared with U by considering sufficiently small U. That is indeed true for any given k. However, once we are given a definite U, no matter how small, we want a procedure valid for all k in the first Brillouin zone. We shall see that no matter how small U is we can always find some values of k for which the unperturbed levels are closer together than U. Therefore what we are doing is more subtle than conventional degenerate perturbation theory.

I don't quite understand this footnote. I thought that what we are doing is just degenerate and non-degenerate stationary perturbation theory.

2. In the previous section, when Ashcroft was deducing Bloch's theorem, he assumed that the crystal has inversion symmetry: U(r)=U(-r). However, he mentioned in the footnote: The reader is invited to pursue the argument of this section without the assumption of inversion symmetry, which is made solely to avoid inessential complications in the notation.

How far we can go without the assumption of inversion symmetry and why? Can we see this problem quantum mechanically?

Thank you for your help!
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  • #2
I don't think you'll find the answers very satisfactory:

1. Your puzzlement suggests you are not familiar with stationary perturbation theory.
Probably an example of over-explaining. To understand the note, you need to become familiar.

2. As suggested by the author - you should pursue the argument. Then you will have answered your own question.
The main difference is, as the author suggests, more complicated notation so it is annoying to write and harder to see the physics. To understand this properly, you should do it yourself.

How far can you go? All the way.
Note: you are seeing the problem quantum mechanically.

Sadly, you cannot learn this theory just from reading a book - you have to do it.
It is easy to convince ourselves that we have understood a theory right up until we try to apply it or, better, explain it to someone else.

I'd like to see you attempt this stuff yourself before providing suggestions.

FAQ: Some basic problems with energy band

What is the concept of energy band in physics?

The concept of energy band refers to the range of allowed energy levels for electrons in a solid material. These energy levels are formed due to the interaction between the electrons and the atoms in the material.

What are the types of energy bands in a material?

There are two main types of energy bands in materials: valence band and conduction band. The valence band contains the electrons that are tightly bound to the atoms and are not free to move, while the conduction band contains the electrons that are free to move and conduct electricity.

What causes the formation of energy bands in materials?

The formation of energy bands in materials is caused by the overlapping of atomic orbitals. When atoms are brought close together, their orbitals overlap and form a continuous band of allowed energy levels.

How do energy bands affect the electrical conductivity of materials?

The energy band structure of a material plays a crucial role in determining its electrical conductivity. Materials with a larger energy gap between the valence and conduction bands are insulators, while materials with a smaller energy gap or partially filled bands are conductors.

What are some of the basic problems with energy band theory?

One of the main problems with energy band theory is that it is a simplification of the complex quantum mechanical nature of electrons in materials. It also does not take into account the effects of defects, impurities, and external factors on the band structure. Additionally, it cannot fully explain the behavior of materials at extreme temperatures or under high pressures.

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