Understanding Space and Time Warping with Velocity: A Quantum Perspective

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of space and time warping with velocity. The speaker presents an analogy of how electrons in atoms can cause this warping and questions the validity of this analogy. They also mention the role of mass in warping space and time and ask for feedback on their understanding. The listener advises them to first study quantum mechanics before applying this analogy.
  • #1
I’m trying to think of an easier way to describe how space and time will warp with velocity. This is only an analogy and since I’m not a physicist or mathematician I don’t have the ability to compare the resulting equations to Einstein’s theory. I am not trying to disprove or refute anyone’s theories; I’m simply trying to understand how the warping occurs.

Space and time as we perceive it is defined by the atom. If you can get electrons in atoms to orbit closer to their nucleus, then space will be warped. And if you can get electrons to orbit at a slower rate, then time will be warped. Now if you were to plot the orbit of an electron as the atom travels through space it would look like a spiral or better yet a spring. As the atom increases in velocity you can imagine the spring getting stretched out. Two things happen as you stretch a spring. First the diameter gets smaller; therefore objects become smaller. Secondly the spring begins to unwind; therefore less time will pass.

Is this a totally crackpot analogy or is there some validity to it? And granted, this doesn’t cover why mass also warps space and time. Let me know what you think.
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  • #2
If you can get electrons in atoms to orbit closer to their nucleus, then space will be warped. And if you can get electrons to orbit at a slower rate, then time will be warped.

How do you know that?Can you find a simple evidence for your theory?
  • #3
If its any help, I didnt get it, but that's me.

The spring and spacetime apparently have no analogy among them. The diameter of a spring gets smaller when you stretch it?
  • #4
Donski said:
Is this a totally crackpot analogy or is there some validity to it? And granted, this doesn’t cover why mass also warps space and time. Let me know what you think.

My vote? Total crackpot analogy.
  • #5
Electrons do not "orbit" the nucleus of an atom like the planets orbit the sun. They are very strange particles that exhibit not only particle-like characteristics, but wave-like characteristics, so I don't think your analagy is valid in that aspect. If you were to change your analagy from an atom to maybe a star orbited by a planet, the analgy would make more sense.

Using a planet, it seems to me that if the planet moved faster, there would be more cycles per time creating more rings in the spring per length of time, causing the spring to appear to compress not stretch.

Let me know if this makes sense to you, or if you feel this is wrong and why.

A good analagy I saw was in Einstein's light clock mind experiment. This clock is made up of two mirrors and a photon. Each second, the photon reflects off the mirror, moving back to the other mirror, repeating this cycle to make a clock.

When the clock is stationary relative to you, it appears to "tick" once per second, its path straight up and down. If it moves relative to you, the path of the photon would no longer appear to be straight up and down, but at an angle:
At rest, the path:

In motion, the path
(The dashes are merely place holders and have no meaning.)
Becasue the photon now has to "travel more distance" from bottom to top and back again(remember this is all relative to you as the observer), the photon appears to require "more time" to tick the two seconds.

If you can, i suggest you watch The Mechanical Universe... and Beyond Disk 10 Part 42: The Lorentz Transformation. It is old and low quality effects, but it gets the point across and will give you a better understanding of this. It shows what I just tried to explain.
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  • #6
Donski said:
I’m trying to think of an easier way to describe how space and time will warp with velocity. This is only an analogy and since I’m not a physicist or mathematician I don’t have the ability to compare the resulting equations to Einstein’s theory. I am not trying to disprove or refute anyone’s theories; I’m simply trying to understand how the warping occurs.

Space and time as we perceive it is defined by the atom. If you can get electrons in atoms to orbit closer to their nucleus, then space will be warped. And if you can get electrons to orbit at a slower rate, then time will be warped. Now if you were to plot the orbit of an electron as the atom travels through space it would look like a spiral or better yet a spring. As the atom increases in velocity you can imagine the spring getting stretched out. Two things happen as you stretch a spring. First the diameter gets smaller; therefore objects become smaller. Secondly the spring begins to unwind; therefore less time will pass.

Is this a totally crackpot analogy or is there some validity to it? And granted, this doesn’t cover why mass also warps space and time. Let me know what you think.

Before you even start to "apply" your knowledge of electrons in atoms to think about the warping of space and time, it is strongly suggested that you first study a bit of quantum mechanics and see how an atomic orbital is described.


Related to Understanding Space and Time Warping with Velocity: A Quantum Perspective

1. What is space/time warp with velocity?

Space/time warp with velocity refers to the concept in physics that suggests that as an object's velocity increases, its perception of time and space changes. This means that as an object moves faster, time may appear to slow down and distances may appear to shrink.

2. How is space/time warp with velocity related to Einstein's theory of relativity?

Einstein's theory of relativity includes the idea of space/time dilation, which is closely related to space/time warp with velocity. According to this theory, the faster an object moves, the more it warps space and time, making it appear different to an observer.

3. Can space/time warp with velocity be observed in everyday life?

Yes, space/time warp with velocity can be observed in everyday life. For example, the Global Positioning System (GPS) uses satellites that move at high velocities, and their perception of time is slightly different than that on Earth. This difference is taken into account to ensure accurate GPS readings.

4. How does space/time warp with velocity impact space travel?

Space/time warp with velocity has a significant impact on space travel. As objects approach the speed of light, the effects of space/time dilation become more pronounced, which can impact the timing and coordination of space missions. It also means that the distance traveled may be different than what is perceived by the travelers.

5. Is space/time warp with velocity the same as wormholes?

No, space/time warp with velocity and wormholes are different concepts. While space/time warp with velocity involves changes in the perception of time and space due to high velocities, wormholes are hypothetical tunnels that could potentially connect distant points in space-time, allowing for faster-than-light travel.

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