Special sequences in a product metric space

In summary, the conversation is discussing a problem involving a complete metric space (X,d) and its product with the reals (R\times X, D). The question is under what conditions does d(f(t_n,x),f(t_n,x_n))\to 0 hold as n\to\infty, given that x_n\subset X and t_n\subset R. The group condition f(t+s,x)=f(t,f(s,x)) is suggested as a potential solution, but it is proven to be a counterexample. It is then suggested that uniform continuity may provide a solution, but it is unclear if additional conditions, such as demanding f(t_n,x_n)\to x as n\to\infty,
  • #1
Hi there,

I came across the following problem and I hope somebody can help me: I have some complete metric space [itex](X,d)[/itex] (non-compact) and its product with the reals [itex](R\times X, D)[/itex] with the metric [itex]D[/itex] just being [tex]D((t,x),(s,y))=|s-t|+d(x,y)[/tex] for [itex]x,y\in X; s,t\in R[/itex]. Then I have some sequences [itex]x_n\subset X[/itex], which converges to [itex]x[/itex] and [itex]t_n\subset R[/itex], which goes to infinity. These two give rise to sequences [itex](t_n,x)[/itex] and [itex](t_n,x_n)[/itex] in [itex]R\times X[/itex] which do not converge either, but nevertheless [tex]D((t_n,x),(t_n,x_n))\to 0[/tex] holds as [itex]n\to\infty[/itex]. Moreover I have now some continuous map [itex]f\colon R\times X\to X[/itex] and my problem is under what conditions does [tex]d(f(t_n,x),f(t_n,x_n))\to 0[/tex] hold as [itex]n\to\infty[/itex]?

I know that it does not hold in general as there are simple counterexamples and it does hold if [itex]f[/itex] is (globally) Lipschitz. But for my setting globally Lipschitz is quite restrictive, so I am looking for milder assumptions. Specifically I would be interested if it does hold when [itex]f[/itex] fulfills the following type of 'group condition': [tex]f(t+s,x)=f(t,f(s,x))[/tex] for all [itex]s,t\in R; x\in X[/itex]. I can not find a counterexample and cannot prove it either.

I know it's a quite specific problem, but I would be glad if somebody had an idea on that or could provide me with a source that helps because I am really stuck here with this.


PS: I think that [itex]X[/itex] is even a manifold and [itex]f[/itex] is smooth, but I don't think that makes much of a difference...
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  • #2
I think it might be difficult to formulate something so generally. Let X be the real numbers, and then we have a function from the plane to the line. Make it even simpler: let f(t,x)=t*h(x). When is infinity times zero zero?

It's an interesting question, and it's clear that one can do better than Lipschitz under certain conditions. But your group property doesn't do it: f(t,x)=xe^t is a counterexample.
  • #3
But your group property doesn't do it: f(t,x)=xe^t is a counterexample.

I see. I now thought that in general uniform continuity could do it.

But in the case of my group property: Maybe it would be enough if I additionally demanded that [itex]f(t_n,x_n)\to x[/itex] as [itex]n\to\infty[/itex]?

FAQ: Special sequences in a product metric space

1. What is a product metric space?

A product metric space is a mathematical concept used to describe the metric properties of a product space, which is a set of ordered pairs of elements from two or more metric spaces. In simpler terms, it is a way of measuring distances and relationships between points in a multi-dimensional space.

2. What are special sequences in a product metric space?

Special sequences in a product metric space are sequences of elements that have special properties, such as convergence or Cauchy completeness. These sequences play an important role in understanding the behavior and properties of the product metric space.

3. How are special sequences defined in a product metric space?

Special sequences in a product metric space are typically defined in terms of the metric properties of the individual spaces that make up the product space. For example, a sequence may be defined as convergent if it converges in each of the individual spaces.

4. Why are special sequences important in a product metric space?

Special sequences are important in a product metric space because they help us understand the behavior and properties of the space as a whole. They can also be used to prove theorems and make predictions about the behavior of the space.

5. How are special sequences used in practical applications?

Special sequences in a product metric space have numerous practical applications, particularly in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. For example, they can be used to analyze the behavior of systems with multiple dimensions, or to develop algorithms for optimization problems.
