What Are the SPIDERS Doing on the Forum?!

  • Thread starter lawtonfogle
  • Start date
In summary, the spiders are just feed that give the gerbals energy on the wheel that powers the server here. The spiders are just feed that give the gerbals energy on the wheel that powers the server here. The spiders are just feed that give the gerbals energy on the wheel that powers the server here. I still find it unsettling! I can't get any sleep with all that noise they make slurping all night long! I read somewhere that the US national limit is 2 grasshoppers per jar of peanut butter.
  • #1
SPIDERS ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

it says at the bottom of the home page when you log in that there is x members, x nonmembers, and x SPIDERS AAAAAHHHHHHHH!1

i do not like spiders, and how can they be in the forums

OK seriously, whar do the spiders do.
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  • #3
The spiders are just feed that give the gerbals energy on the wheel that powers the server here.
  • #4
ive read a memo from Greg that said something along the lines of "bring your own spiders"
  • #5
DO YOU MEAN I HAVE SPIDERS ON ME?? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
GET THEM OFF, GET THEM OFF :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • #6
lawtonfogle said:
DO YOU MEAN I HAVE SPIDERS ON ME?? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
GET THEM OFF, GET THEM OFF :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Have you noticed that most of them SLURP as well?
That was unsettling to me the first time I became aware of them..
  • #7
arildno said:
Have you noticed that most of them SLURP as well?
That was unsettling to me the first time I became aware of them..

I still find it unsettling! I can't get any sleep with all that noise they make slurping all night long! :bugeye:
  • #8
Moonbear said:
I still find it unsettling! I can't get any sleep with all that noise they make slurping all night long! :bugeye:
:rolleyes: Yeah, that's right... it's spiders... :rolleyes:
  • #9
I say that we stomp on the spiders.

  • #10

Sleep because they are slupping. Ha! You are the one slurping, that is on the spiders. You eat 14 spiders a year while you sleep :zzz: .

*cringes* :frown:
*reminds himself to buy mouth covering*
*thinks about why he needs mouth covering* :frown:
*starts to shake*
*passes ou

  • #11
lawtonfogle said:
Sleep because they are slupping. Ha! You are the one slurping, that is on the spiders. You eat 14 spiders a year while you sleep :zzz: .

Have you ever wondered how anyone came up with that number? Was someone videotaping a year's worth of people sleeping? Or did they just know someone who swallowed a spider once while sleeping and decided to extrapolate that data to the remaining months of the year? I think it's more likely you eat 14 spiders a year in your canned produce or other processed foods. Of course you may not be eating them one whole spider at a time, more like a leg here and an eye there.
  • #12
lawtonfogle said:
You eat 14 spiders a year while you sleep :zzz: .
Make sure Evo sees this; maybe it'll scare her into not <snorting> in her sleep any more. :biggrin:
I know that I don't eat any. Even if I'm asleep, my 'spidey' sense works overtime. If there's a spider anywhere near me, I know it and react with blind panic.
  • #13
I read somewhere that the US national limit is 2 grasshoppers per jar of peanut butter.
  • #14
BicycleTree said:
I read somewhere that the US national limit is 2 grasshoppers per jar of peanut butter.

MMMMmmmm, even more for the chunky style, my favorite.
  • #15
DocToxyn said:
MMMMmmmm, even more for the chunky style, my favorite.

Well, thanks. Chunky style was my favorite, until now.
  • #16
Moonbear said:
Well, thanks. Chunky style was my favorite, until now.

Serves you right for eating that crap.

FAQ: What Are the SPIDERS Doing on the Forum?!

1. What are spiders?

Spiders are a type of arachnid, meaning they have eight legs and a body divided into two segments.

2. Are all spiders venomous?

No, not all spiders are venomous. Only a very small percentage of spiders have venom that is harmful to humans.

3. How do spiders make webs?

Spiders use a special organ called a spinneret to produce silk, which they use to spin intricate webs to catch prey.

4. Are spiders beneficial to the environment?

Yes, spiders play a crucial role in controlling insect populations and maintaining balance in ecosystems.

5. How can I identify a poisonous spider?

There are various ways to identify a poisonous spider, such as looking for specific markings or consulting a field guide. It is always best to err on the side of caution and avoid handling any spider that you are unsure about.

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