Square of the exterior derivative

In summary, the definition of the exterior algebra is that it is the set of all functions from a Euclidean space to itself that are linear and have a zero squareder. It can be derived from more fundamental mathematical statements, but one must first assume that d##^{2}=0##.
  • #1
Is ##\text{d}^{2}=\text{d}\wedge\text{d}## a definition of the exterior algebra, or can it be derived from more fundamental mathematical statements?
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  • #2
I'm sorry if I'm mistaken as it has been a while since I've done differential geometry, but isn't ##\text{d}^2=0## one of the defining properties of the exterior derivative?
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  • #3
What about the the Hodge star squared?

I know that ##**=-1##, but is this a definition, or can it be proved in two to three lines?
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  • #4
failexam said:
I know that ##**=-1##, but is this a definition, or can it be proved in two to three lines?
That is neither a definition nor is it is true in general. For ##n##-dimensional space and for a ##p##-form, ##** = -(-1)^{p(n-p)}## in Minkowski space and ##** = (-1)^{p(n-p)}## in Euclidean space.
  • #5
Matterwave said:
I'm sorry if I'm mistaken as it has been a while since I've done differential geometry, but isn't ##\text{d}^2=0## one of the defining properties of the exterior derivative?

Yes although one can derive this from the assumption that d##^{2}=0## on functions.

The condition d##^{2}=0## makes the differential forms on a manifold into what is called a "Chain Complex". Chain complexes occur all over in mathematics. The definition is that d is linear and its square is zero.

BTW: Differential forms and exterior derivatives do not require the idea of a metric so they are not specifically restricted to Differential Geometry but rather to Calculus on Manifolds.
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  • #6
lavinia said:
BTW: Differential forms and exterior derivatives do not require the idea of a metric so they are not specifically restricted to Differential Geometry but rather to Calculus on Manifolds.
... and geometry, topology, and (homological) algebra.
  • #7
fresh_42 said:
... and geometry, topology, and (homological) algebra.

I said it badly. The least amount of structure one needs to talk about differential forms is calculus in manifolds. A metric is added structure.
  • #8
I was not aware that differential geometry required a metric? Wouldn't that fall under Riemannian geometry, or Semi-Riemannian geometry?
  • #9
Matterwave said:
I was not aware that differential geometry required a metric? Wouldn't that fall under Riemannian geometry, or Semi-Riemannian geometry?
Geometry to me means measurement of angles at least and usually also distance. These ideas are not needed to do calculus. Differential forms are just calculus. For instance one can integrate a differential form on a smooth manifold that has no shape and is just a bunch of smoothly overlapping coordinate charts..

Classical differential geometry always uses the metric induced by an embedding of a manifold in Euclidean space. It is the study of the induced metric relations.

One thing that is often missed because of the way calculus is taught using inner products in Euclidean space is that no inner product is needed and that the same derivatives can be taken with or without a metric. The subject of Differential Topology - not Differential Geometry - relies on calculus without using any metric.
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  • #10
Fightfish said:
That is neither a definition nor is it is true in general. For ##n##-dimensional space and for a ##p##-form, ##** = -(-1)^{p(n-p)}## in Minkowski space and ##** = (-1)^{p(n-p)}## in Euclidean space.

This is what I have:

##*(*F)_{i_{1},i_{2},\dots, i_{n-k}}##

##= *\left(\frac{1}{k!}F^{j_{1},\dots,j_{k}}\sqrt{|\text{det}\ g|}\ \epsilon_{j_{1},\dots,j_{k},i_{1},i_{2},\dots, i_{n-k}}\right)##

##= *\left(\frac{1}{k!}F_{l_{1},\dots,l_{k}}g^{l_{1},\dots,l_{k},j_{1},\dots,j_{k}}\sqrt{|\text{det}\ g|}\ \epsilon_{j_{1},\dots,j_{k},i_{1},i_{2},\dots, i_{n-k}}\right)##

##= *\left(\frac{1}{k!}F_{l_{1},\dots,l_{k}}\sqrt{|\text{det}\ g|}\ {\epsilon^{l_{1},\dots,l_{k}}}_{i_{1},i_{2},\dots, i_{n-k}}\right)##

##= \frac{1}{k!}\left(*F_{l_{1},\dots,l_{k}}\right)\sqrt{|\text{det}\ g|}\ {\epsilon^{l_{1},\dots,l_{k}}}_{i_{1},i_{2},\dots, i_{n-k}}##

##= \frac{1}{k!}\left(\frac{1}{(n-k)!}F^{m_{1},\dots,m_{n-k}}\sqrt{|\text{det}\ g|}\ \epsilon_{m_{1},\dots,m_{n-k},l_{1},\dots,l_{k}}\right)\sqrt{|\text{det}\ g|}\ {\epsilon^{l_{1},\dots,l_{k}}}_{i_{1},i_{2},\dots, i_{n-k}}##

##= \frac{1}{k!}\left(\frac{1}{(n-k)!}F_{j_{1},\dots,j_{n-k}}g^{j_{1},\dots,j_{n-k},m_{1},\dots,m_{n-k}}\sqrt{|\text{det}\ g|}\ \epsilon_{m_{1},\dots,m_{n-k},l_{1},\dots,l_{k}}\right)\sqrt{|\text{det}\ g|}\ {\epsilon^{l_{1},\dots,l_{k}}}_{i_{1},i_{2},\dots, i_{n-k}}##

##= \frac{1}{k!}\left(\frac{1}{(n-k)!}F_{j_{1},\dots,j_{n-k}}\sqrt{|\text{det}\ g|}\ {\epsilon^{j_{1},\dots,j_{n-k}}}_{l_{1},\dots,l_{k}}\right)\sqrt{|\text{det}\ g|}\ {\epsilon^{l_{1},\dots,l_{k}}}_{i_{1},i_{2},\dots, i_{n-k}}##

##= \frac{1}{k!}\ \frac{1}{(n-k)!}\ F_{j_{1},\dots,j_{n-k}}\ |\text{det}\ g|\ {\epsilon^{j_{1},\dots,j_{n-k}}}_{l_{1},\dots,l_{k}}\ {\epsilon^{l_{1},\dots,l_{k}}}_{i_{1},i_{2},\dots, i_{n-k}}##

##= \frac{1}{(n-k)!}F_{j_{1},\dots,j_{n-k}}|\text{det}\ g|\ \delta^{j_{1},\dots,j_{n-k}}_{i_{1},\dots,i_{n-k}}##

##= \frac{1}{(n-k)!}F_{i_{1},\dots,i_{n-k}}|\text{det}\ g|##

How do I proceed next?
  • #11
Matterwave said:
I was not aware that differential geometry required a metric? Wouldn't that fall under Riemannian geometry, or Semi-Riemannian geometry?

If you include as Differential Geometry the study of connections which are not compatible with any metric then yes you are right. Perhaps I should have said a connection rather than a metric. But the point is the same. Differential forms exist on any smooth manifold whether or not there is a connection or a metric. There is nothing about them that requires either. Differential Topology does not assume connections.

Some people have told me that they consider tensor fields as part of Differential Geometry. And maybe when one learns General Relativity tensors are introduced for the first time. But tensors like differential forms do not require a semi-Riemannain metric or in fact any metric or connection.
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FAQ: Square of the exterior derivative

What is the square of the exterior derivative?

The square of the exterior derivative is a mathematical operation that involves taking the exterior derivative of a differential form, and then taking the exterior derivative of the result. It is denoted as d².

What is the purpose of the square of the exterior derivative?

The square of the exterior derivative is used to study the curvature and topology of spaces. It helps to identify closed and exact forms, and can also be used to define cohomology groups.

How is the square of the exterior derivative calculated?

To calculate the square of the exterior derivative, you first take the exterior derivative of a differential form, and then take the exterior derivative of the resulting form. This can be represented mathematically as d²ω = d(dω).

What is the relationship between the square of the exterior derivative and the Laplacian operator?

The square of the exterior derivative is closely related to the Laplacian operator, which is a differential operator used to measure the curvature of a space. In fact, in certain cases, the square of the exterior derivative is equal to the negative of the Laplacian operator.

What are some applications of the square of the exterior derivative?

The square of the exterior derivative has various applications in fields such as differential geometry, topology, and physics. It is used to study the curvature of spaces, define cohomology groups, and also plays a role in the study of electromagnetic fields and gauge theories.

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