Squared operators and sums of operators in practice

In summary, the conversation discusses measuring the total energy or number of quanta in a one dimensional harmonic oscillator. The number operator and Hamiltonian are introduced, but questions are raised about the practicality of measuring these properties using the defined operators. The references provided shed light on this issue and explain that while all observables can be measured in theory, it may not always be possible or feasible in practice.
  • #1
Consider a one dimensional harmonic oscillator.

We have:
$$\hat{n} = \hat{a}^{\dagger} \hat{a} = \frac{m \omega}{2 \hbar} \hat{x}^2 + \frac{1}{2 \hbar m \omega} \hat{p}^2 - \frac{1}{2}$$
$$\hat{H} = \hbar \omega (\hat{n} + \frac{1}{2})$$

Let's say we want to measure the total energy. We can, using the number operator, but, apparently, this requires (by the definition above) that we measure location and momentum twice consecutively in two separate identical systems.

This raises questions:

1. After measuring one observable, immediately measuring it again should not change the value measured nor the function. So, what is the meaning of this in practice?

2. The apparent requirement of interacting with two independent systems in order to calculate/measure the number of quanta in a system has to be wrong. ?

So finally: How does one measure total energy or number of quanta in reality?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Dror said:
2. The apparent requirement of interacting with two independent systems in order to calculate/measure the number of quanta in a system has to be wrong. ?

The assumption is wrong. In "pure theory without conservation laws" we can just assume that all observables can be measured by a single apparatus.

In "pure theory with conservation laws" not all observables can be measured.

But for the actual process in real life of measuring, we don't always know how to measure every observable, and even if we did, it might be too expensive. However, for some systems, we do know how to measure all observables.
  • #3
atyy, Thanks a lot for these enlightening references.
  • #4
A self-adjoint operator, which defines a "measurable quantity", i.e. an "observable" tells you what you can measure in principle, but not how to measure it in practice; the obervable is silent about the construction of the apparatus and about the measurement process.
  • #5
An operator like H which is the sum of x^2 and p^2 is a new operator. It does not mean that you have to measure both x and p at the same time. There will be other operators containing both x and p whose variance will become very large on the eigenstates of H.

FAQ: Squared operators and sums of operators in practice

1. What is a squared operator?

A squared operator is an operator that is applied to itself. For example, the squared operator of 2 would be 2x2=4.

2. How are squared operators used in practice?

Squared operators are commonly used in mathematics and physics to represent repeated operations or transformations, such as in the calculation of areas, volumes, and higher order derivatives.

3. What is the sum of operators?

The sum of operators refers to the result of adding two or more operators together. For example, if we add the operators 2 and 3, the sum would be 5.

4. Can squared operators and sums of operators be applied to non-numerical values?

Yes, squared operators and sums of operators can be applied to non-numerical values, such as functions, matrices, or other mathematical objects.

5. How do squared operators and sums of operators relate to linear algebra?

Squared operators and sums of operators are important concepts in linear algebra, as they are used to represent linear transformations and can be used to solve systems of linear equations.

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