Stablizing Exotic atoms Impossible?

In summary, the conversation covers various topics related to particle entanglement, stability, and decay. Some of the questions include: the possibility of entangling different particles in different states, methods for keeping particles from reaching their ground state, and the stability of different particles such as protons, electrons, neutrons, neutrinos, and photons. The conversation also touches on the concept of "fundamental particles" and the role of clusters in building the structure of isotopes. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity and ongoing research in the field of particle physics.
  • #1
I was thinking if you entangled both the electron and positron in a states that both of their orbitals don't interact.

Or just entangle the electron with a helium higher orbital electron.

Or you entangled a muon with a helium proton(is that even possible?).

Is there any way to keep a particle from reaching its ground state?

Can you lower a quarks mass?

Can you entangled the electron with a positron?

Can a particle observe another particle?

Can positrons be entangled with protons?

Can other particles give a muon enough energy to stay at its metastable 2s?

Can a neutron stablize a lepton?

Can are there any other stable particles other than protons,electrons,neutrons, neutrinos and photons?

Can you stablize a particle?

Are any hyperonic atoms stable?
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  • #2
Here are my attempts to answer a few of your many questions--perhaps others can add to the list (and/or correct any errors of fact I have made).

Question: Are there any other stable particles other than protons,electrons,neutrons, neutrinos and photons?

Depends on what you mean by "particle". If we take the view that clusters of protons and neutrons are "fundamental particles" (the view taken by J.A. Wheeler in his "Resonating Group Method"; Linus Pauling in his "Close-Packed Spheron Model", Ronald Brightsen in his "Nucleon Cluster Model", many others )...then there are other stable particles--the deuteron [N-P] cluster, and Helium-3 [P-N-P] cluster. These "cluster models" view these two clusters as fundamental stable particles that help build the structure of all known isotopes.

You also incorrectly mention the free "neutron" as being stable--this is not true--the neutron is unstable and will decay via beta-decay (negatron decay) to form the proton + (e-) + anti-neutrino + Q energy.

Only the "free proton" is stable--as mentioned below, when the proton is bound within isotopes it can undergo decay either by positron decay or electron capture. We use the process of positron decay in medical research (the PET scan)--one common isotope is Carbon-11. Thus, the proton is not universally stable--but I am sure your question was about the "free proton".

Can positrons be entangled with protons?

The positron is the positive charge electron = (e+). It is well known that a number of isotopes will decay via what is called "positron decay". During this process the proton within an isotope decays to form a neutron + (e+) + neutrino. In this macroscopic view, one can conclude that the positron is entangled with the neutron and the neutrino and that the result of this entanglement is what we observe as "the proton".
  • #3

Stabilizing exotic atoms may not be impossible, but it would require a lot of advanced technology and understanding of quantum mechanics. Entangling particles in specific states may be one way to achieve stability, but it would also depend on the specific properties and interactions of the particles involved. It may also be possible to manipulate the mass of particles or their energy levels to prevent them from reaching their ground state, but this would also require a deep understanding of particle physics.

As for entangling different types of particles, such as electrons and positrons or muons and protons, it is theoretically possible but would require precise control and manipulation of their quantum states. And while a particle may not be able to directly observe another particle, their interactions and entanglement can still affect each other's states.

As for stabilizing particles, it is possible to create stable atoms with different combinations of protons, neutrons, and electrons, but it may not be possible to stabilize all types of particles. Some particles, like muons and hyperons, have very short lifetimes and are difficult to stabilize in their excited states. However, with further advancements in technology and understanding of particle physics, it may be possible to stabilize a wider range of particles and create more exotic stable atoms.

FAQ: Stablizing Exotic atoms Impossible?

1. Why is it difficult to stabilize exotic atoms?

Exotic atoms refer to atoms that have an unstable or unusual nucleus, such as isotopes with excess neutrons or atoms with high atomic numbers. These atoms are difficult to stabilize because their nuclei have a tendency to decay or emit radiation, making it challenging to keep them in a stable state for a long period of time.

2. Can exotic atoms be stabilized in any way?

Yes, there are ways to stabilize exotic atoms, but they are often temporary. One method is to use specialized equipment, such as particle accelerators, to create these atoms and then quickly study them before they decay. Another approach is to trap the atoms using magnetic fields, but this also requires a lot of energy and is not a long-term solution.

3. Why is stabilizing exotic atoms important?

Stabilizing exotic atoms is important because it allows scientists to study and understand the properties and behavior of these atoms. This can lead to new discoveries and advancements in fields such as nuclear physics and materials science.

4. Is it possible to stabilize exotic atoms for practical applications?

Currently, it is not possible to stabilize exotic atoms for practical applications. The unstable nature of these atoms makes them unsuitable for use in technologies. However, continued research and advancements in technology may one day make it possible to harness the unique properties of exotic atoms for practical use.

5. Are there any challenges in stabilizing exotic atoms?

Yes, there are several challenges in stabilizing exotic atoms. One major challenge is the short half-life of these atoms, which makes it difficult to study them for a significant amount of time. Another challenge is the high energy requirements and specialized equipment needed to create and trap these atoms. Additionally, the unpredictable nature of exotic atoms makes it challenging to control and stabilize them.

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