User Stages in Forums: What Are They?

  • Thread starter mananvpanchal
  • Start date
In summary, the forum has four stages: denial, anger, bargaining, and depression. Gold members are those who have paid for a subscription, green members are "staff", blue members are "admins", and a line through a username means that member has been banned, usually for violating PF rules, sometimes at the member's own request because he doesn't want to come here any more. A line through a username means that member has been banned, usually for violating PF rules, sometimes at the member's own request because he doesn't want to come here any more. Finally, there are the so-called forum gurus. At the end of the year, people can vote for best homework helper, best humor, best physicist,
  • #1
Which stages do exist in the forum for a user?
Like, when posts increases the color of the username changes, some user have horizontal line on his/her username.

Physics news on
  • #2
Post count doesn't do anything special.

Gold members are people who have paid for a subscription.

Green members are "staff": Homework Helpers, Science Advisors, and Mentors (moderators) who have been nominated and approved by the Mentors.

Blue members are Admins: the Unix gods who have direct access to PF's server.

A line through a username means that member has been banned, usually for violating PF rules, sometimes at the member's own request because he doesn't want to come here any more.
  • #3
jtbell said:
A line through a username means that member has been banned, usually for violating PF rules, sometimes at the member's own request because he doesn't want to come here any more.

I never understood why someone would request to be banned (why would anyone would want to leave this place anyway). Why not just never come to the forums? It works just as well.
  • #4
jtbell said:
Green members are "staff": Homework Helpers, Science Advisors, and Mentors (moderators) who have been nominated and approved by the Mentors.
Just to clarify Homework Helpers and Science Advisors are nominated and approved by other Homework Helpers and Science Advisors as well as Mentors. Also some members have medals under their names denoting such as best humour, physics award etc. that are nominated and voted for by members at the end of the year.

Finally if you are interested in becoming a gold named contributor you can click the upgrade link on the banner at the top of the page, aside from just the colour change contributors get no ads, recognition graphic, set invisible, custom title, signature, avatars, profile photo, 200pm limit, who's online, user notes, boolean searching etc. If you want to find a list of people with green/blue names as well as a list of HHs and SAs just click the staff button on the banner.
  • #5
Another clarification - only mentors are green, Homework Helpers and Science advisors have medals denoting which they are, but they are colored gold if they are a contributor or black if they aren't.
  • #6
Lastly, there are also some members whose name appears in light print. Just like they're banned, but without a line through their name. Those members did not finish registration (they did not register their email address properly).

Also, there are the so-called forum gurus. At the end of the year, people can vote for best homework helper, best humor, best physicist, etc. The winners are the forum gurus for a year and get a special sign next to their name.

Here is some more information:
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  • #7
Evo said:
Another clarification - only mentors are green, Homework Helpers and Science advisors have medals denoting which they are, but they are colored gold if they are a contributor or black if they aren't.

Thanks for the correction... I should have actually looked at some posts instead of relying on my flaky memory. :blushing:
  • #8
mananvpanchal said:
Which stages do exist in the forum for a user?

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
  • #9
Ivan Seeking said:
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
  • #10
Ivan Seeking said:
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

  • #11
Ivan Seeking said:
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

That's for the people who find out they can't post their wonderful new theories here, right?

I doubt very many of them get to "acceptance", though. :rolleyes:
  • #12
jtbell said:
That's for the people who find out they can't post their wonderful new theories here, right?

That is certainly one common context.

I doubt very many of them get to "acceptance", though. :rolleyes:

Acceptance may come in any number of different forms, including a visit from the Grim Reaper. :biggrin:
  • #13
jtbell said:
That's for the people who find out they can't post their wonderful new theories here, right?

I doubt very many of them get to "acceptance", though. :rolleyes:

One way of achieving acceptance is moving on. i.e. they move on over to Sci Forums and post their wonderful new theories there.
  • #14
Haha, yes, I've been over there lately and have seen some old familiar names. At least they've cleaned up the flame wars. But all in all it's still a different universe.
  • #15
Thanks to All
  • #16
I love reading all of your posts. In a way, it's quite sad that I prefer reading posts on the internet than conversing with people that I can see everyday but oh well...

FAQ: User Stages in Forums: What Are They?

1. What exactly are user stages in forums?

User stages in forums refer to the different levels or phases that users go through as they engage with a forum. These stages are often based on the user's level of participation, contributions, and interactions within the forum community.

2. How many user stages are typically found in forums?

The number of user stages in forums can vary depending on the specific forum and its purpose. However, the most common number of user stages is usually three or four, which are often referred to as "newbie," "regular," "veteran," and "expert."

3. What are the characteristics of each user stage?

The characteristics of each user stage can also vary, but in general, newbies are new to the forum and may have limited knowledge or experience. Regular users are more engaged and have a better understanding of the forum's topics and rules. Veterans are highly active and knowledgeable contributors, while experts are considered the most experienced and respected members of the forum.

4. How do user stages affect a user's experience in a forum?

User stages can have a significant impact on a user's experience in a forum. They can determine the level of access and privileges a user has, such as the ability to post or moderate content. Additionally, user stages can influence how a user is perceived by others and their level of influence within the forum community.

5. Can a user move between different stages?

Yes, a user can move between different stages in a forum. This typically happens as the user becomes more active and engaged in the forum community. For example, a newbie can become a regular user by actively participating in discussions and contributing valuable insights and knowledge. Similarly, a regular user can become a veteran or expert by consistently demonstrating a high level of engagement and expertise.

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