Strategy - simulation north korean - france conflict

In summary: I think the point is that spending all your money on one thing is not always the best way to go. For example, North Korea has a lot of troops but they're not all that modern. France, on the other hand, has a lot of troops but a few tanks are from the Russian era. If the war were to take place in the sky, France would have an edge because their planes are newer.
  • #36
wait i found a reason
solve the french unemployment temporarily

and anyways , very unprobable france declares war if not attacked
u think all these ppl that abuse of my countries wellfare will be ok to have it end

if there's a war, france would maybe have to cut some social spendings, and i know a lot of these lazy ppl that would not be ok with that


because look
theres still like 10 percent of communist in france, some hide it by saying they are ecologist, some just say they are not totalitarian, and they are helped by the socialists

while in the right wing parties, u basicly have UMP (right wing), and FN (extreme right wing)
and they don't help each other

the extreme right wing becomes all alone vs everyone
and a lot of ppl don't like them

i say , the communist are even worse than them, but for most its like if it was ok
even through i am UMP and not FN, i think the FN is a lot more rational than the communist who promise that everything will happen without any work done
because from observations i have found 2 types of FN people
- the dangerous ones who are racist
- the ones who are just here because they believe in the old values like honor, and national pride
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  • #37
If this war did take place, it would end in a stalemate. France couldn't win the ground battle (they have excellent and highly trained troops but the sheer number of infantry and ground support that N.Korea has would decimate them).

If this war were to be fought, it would be on N. Korean soil as no other european country would allow such a conflict in Europe. All this is assuming the war stays conventional and does not go nuclear. In the end, both end up losing because of the economical ramifications of such a conflict (france may be able to destroy the north korean economy though) would leave both countries in tatters... in the end, no one wins... even if they do, its a Pyhrric victory.
  • #38
Oh come on, a stalemate?
chaoseverlasting said:
France couldn't win the ground battle (they have excellent and highly trained troops but the sheer number of infantry and ground support that N.Korea has would decimate them).
Pssht! France would bomb NK to ashes before actually invading. Who needs manpower against a foe like NK?

All this is assuming the war stays conventional and does not go nuclear.
If it goes nuclear it's even more one-sided. France has ICBM's, long range bombers, and the technology to make hydrogen bombs (don't know if they actually have any). North Korea can't yet reach the US, let alone France. They're literally on opposite sides of the world. What's NK going to nuke? French positions in Korea? Blow up their own cities. This is of course assuming NK even has nukes yet. Still just rumors last I heard.

In the end, both end up losing because of the economical ramifications of such a conflict (france may be able to destroy the north korean economy though) would leave both countries in tatters... in the end, no one wins... even if they do, its a Pyhrric victory.
What economic ramifications? If France was committed this conflict would be over in a matter of months tops, possibly weeks. They have one of the largest economies in the world - I think they can take a small bump.

The whole idea of NK even standing a chance against any committed western power is laughable.
  • #39
Smurf said:
Oh come on, a stalemate?Pssht! France would bomb NK to ashes before actually invading. Who needs manpower against a foe like NK?

If it goes nuclear it's even more one-sided. France has ICBM's, long range bombers, and the technology to make hydrogen bombs (don't know if they actually have any). North Korea can't yet reach the US, let alone France. They're literally on opposite sides of the world. What's NK going to nuke? French positions in Korea? Blow up their own cities. This is of course assuming NK even has nukes yet. Still just rumors last I heard.

What economic ramifications? If France was committed this conflict would be over in a matter of months tops, possibly weeks. They have one of the largest economies in the world - I think they can take a small bump.

The whole idea of NK even standing a chance against any committed western power is laughable.

I think you're wrong. You underestimate the requirements of such an undertaking. Granted, France has one of the largest economies of the world, but such a conflict would SERIOUSLY affect it.

Then there's the geography to think about. Dont think that complimentary to any sustained conflict whatsoever. Give it a rest man. Its not possible to come out on top of such a conflict. Even if you win, you lose. There's no point to it.
  • #40
JPC said:

i was wondering, if there happened to be a North Korean - French conflict
that there would be no economic sanctions on both countries
that all other countries stay neutral
who would have the advantage ?

i know France has a small army, but modern
1 aircraft carrier (2 in 2015), nuclear attack submarines, Dassault jets, ect

north korea has a large army, but not completely modern
they still have some T34 tanks (Russian WW2 tanks), diesel submarines, ect
but they have a modern communication system so that their troops can communicate to each other, ect
and they have thousands of underground bases

France : about 130 000 troops
North Korea : 1 000 0000 troops

so , i was thinking, if we simmulate this conflict who would have the advantage ?

i was thinking that France would win the fight in the seas, maybe in the airs, but not in the ground

that france could set a missile belt in china, and set some long range guns
that france could send its troops by russia (russian trans siberian railway)

if any of you, work in strategy, your comments would be even better
Wow--- The scope of this mental experiment is so fantastical that its not worth bothering. Even after you define your scope, you break it in the next paragraph.
  • #41
chaoseverlasting said:
If this war did take place, it would end in a stalemate. France couldn't win the ground battle (they have excellent and highly trained troops but the sheer number of infantry and ground support that N.Korea has would decimate them).

I don't believe this
number of men doesn't make all the strenght
only a part of it

look, when USA fought japan
or when USA fought irak
  • #42
Or when the US and allies fought North Korea, admittedly NK was heavilly supported by Russia. So it wasn't like us and just them but even so...

Was even Afghanistan a victory for either the Russians or is it going to be one for us? Or will the mostly indigenous fighters eventually overcome the exterior forces by persistence and outside backing as they did before with Russia?
  • #43
maybe the afghans managed to resist the russians for some time
but now technology has evolved
and we need to take this in consideration
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