Supernova energy reached by detector disk 1560 light years away

In summary, the supernova releases 1.9E45 J of energy over a 10 day period and is 1560 ly from Earth. Using the equation Intensity = Power / Area, the energy received by the disk facing the star can be calculated by dividing the total energy by the surface area of a sphere with a radius of 1560 light years. This results in an energy/square meter deposited, which is then multiplied by the detector's area to get the final answer. The supernova is extremely bright and if it were only 1560 ly away, it would be visible in daytime and outshine everything in the sky except the Sun and Moon.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A super nova releases 1.9E45 J of energy over a 10 day period. It is 1560 ly from earth. A detector, facing the star, is a disk of radius 7cm. How much energy reaches the detector? (The detector is in orbit, so it can face the star for the entire 10-day period)

Homework Equations

Intensity = Power / Area
Surface area of disk = pi r ^2
light year = 10E16 m

The Attempt at a Solution

First, I found the initial power of the supernova. 1.9E45Joules / 864,000 seconds (10 days) = 2.199E39 W

Then, I found the initial intensity: this is where I was confused - does the supernova radiate energy as a sphere or a disk? I used a sphere (4 pi r^2)
Intensity = 2.199E39 W / (4 pi (1560E16 m) ^2) = .719 W/m^2
Then I found the power that the disk receives:
Power = Intensity * area = (.719 W/m^2)(pi (.07)m^2) = .011 W
Then .011W * 864,000 seconds = 9562.9 Joules

Not sure what I'm doing wrong?
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  • #2
That's a correct, though quite roundabout, way of doing it. Your answer is off by a little bit because a light year is 9.46E15 m, not 10E15 m.

An easier way of doing it is to notice that the entire 1.9E45 J of energy is "pasted" onto the surface of a sphere with area A=4*pi*r^2. Dividing 1.9E45 by 4*pi*r^2 gives you the energy/square meter deposited, and multiplying that by the detector's area gives you the answer.

If you're thinking that 10 000 J is too much, that's because supernovae are extremely bright and 1560 ly is extremely nearby . In 1054 AD, Chinese and Arab astronomers recorded a supernova that was visible in daytime for 23 days and easily outshone everything in the sky except the Sun and Moon. That supernova was 6500 light years away. No historically documented supernova has been 1560 ly away or less, so such a supernova would look quite spectacular to say the least!
  • #3
ah, i see. that makes it simpler, i often make the problems harder than they need to be. thanks for your help!

FAQ: Supernova energy reached by detector disk 1560 light years away

What is a supernova?

A supernova is a powerful explosion that occurs at the end of a star's life. It is one of the most energetic events in the universe, releasing an enormous amount of energy in a short period of time.

How far away is the supernova that was detected?

The supernova was detected 1560 light years away. This means that it took 1560 years for the light from the explosion to reach the detector on Earth.

How was the energy of the supernova measured?

The energy of the supernova was measured using a detector disk. This disk is designed to detect and measure various forms of energy, including the high energy particles and radiation emitted by a supernova.

What is the significance of the detector being 1560 light years away?

The distance of the detector from the supernova is important because it gives us an idea of the strength and intensity of the explosion. The fact that the detector was able to detect the energy from such a great distance shows just how powerful and far-reaching the supernova was.

What can we learn from studying the energy of a supernova?

Studying the energy of a supernova can provide valuable insights into the physics of these explosive events and the life cycle of stars. It can also help us understand the formation of heavy elements in the universe and the impact of supernovae on their surrounding environments.
