Mitt Romney Calling Obama to "Take Responsibility": Reality Check

  • Thread starter rigetFrog
  • Start date
In summary, Mitt Romney called for Obama to "take responsibility for his failures." He claims this is a way for Obama to take responsibility for his own failures and move on. However, Obama has always taken responsibility for his actions, and there is no such thing as "taking responsibility" in the context of good things that happen.
  • #1
I just saw some news article about Mitt Romney calling for Obama to "take responsibility for his failures."

I hate when some one says "you need to take responsibility". No one ever "takes responsibility" for good things that happen. That's called taking credit.

In fact, no body ever "takes responsibility". Taking responsibility in something that people in a position of power say to those under them as a back handed way of blaming them.
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  • #2
rigetFrog said:
I just saw some news article about Mitt Romney calling for Obama to "take responsibility for his failures."

I hate when some one says "you need to take responsibility". No one ever "takes responsibility" for good things that happen. That's called taking credit.

In fact, no body ever "takes responsibility". Taking responsibility in something that people in a position of power say to those under them as a back handed way of blaming them.

You need to take responsibility for writing a crummy post.

I take responsibility for my actions. That might be a counterpoint. In fact, I always do it. Sometimes I'm embarrassed, other times I'm proud, and still other times I'm forced to admit that, evidence suggests, I should've taken different action.

As far as I know, there's only one convention that allows you NOT to take responsibility for your actions, and that is the system of vicarious redemption (or scapegoatism). It's the founding principle of the world's largest religion.
  • #3
Give me an example. Tell me about some time you've used the words "I take responsibility for" and what you did to follow up.
  • #4
rigetFrog said:
Give me an example. Tell me about some time you've used the words "I take responsibility for" and what you did to follow up.

What do you mean "follow up"? I take full responsibility for my choice to drive to work today.
  • #5
FlexGunship said:
I take full responsibility for my choice to drive to work today.

That's two of us.

But have you ever used "I take full responsibility" in a sentence when actually speaking with some one? If so, please go into detail and I'll demonstrate my point.
  • #6
Everyone makes mistakes. Taking responsibility just means admitting you made the mistake or had ultimate control and taking the corrective action.

Sometimes the person responsible (primarily) is not the person who made the mistake: but that only ever goes up, not down (as a matter of ethics).

Indeed, you have your own example backwards: Obama is at the top of the chain of command, not Romney.

This is a common subject in ethics classes. One thing you learn from case studies is that "responsibility" is not a choice, it is a matter of organizational structure. And even if a person tries to avoid taking responsibility, responsibility will often take them. So speaking in general terms, Obama doesn't need to take responsibility in order to have responsibility.
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  • #7
I agree, admitting mistakes is great. I think we've both said "I messed up", "I made a mistake", or some expletive implying we admit our mistake.

My point is nobody says "I take responsibility for 'insert mistake' ".

My point is, the only time we hear the expression "take responsibility" is when one person is blaming some one else. It's a way to play the finger pointing game while not sounding too petty.

It's a politically savvy way of saying "it's all your fault!".
  • #8
rigetFrog said:
My point is nobody says "I take responsibility for 'insert mistake' ".
Not true, at least in the UK. (US politics isn't a very good example of ethical behavour IMO!)

It's quite common for the leader of an organization to take responsibility for the consequences of some mistake made by somebody who works for them. There is a proverbial saying the the UK (originally from the Royal Navy), "It happened on my watch".

A recent UK example from sport (also not often a good example of ethics!):
  • #9
rigetFrog said:
I agree, admitting mistakes is great. I think we've both said "I messed up", "I made a mistake", or some expletive implying we admit our mistake.

My point is nobody says "I take responsibility for 'insert mistake' ".
Not only do I not agree, but what does it matter? "I made a mistake" and "I take responsibility" are essentially the same statement, so it shouldn't matter which you use.

My point is, the only time we hear the expression "take responsibility" is when one person is blaming some one else. It's a way to play the finger pointing game while not sounding too petty.

It's a politically savvy way of saying "it's all your fault!".
Try googling the phrase "i take full responsibility" with quotes. One of the first of the 230,000,000 hits is Hillary Clinton using the exact phrase regarding the Benghazi security lapse. It's a great example: regardless of whether she actually knew about the problem, she runs the department responsible, therefore she is responsible. And saying it is taking/accepting/acknowledging that responsibility.

Sorry, but you're way wrong here.
  • #10

russ_watters said:
Not only do I not agree, but what does it matter? "I made a mistake" and "I take responsibility" are essentially the same statement, so it shouldn't matter which you use. Try googling the phrase "i take full responsibility" with quotes. One of the first of the 230,000,000 hits is Hillary Clinton using the exact phrase regarding the Benghazi security lapse.

Sorry, but you're way wrong here.

I just googled what you recommended and the first thing that comes up is this guy talking bout Hilary, as you said.

Let's just say he's arguing my point more eloquently than I do.
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  • #11
As expected, this thread has degenerated in a useless back-and-forth argument. Therefore, it is now locked.

FAQ: Mitt Romney Calling Obama to "Take Responsibility": Reality Check

1. What did Mitt Romney say about President Obama taking responsibility?

Mitt Romney called on President Obama to "take responsibility" for the state of the nation during his speech at the Republican National Convention in 2012.

2. Why did Mitt Romney call on Obama to take responsibility?

Romney argued that under Obama's leadership, the country was facing high unemployment rates, a growing national debt, and a sluggish economy, and that Obama needed to take responsibility for his policies and their impact on the country.

3. Did Mitt Romney offer any specific examples in his speech?

Yes, Romney cited the high unemployment rate and the increase in national debt as two specific examples of issues that he believed Obama needed to take responsibility for.

4. Did President Obama respond to Mitt Romney's call to take responsibility?

Yes, President Obama responded to Romney's speech by stating that he did take responsibility for the state of the nation and that he was focused on moving the country forward.

5. Did the media cover Mitt Romney's call for Obama to take responsibility?

Yes, the media extensively covered Romney's speech and his call for Obama to take responsibility, with many news outlets providing analysis and fact-checking of his claims.

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