The Einstein-Hapgood Papers, Crustal Shift

In summary, the Einstein-Hapgood Papers consist of correspondence between Albert Einstein and Charles Hapgood in the mid-1950s. Hapgood's theory of Earth crust displacement caught Einstein's attention and they exchanged letters discussing evidence for the theory. Einstein was impressed by Hapgood's arguments and even wrote a foreword for his book on the subject. However, the theory has been largely discredited and the authenticity of the letters has been questioned.
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The Einstein-Hapgood Papers

Charles Hapgood first came to public attention in the mid-1950s with his theory of Earth crust displacement, a radical geological idea which attracted the curiosity and support of Albert Einstein. The Einstein-Hapgood correspondence is a forgotten page in the history of science. We obtained these letters (ten from Einstein to Hapgood) from Albert Einstein's Archives in the Fall of 1995. They show, for the first time, just how extensively Albert Einstein was involved in assisting Charles Hapgood in the development of the theory of Earth crust displacement.

In his second reply (24 November 1952) to Hapgood, Einstein wrote that the idea of Earth crust displacement should not be ruled out "apriori" just because it didn't fit with what we wanted to believe about the Earth's past. What was needed, Einstein claimed, was solid "geological and paleontological facts."

For six months, Hapgood gathered geological evidence to support the idea of an Earth crust displacement. On the 3rd of May 1953 he forwarded thirty-eight pages of this evidence to Einstein. Central to his argument was Hapgood's evidence that Lesser Antarctica was ice-free at the same time that North America lay smothered in ice. Einstein responded (8 May 1953):

"I find your arguments very impressive and have the impression that your hypothesis is correct. One can hardly doubt that significant shifts of the crust have taken place repeatedly and within a short time."

He urged Hapgood to follow up on evidence of "earth fractures". A month later (11 June 1953) Hapgood sent Einstein forty-two pages of evidence on Earth fractures and the evolution of the ice sheets.

Einstein wrote (17 December 1953) Hapgood urging him to address the "centrifugal momentum" problem. Hapgood responded with four pages on this problem and thirty-seven pages of "paleontological evidence" including the frozen mammoths of Arctic Siberia. Einstein was now convinced. On the 18th of May 1954, Einstein wrote a very favorable foreword for Hapgood's book EARTH'S SHIFTING CRUST: A KEY TO SOME BASIC PROBLEMS OF EARTH SCIENCE (published in 1958 by Pantheon Books, New York). The Foreword begins:

"I frequently receive communications from people who wish to consult me concerning their unpublished ideas. It goes without saying that these ideas are very seldom possessed of scientific validity. The very first communication, however, that I received from Mr. Hapgood electrified me..."

Hapgood and Einstein continued to correspond and finally met in January of 1955. Einstein's last letter was dated the 9th of March 1955 just weeks before the great physicist died on the 18th of April 1955. Einstein's Archives are held in Jerusalem (with copies at Princeton) where they hold the record of an unique and unheralded collaboration on the theory of Earth crust displacement.


I know people have used this theory to explain myths of ancient civilizations and dinosaurs in the Lock Ness etc... However, when we strip away the automatic reactions to the ideas exchanged between Dr. Einstein and Mr. Hapgood and look at the theory in terms of "global warming", the, as yet, poorly explained cycle of "ice ages" and wandering magnetic poles, the theory tends to offer an explanation for many of the conditions which have occurred over the milenia, on earth.

I will try to dig up Einstein's foreword for Hapgoods book and see if I can find detailed and sound explanations of Hapgood's theory. Please feel free to help out with this task on your own. Thank you.
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This is probably better placed in S&D. Newton dabbled in alchemy --- Einstein dabbles in geo-quackery? Kinda doubt it --- he wasn't that incompetent a physicist. Chase it a bit --- 'magine you'll find that the A. E. letters are forgeries.

FAQ: The Einstein-Hapgood Papers, Crustal Shift

What are "The Einstein-Hapgood Papers, Crustal Shift"?

"The Einstein-Hapgood Papers, Crustal Shift" refers to a series of documents written by Albert Einstein and Charles Hapgood, which proposed the theory of crustal shift. This theory suggests that the Earth's crust has undergone multiple shifts in the past, leading to significant changes in the Earth's geography and climate.

What evidence supports the crustal shift theory?

Some of the evidence used to support the crustal shift theory includes geological formations, such as mountain ranges and oceanic trenches, which do not align with traditional plate tectonics. Additionally, there have been reports of ancient civilizations and fossils found in unexpected locations, which may be explained by crustal shifts.

What is the significance of the Einstein-Hapgood Papers?

The Einstein-Hapgood Papers were significant as they proposed a new and alternative theory for the Earth's geological history. This challenged traditional beliefs and sparked further scientific research into the concept of crustal shift.

Has the crustal shift theory been proven?

The crustal shift theory is still considered a controversial topic in the scientific community. While there is evidence to support it, it has not been widely accepted or proven. Further research and evidence are needed to fully validate this theory.

How does the crustal shift theory impact our understanding of Earth's history?

If the crustal shift theory is proven to be true, it would significantly change our understanding of the Earth's history and how its geography and climate have evolved over time. It would also have implications for predicting future geological events and understanding the impact of climate change on the Earth's surface.

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