The US and the Possibility of a World Government

  • Thread starter jlorino
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In summary, the U.S. is trying to help Iraq, after getting rid of their dictator. They are doing this by killing people who have bad ideas. Although this is happening now and after the war, it will get worse if Bush keeps doing this.
  • #1
"The Government"

Do you think that we, the US, are taken steps towards a worldly government?
we have broken away from the UN
we are having other nations following us and taking international affairs into our own hands

since we are governing other countries could we infact be starting the worldly government?
Physics news on
  • #2
No, and of course we are governing other countries... where did you get that idea? Iraq? Just for a few months. Currently, they are governing themselves. The U.S. is merly trying to help Iraq, after getting rid of their dictator.
  • #3
Mk said:
The U.S. is merly trying to help Iraq, after getting rid of their dictator.

If the U.S want to help Iraq why are they Kill Poeple?
every day more than 50 has killed by Amercian soldiers
and believe me in Iraq Bush is dictator and like :devil:
  • #4
I don't know if this thread is very closely related to theoretical physics, but the U.S. is killing only the people who have bad ideas. The ones that think it is ok to, kill themselves up along with as many people that are not of their religion as they can. If there are innocent people killed, that's too bad, but its a time of war, that's what happens. Overall though its for the good of the whole country, and the U.S. is very efficient, back in world war two, the dueling sides must of killed thousands of innocent people. What country and language is your native and current one?
  • #5
us english
  • #6
You mean you and Nickolas are english as in british or american, or you speak english; do you mean for me to "use english?"
  • #7
srry i did not specify
i am american and speak english
  • #8
Its all perspective. I heard back when we (the USA) were just a bunch of fragmented colonies being ruled by various overseas conglomerates (mostly England) there were some of those colonists who didn't want to be free. It's hard to believe this but I know its true. Lots of people died to free us and here we are, free people and doing pretty well. Personally I'm glad to be an American and a free man. There are no walls or laws keeping me here. I think most people would rather be free.
  • #9
my friend MK you say:
the U.S. is killing only the people who have bad ideas
That not true
what is define "Bad ideas"!
many friend there in Iraq was died and that people they don't any "bad ideas" .many scientist I Knew died, why ??
Idont Know may be because they were scientist of nuclear and Physcis
Look now university in Iraq they don't any scientist any more
every day i herad one or two in my friend is die!
there are just 22 or 25 !
all him ambition are died with him... why !because Bush want to be "hero America"!
After war in Iraq many People hate Bush in many country in the world
But in the future , i think people will hate American if bush keep to kill people.
  • #10
My comment first then a Question for Nickolas: My comment: I believe there are definitely bad ideas. A few examples are cutting peoples tongues out while their families watch, raping and killing women while their families watch, using poison gas and chemical weapons on your neighbors and most of all filling mass graves with the bodies of those who oppose you. These are bad ideas. Now my question: who filled the mass graves that are being found in Iraq. Who killed all those people?
  • #11
exactly we know the answer to those questions
all the harm that is comming over the inocent people is part of war,
but in the end more people and generations will be saved
  • #12
A few examples are cutting peoples tongues out while their families watch, raping and killing women while their families watch
is all 100,000 Iraqan had this??
who tell you that happened in Iraq??
This happening now and sitll after the war Because no security in the country
no law and order.
every morning we hear this little girl has raped ,and every night the Amarican soldiers break in houses and rape the woman!
yes Amarican soldiers !
and this happing while their families watch
did you hear about Abo-gareeb prison??and did you see the pictrue??
who done it?

but in the end more people and generations will be saved
more people now are sick , all diffrenet kind of sick and and dilatories
alot of children lose arm or leg
alot of children lose all his family
all the young men (like I) to be sad because we lose many friend and some brother and sister
No we are not saved and the life isnot going to be happy any more..
i ask you how?
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  • #13
I am sorry for you and your people Nickolas and I mean that. The USA is there to help your people and we will be leaving as soon as your elected leaders take charge of your country. There are bad apples in every bunch. As far as Abo-gareeb goes, our guys (girl) did it and are going to serve a long sentence in prision for doing it, that's what we do to people who violate human rights. I'm still looking at the guy who put hundreds of thousands of people in those mass graves.
  • #14
i am sorry too but look at it this way...
how would it have been if he was still in charge?
if he bombed the us? what do you think we would have done?
i tell you things would have been a lot worse
  • #15
Nickolas said:
but in the end more people and generations will be saved
more people now are sick , all diffrenet kind of sick and and dilatories
alot of children lose arm or leg
alot of children lose all his family
all the young men (like I) to be sad because we lose many friend and some brother and sister
No we are not saved and the life isnot going to be happy any more..
i ask you how?
In Iraq, the future generations will live much better than how they did with a dictator. Now I'm sure people won't be killed every month by wood and plastic chippers.

...And again, I don't see how this fits into theoretical physics...
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  • #16
if he bombed the us? what do you think we would have done?
belive me don't all the world want bombed you.i don't protect about Sadam or his gaverment .Sadam didn't have great power to harm any country he just look like any Araban gaverment
Don't tell me you believe Bush lying !
he just want Oil and all the world know this
every body Know America is the strongest country..
How can Iraq stagger it!
they do'nt have strong arms like yours..

Now I'm sure people won't be killed every month by wood and plastic chippers.
it is not wood or plastic chippers!
the atmosphere filled up Nuclear Radiation! it is very dirty and dusty
All the country near Iraq harm ..
we can't see the nature colot to sky
tha sky have strange color is mix between black and yellow!
the atmosphere are not safety or healthy
strange disease come out and we don't know what we are doing??
  • #17
relating to theoretical physics

Mk said:
...And again, I don't see how this fits into theoretical physics...

i originally posted this message regarding the topic of a world government
  • #18
Ahh yes, that's closer, but still, a world goverment, is that theoretical physics?
  • #19
This part of PF, The M Kaku forum, is not restricted to theoretical physics, but rather follows the topics that Dr. Kaku covers in his books and public statements.
  • #20

Government is a bad idea. It is a necessary evil. Government should be servant not master. It should be the citizens who tell the government what to do. Not the other way around.

In my opinion, government exists only to do the necessary things that are difficult for individuals, or groups of individuals, to do on their own, not to rule individuals and society, not to institute religious, ideological, or cultural programs.

  • #21
juju said:

Government is a bad idea. It is a necessary evil. Government should be servant not master. It should be the citizens who tell the government what to do. Not the other way around.

In my opinion, government exists only to do the necessary things that are difficult for individuals, or groups of individuals, to do on their own, not to rule individuals and society, not to institute religious, ideological, or cultural programs.


Wuw, you just said government is bad, now you are implying it is good.

Tell me this, how would a nation exist without a government? or any organization, there absolulely has to be a group or one that enforces and makes laws and rules. Government is chosen in a democracy, the servant chooses the master, or the master chooses the servant or they are both equal depending on how you look at it.
  • #22

Government is a bad idea because, when abused, it allows a minority of citizens to gain power over the majority. It is also a necessary evil, since there are things that only a "government" can do efficiently.

This duality must be balanced. Government should never be allowed to grow in influence and power beyond its necessary functions.

  • #23
Yes, you are totally correct, but would you say potato chips are evil because when they are abused it can lead to cardiac arrest and heart attacks? And unlike potato chips you can't live sucessfully without a government.

Are there any other ideas for running a country?
  • #24
Hi MK,

To run any time of large extended entity you need a structure. For societies and countries this structure is the "government." This structure must be dynamic but bounded. This is supposedly what the framers of the constitution had in mind.

What I am trying to say is that the "government" must not be allowed to grow outside of certain boundaries. These boundaries must be defined by the necessities of society that the "government" was created to serve in the first place. If the necessities change then of course the general structure and boundaries must change. However, there are certain boundaries that the "government" must not be allowed to cross.

As for potato chips, they only affect the eater, not the rest of society.And I do eat a fair amount.


FAQ: The US and the Possibility of a World Government

1. What is the current state of the US in regards to the possibility of a world government?

The US is currently the leading superpower in the world and holds significant influence in global affairs. However, it is also a strong advocate for national sovereignty and has not expressed a desire to be a part of a world government.

2. Could the US become a part of a world government in the future?

It is difficult to predict the future, but at this time, it seems unlikely that the US would willingly give up its sovereignty to become a part of a world government. The US has a long history of valuing its independence and has not shown any signs of changing this stance.

3. What would be the potential benefits of a world government including the US?

A world government, if properly organized and implemented, could potentially promote global cooperation and address pressing issues such as climate change, poverty, and conflict resolution. It could also lead to more equal distribution of resources and opportunities among nations.

4. What are the arguments against the US joining a world government?

Some argue that a world government would be too large and bureaucratic, leading to inefficiency and loss of individual freedoms. Others believe that the US would lose its dominant position and decision-making power in a world government and be subject to the decisions of other nations.

5. Are there any current efforts or movements towards a world government that involve the US?

Currently, there are no significant efforts or movements towards a world government involving the US. However, there are international organizations such as the United Nations that promote global cooperation and could potentially lay the groundwork for a world government in the future.

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