What secrets does the Great Pyramid of Giza hold?

  • Thread starter Nooj
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In summary: The evidence is there; it's just that we have not yet been able to decipher it.The pyramid is said to be built by slave labor. The pyramid is said to be incredibly complex. Some of the numbers in the pyramid are repeated and seem to be significant. The evidence for the pyramid's construction is present, but we don't understand it yet.
  • #1

I have a great deal of confidence in the ancient Egyptians, but not this much. I'm sure that some of these facts must be exaggerated, but I'm not much of a debunker. Some help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
Let's see...

According to common perception they were built, with the begrudging help of great armies of slaves, by the ancient pharaohs of Egypt as tombs for preserving their royal bodies. Pyramids were meant to be monuments to the pharaoh's greatness, filled with great treasures for the afterlife. To construct these massive shrines, the pharaoh's copied the oldest and largest pyramid of all, the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Most likely, the pyramids were built by citizens of Egypt, not slaves.

The Pyramid of Giza is not the oldest pyramid in Egypt.

* Thirty times larger than the Empire State Building, the Pyramid's features are so large they can be seen from the Moon.

Not with the naked eye. And I think you'd need a fairly big telescope.

* The Pyramid is located at the exact center of the Earth's land mass. That is, its East-West axis corresponds to the longest land parallel across the Earth, passing through Africa, Asia, and America. Similarly, the longest land meridian on Earth, through Asia, Africa, Europa, and Antarctica, also passes right through the Pyramid. Since the Earth has enough land area to provide 3 billion possible building sites for the Pyramid, the odds of it's having been built where it is are 1 in 3 billion.

This is a bit of a stretch. It depends where you want to put your "land axes".

* Like 20th century bridge designs, the Pyramid's cornerstones have balls and sockets built into them. Several football fields long, the Pyramid is subject to expansion and contraction movements from heat and cold, as well as earthquakes, settling, and other such phenomena. After 4,600 years it's structure would have been significantly damaged without such construction.

It's made of huge lumps of stone, and it HAS suffered some crumbling.

* Amazingly, the outside surface stones are cut within 0.01 (1/100th) inch of perfectly straight and at nearly perfect right angles for all six sides. And they were placed together with an intentional gap between them of 0.02 inch. Modern technology cannot place such 20-ton stones with greater accuracy than those in the Pyramid.

Not sure about this one, but I have my doubts.

Let's pause from our tour for a moment's rest and reflection. Whoever built the Pyramid used a technologly that we still do not possesses today to cut, move, and cement stones. Whoever built it also had some knowledge of the Earth, because it was built in the right spot-one of the few places that would support such a great weight. The builder also knew where the greatest land mass of the Earth was in both the North-South and East-West directions.

None of this is necessarily true.

* We know from geometry that there is a universal relationship between the diameter of a circle and its circumference. Consider this: The height of the Pyramid's apex is 5,812.98 inches, and each side is 9,131 inches from corner to corner (in a straight line). If the circumference of the Pyramid is divided by twice its height (the diameter of a circle is twice the radius), the result is 3.14159, which just happens to be pi. Incredibly, this calculation is accurate to six digits.

I don't think the quoted six-figure accuracy is correct.

* Other numbers are also repeated throughout. Each of the Pyramids four walls, when measured as a straight line, are 9,131 inches, for a total of 36,524 inches. At first glance, this number may not seem significant, but move the decimal point over and you get 365.24. Modern science has shown us that the exact length of the solar year is 365.24 days.

If you look hard enough for numerical relationships like this, you'll be able to find as many as you want, in any structure you care to name. The Great Pyramid is not special in this regard.

Clearly, whoever built the Pyramid had access to information beyond that which earthlings possessed at the time, at least earthlings as we know them.

There's no real evidence which forces us to that conclusion.
  • #3

It is as complex as they say it is. But I'm sure it was built by man
  • #4
OK, the first question should be, what aspect of that particular pyramid defies a conventional explanation? Physical evidence is what leads to the question of 'how the heck did they do that'? The 'apparent' complexity is a straw man. The dumbing down of mankind since that time is not a very satisfactory explanation. If we used to be so brilliant [home grown, or courtesy of ET] where are the 'artifacts'? Were they so wise as to destroy all evidence we had been 'visited' lest we destroy ourselves having been exposed to such knowledge?
  • #5
Thank you all for your help.

Perhaps the Egyptians were just really good builders. I mean, it's not like ancient civilisations were totally inept or anything.
  • #6
Amazingly, the outside surface stones are cut within 0.01 (1/100th) inch of perfectly straight and at nearly perfect right angles for all six sides. And they were placed together with an intentional gap between them of 0.02 inch. Modern technology cannot place such 20-ton stones with greater accuracy than those in the Pyramid.
All the stones are corroded, after those millennia. How can anyone measure such precisions in corroded material?
We know from geometry that there is a universal relationship between the diameter of a circle and its circumference. Consider this: The height of the Pyramid's apex is 5,812.98 inches, and each side is 9,131 inches from corner to corner (in a straight line). If the circumference of the Pyramid is divided by twice its height (the diameter of a circle is twice the radius), the result is 3.14159, which just happens to be pi. Incredibly, this calculation is accurate to six digits.
Again, how do they have such precise measurements in corroded material?
Besides, there is no such coincidence. The approximate value of π/4, found by dividing the height by half of the side is due to the way Egyptians measured angles. For a more complete explanation look at this http://doernenburg.alien.de/alternativ/pyramide/pyr12_e.php.
Other numbers are also repeated throughout. Each of the Pyramids four walls, when measured as a straight line, are 9,131 inches, for a total of 36,524 inches. At first glance, this number may not seem significant, but move the decimal point over and you get 365.24. Modern science has shown us that the exact length of the solar year is 365.24 days.
And who says that the Egyptians used english measurements? If you use the metric system there is no such coincidence. And if the Egyptians had a knowledge of the world allowing them to locate the pyramid at the exact center of the lands mass, they should have used a measuring system based on Earth's circumference and not on the finger of a British king.
  • #7
All the stones are corroded, after those millennia. How can anyone measure such precisions in corroded material?
On the north side, below the sand, there are a few dozen intact casing stones which are in fantastic condition.
The interior stones are not corroded either.

When Discovery sent a crew to try and make a mini pyramid, they went to the local quarries, where the stone cutters reprodused the same precision cuts.
  • #8
"According to common perception they were built, with the begrudging help of great armies of slaves, by the ancient pharaohs of Egypt as tombs for preserving their royal bodies. Pyramids were meant to be monuments to the pharaoh's greatness, filled with great treasures for the afterlife."

This is not right. The pyramids were built by the Egyptians as a way to pass on knowledge to the future and to venerate the...greatness of human beings.

If you needed to pass on information to the future, maybe 1000 years or more, how do you do it? If you write books they can be destroyed. If you tell stories, the language can change and no one can understand it anymore. If you build a huge structure out of solid rock, that is about the best that an ancient peoples could do for making something impervious to time. It worked. We still see the pyramids today.

The pyramids were build to pass on the information to the future that there is a pyramid inside of your body. If you find this pyramid and make it strong, you will be a superior human being. Maybe they didn't want to pass the information on and just built the pyramid because it represents power to those human beings that can find it. If you can find this pyramid inside of you and strengthen it, you will be better than everyone else. Strong enough to take power. Political, military, religious, whatever turns you on.

I personally think the human race is devolving. I think that back in the time of the Egyptians, this knowledge was probably widespread and common. There were probably enough people that understood the Pyramid is a source of power that they could have an entire religion or society devoted to the shape.
  • #9
There is one vote for the dumbing down of humanity.
  • #10
The engineers were egyptians, the builders were egyptians, but at that time it was true that egyptians had slaves, but they were slaves, they did the physical work, i donno what kind fo work they ahd to do, it's so unclear how they managed to build such a thing...

But one thing I'm sure of, the engineers, the ones who knew how and why they did it, were egyptians, cause they were built on the basis of egyptian convictions, egyptians have always been constructing fancy tombs which contains their treasures and whatever that reserves their bodies to the glory of the next life...

The slaves according to my info, were israel's population and they didn't have the same convictions, they were different and they wouldn't even think of such a construction...
Plus the israeli led a simple life, like many other populations by the time, unlike ancient egyptians, who had expressed their greatness and knowledge in many things not just the pyramids...

And so the idea is purely egyptian, the engineers were egyptians and maybe maybe there were slaves doing the physical work..But since we donno how it was constructed from the 1st place we can't tell how it was built...

My historical info, says that Egyptians were secret keepers, they didn't spread their secrets to anyone, since all was written on papers of papyrus, and hieroglyph was hard to decode even for people who were livin by the time...

When the seleucid , pheniciens, roman, greek, jewish or isreali empires started to shine, egyptians were already loosing their former powers, and their alphabet their language were hard to decode still, and they lost their advantage when the byblos and what the greek improved to be the usable alphabet appeared...

It's known for a long time, that egyptians had their lead long before anyone, while others led a simple ignorant life, the egyptians were shining with power and knowledge, they had an amazing understanding for sciences...

Their secrets are burried with them, until now it's hard to figure out whatever thye did and how they did it...But if these techniques were common, why there was nothing as great anywhere else..(referring to the same time) and if it was known for other, I'm sure we would have tons of manuscripts that are telling us how these things were done...

But it was a secret..Yet unrevealed.
  • #11
I don't agree people don't know about it today. There are lots of people that understand there is a pyramid inside of your body. You don't here them talking about it because if everyone knows the secrets of power, the competition for the good jobs just became much harder.

Did you ever notice this on a dollar bill?


Why is that picture constructed the way it is? What message was the designer trying to impart?

The relevance to there being a pyramid inside of your body as I claim is the eye. An eye is a human thing. Why is a human thing on an inanimate object like the stone pyramids?

Maybe the stone pyramid is a representation that everyone can see of an effect within the body that is invisible to the untrained eye?
  • #12
I wasn't talking about that one, i was talking about the technology they used...To move such heavy stones on the top of each other for ex, how they mummified their deads for ex...
  • #13
Happeh said:
I don't agree people don't know about it today. There are lots of people that understand there is a pyramid inside of your body. You don't here them talking about it because if everyone knows the secrets of power, the competition for the good jobs just became much harder.

Did you ever notice this on a dollar bill?


Why is that picture constructed the way it is? What message was the designer trying to impart?

The relevance to there being a pyramid inside of your body as I claim is the eye. An eye is a human thing. Why is a human thing on an inanimate object like the stone pyramids?

Maybe the stone pyramid is a representation that everyone can see of an effect within the body that is invisible to the untrained eye?

The pyramid on the dollar bill...if you notice it's not complete. It was meant to signify the building of a new nation. The all seeing eye at the top signifys divinity, that with gods help we can build the greatest nation ever (one nation under god). Also the west side of the pyramid is in the dark or shadows. This represents the unexplored western US.

Maybe you should take the pyramid out from under your bed. I think the point may be creating a pressure point blocking oxygen to your brain? :-p
  • #14
Nomy-the wanderer said:
The engineers were egyptians, the builders were egyptians, but at that time it was true that egyptians had slaves, but they were slaves, they did the physical work, i donno what kind fo work they ahd to do, it's so unclear how they managed to build such a thing...

But one thing I'm sure of, the engineers, the ones who knew how and why they did it, were egyptians, cause they were built on the basis of egyptian convictions, egyptians have always been constructing fancy tombs which contains their treasures and whatever that reserves their bodies to the glory of the next life...

The slaves according to my info, were israel's population and they didn't have the same convictions, they were different and they wouldn't even think of such a construction...
Plus the israeli led a simple life, like many other populations by the time, unlike ancient egyptians, who had expressed their greatness and knowledge in many things not just the pyramids...

And so the idea is purely egyptian, the engineers were egyptians and maybe maybe there were slaves doing the physical work..But since we donno how it was constructed from the 1st place we can't tell how it was built...

My historical info, says that Egyptians were secret keepers, they didn't spread their secrets to anyone, since all was written on papers of papyrus, and hieroglyph was hard to decode even for people who were livin by the time...

When the seleucid , pheniciens, roman, greek, jewish or isreali empires started to shine, egyptians were already loosing their former powers, and their alphabet their language were hard to decode still, and they lost their advantage when the byblos and what the greek improved to be the usable alphabet appeared...

It's known for a long time, that egyptians had their lead long before anyone, while others led a simple ignorant life, the egyptians were shining with power and knowledge, they had an amazing understanding for sciences...

Their secrets are burried with them, until now it's hard to figure out whatever thye did and how they did it...But if these techniques were common, why there was nothing as great anywhere else..(referring to the same time) and if it was known for other, I'm sure we would have tons of manuscripts that are telling us how these things were done...

But it was a secret..Yet unrevealed.

Most modern historians think that the pyramids were built by free labourers and not by slaves. The idea that israelites were slaves has no other source than the Bible. To my knowledge there are no egyptian documents supporting this theory.
Egyptian kings have always built tombs for themselves. The more ancient were not pyramids. From some time on they started building pyramids. The first ones were somewhat small and very simple. As egyptian engineers and architects learned from their predecessors they started building more and more sophisticated monuments, but there is nothing esoteric in them. They are proof of human ingenuity.
  • #15
1st what made modern historians think it was free labourers?? While most of the ancient world historians thought there were dlaves at the time...2nd bible isn't a book of legendary stories, historical events there r true...
3rd it's not very important if they were free labourers or slaves, it's not them who developped the technology necessary for that.

Not all tombs were pyramids, that's true, it started by the like of the Saqqara pyramid, the stones were on the form of squares, the area of one is less than its precedent...

Others tried to imitate such a thing, in the area of il guiza itself, there r many small pyramids not only the great 3, but these are constructed of small stones, it wasn't a problem.

And it's not like all the later tombs were pyramids, it's just a symbol...

Edit: these small one weren't necessarely built before the big ones, specially when u know that some of them belong to people who had high ranks but not as great as the other kings..

They also say that some Pharaohs didn't like the idea of a pyramid, because they felt it was too exposed, they made their best to make sure that no one will ever succeed to find the tomb and violate it...
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  • #16
Nooj said:
Some help would be appreciated.

The Egypcians themselves help to the mistery by not showing to the tourists the tenths of *earlier* fallen pyramids, which didn't stand the pass of time; actually some of them were already down in the ancient age. An engineer should welcome such view of the history of architecture, but tourists prefer the mystery.
  • #17
Arrivero, I'm sorry but i didn't understand what u exactly wanted to say...Thank u.
  • #18
GOD__AM said:
Yes unfortunately for you you have stumbled into a science based forum. Maybe you were looking for the science fiction forums? You seem to think that I should take your word on this...are you an expert? I don't know you so how is your opinion any more valid than mine?

Maybe you should start your own thread on how the pineal gland is really a third eye and tell us what it does and how it works. I have read what the experts have to say on it, but maybe you can prove them all wrong. Please enlighten us on how this "pyramid in the body" functions and present some factual data or experimental proof, as I'm likely not to believe so called experts now based on your advice... :rolleyes:

Stumbled huh? You spying on me and see me stumble? ;) It felt to me like I walked normally into a forums clearly labled physics forums.

No. I am no expert. Just an average joe like everyone else. My opinion is more valid because it is my opinion. You are parroting something someone else told you. You did nothing on your own but take instruction from another. I thought my idea thru on my own two feet.

Why would I write that pineal gland stuff? Sounds like you know it all already. I don't know if I can prove those experts wrong or not. You would have to tell me what they said first. I may not know if I don't think it is important.

How does a pyramid in a body function? That is a hard one. What exactly is it you are asking? A pyramid is a very stable object right? Big flat rectangle on the ground. Much more stable than two small feet.

You can roll your eyes all you want. I doesn't matter too much if you believe me. I would like you to but if you don't it is your loss not mine. I heard what you have to say and honestly it seems kind of useless. What good is knowing the symbol signifies building a new nation? I am a person, not a nation. That fact is about as useful as a nail in the foot.

On the other hand? Knowing there is a pyramid inside of me, I can become a very powerful person. Physically, mentally, psychicly, socially. I can use my knowledge to diagnose illness, size up an opponent in a contest or determine the abilites of a person I might want to have a relationship with.

I will agree with you a little bit on something you said. You said the eye signified Divinity. I might go along with that. Some religions feel a person with an activated third eye is divine. After all, they are better than a person who has not activated their third eye.
  • #19
Happeh said:
I will agree with you a little bit on something you said. You said the eye signified Divinity. I might go along with that. Some religions feel a person with an activated third eye is divine. After all, they are better than a person who has not activated their third eye.
So you are better than us?
  • #20
Happeh said:
I may not know if I don't think it is important.

Ignorance is bliss...

Happeh said:
My opinion is more valid because it is my opinion. You are parroting something someone else told you. You did nothing on your own but take instruction from another. I thought my idea thru on my own two feet.

This one is disturbing to say the least. There are many explanations for things like the pyramid on the dollar. Some are based on fact, and some are created by people who have their own agenda, and don't really care what the facts are. No one told me the opinions I expressed on the image on the dollar. I did some googling on it actually and it was pretty easy to separate the fact from fiction. So saying I did nothing on my own is inaccurate, but then you wouldn't care because it doesn't fit into your agenda.

Happeh said:
You can roll your eyes all you want. I doesn't matter too much if you believe me. I would like you to but if you don't it is your loss not mine. I heard what you have to say and honestly it seems kind of useless. What good is knowing the symbol signifies building a new nation? I am a person, not a nation. That fact is about as useful as a nail in the foot.

It's useful to the people that designed it as it conveys a message. The fact that you choose to ignore it and apply your own guess shows how close minded you are.
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  • #21
SGT said:
So you are better than us?

Do you feel that is so?
  • #22
GOD__AM said:
No one told me the opinions I expressed on the image on the dollar. I did some googling on it actually and it was pretty easy to separate the fact from fiction. So saying I did nothing on my own is inaccurate, but then you wouldn't care because it doesn't fit into your agenda.

No one told you the opinions you expressed about the dollar. Except for the one's you chose from your Google search. Yes what I said is not semantically accurate. You are quibbling.

If you are my student and you say 2 + 2 = 3, and I insist, as your teacher, that 2 + 2 = 4, do I have an agenda? Yes. I want what is best for you and I want you to have the proper information that will help you attain your goals life.

GOD__AM said:
It's useful to the people that designed it as it conveys a message. The fact that you choose to ignore it and apply your own guess shows how close minded you are.

This statement is only true if those people are correct. They are not. Or they are and that is only one part of the story.

The fact that I apply my mind to produce my own explanation shows I am an independent thinker. One who does not sit in a chair and allow people with agendas to spoon feed them. I examine what I am told and decide on my own whether it makes sense knowing that people lie out of ignorance or selfish or many other reasons. If you have been around, you know you can turn that last part on me.

Really all I can do is assure you of my honesty and sincerity and ask you to trust that I am trying to share some information with you. I notice you did not ask any practical questions. This tells me that you are more interested in dealing with me personally instead of discussing the issue at hand.

I mentioned third eye, how knowing there is a pyramid inside of you can give a person power and health diagnostic abilities. I asked you what kind of explanation you wanted in response to "how does the pyramid in the body function. You ignored all of that and concentrated in the personal comments.

I gave it some thought. How does the pyramid function in the body. You know, I couldn't really answer you because it was of no interest to me. I was so filled with wonder at the idea there is a pyramid inside of a human being I thought no further. The best I can do is, on a personal level, if you know you have a pyramid inside of you, that knowledge can be used by you to become stronger. If you feel that a section of your pyramid is losing it's pyramidal shape, that would tell you that you were sick or that you needed to strengthen that area.

Knowledge that there is a pyramid inside of you provides you with a goal in life. You want to do whatever it takes for you to complete the pyramid within you. When that pyramid is complete, you would be at your peak of health and mental ability. If the third eye lays within the boundaries of the pyramid, it is common sense that the third eyes shape integrity and strength would be related to the strenght and shape integrity of the pyramid.
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  • #23
Happeh said:
Do you feel that is so?
Certainly not, but you said that you have activated your third eye and that people with an active third eye is superior to others and can even be taken as divine. So, you feel yourself as a superior being.
  • #24
SGT said:
Certainly not, but you said that you have activated your third eye and that people with an active third eye is superior to others and can even be taken as divine. So, you feel yourself as a superior being.

Wait just a minute! I don't think I said I had done anything. If I did I was sloppy. When speed typing I sometimes insert personal pronouns when speaking about people in general. My fingers do not type as fast as I think.

I will indeed agree with you that a person who has opened their third eye is indeed superior to a person who has not opened their third eye. How could it be anyway else? If I work out so I can lift 200 pounds, I am superior to a person who can only lift 100 pounds.
  • #25
But what kind of person can open his third eye, how can u activate that?? Are there persons that have done that in reality?? I mean that can be mentally but physically??
  • #26
Did you ever notice how arrogant people become blind and deaf? They know everything so they no longer need to listen. When you put the obvious in their face, they refuse to see it. They psychological blind themselves to anything that contradicts their perceived superiority

That guy up above was saying that there is a pyramid in your body that goes from your feet to the top of your head. He said the 3rd eye in the dollar bill represents a real persons 3rd eye.

If you look at this picture, you can see a triangle on top of this guys head plain as day. I really don't know what people want. A signed affidavit they should believe their own eyes instead of an encyclopedia?


Just because you don't know what to do to get a pyramid on your head does not mean they do not exist. It means you don't know everything you think you do. It means you should be polite when to strangers that advance new ideas. It means it is always better to hear a person out than to jump to conclusions and kick them in the teeth so they shut up. Or slam the door in their face because you know it all.
  • #27
  • #28
Happeh said:
The pyramids were build to pass on the information to the future that there is a pyramid inside of your body. If you find this pyramid and make it strong, you will be a superior human being. Maybe they didn't want to pass the information on and just built the pyramid because it represents power to those human beings that can find it. If you can find this pyramid inside of you and strengthen it, you will be better than everyone else. Strong enough to take power. Political, military, religious, whatever turns you on.

There is simpler reason why the Egyptians chose to build their great structures as pyramids. It is that the only two shapes you can possibly build at that size out of stone (without making them completely solid) are pyramids and cones.



You completely distorted the pyramid in both pictures! Neither is anything close to the actual shape printed on the dollar bill.

* The Pyramid is located at the exact center of the Earth's land mass. That is, its East-West axis corresponds to the longest land parallel across the Earth, passing through Africa, Asia, and America. Similarly, the longest land meridian on Earth, through Asia, Africa, Europa, and Antarctica, also passes right through the Pyramid. Since the Earth has enough land area to provide 3 billion possible building sites for the Pyramid, the odds of it's having been built where it is are 1 in 3 billion.

Two problems with that. 1) No matter where the pyramid was built, you could say it had a 1 in 3 billion chance of being built there, at least according to the given criteria. 2) The given criteria are incomplete. I would reckon that a pyramid built by Egyptians had absolutely zero chance of being built anywhere but in Egypt. It should be no surprise that they were, in fact, built in Egypt. Anyway, I'm not sure that this claim is true, as I think there is more land lattitudinally along the same meridian somewhere in the Ukraine. Even if it is, though, you can hardly say that the Egyptians intended for their civilization to be located there. They just happened to live in that area and the banks and delta of the Nile were the only fertile land nearby.

I have seen somewhere the claim that the three great pyramids, along with the Sphinx, are arranged in a golden spiral. If that is true, I'd say that fact has a far greater probability of being intentional.
  • #29
loseyourname said:
There is simpler reason why the Egyptians chose to build their great structures as pyramids. It is that the only two shapes you can possibly build at that size out of stone (without making them completely solid) are pyramids and cones.

It has been argued that the pyramid evolved from dirt and rock mounds. At least one scientist claims that a clear progression from simple mounds to the classical pyramid can be traced; at least, in some cultures such as here in the Americas. I have no idea who said this but I saw it on either a Discovery Channel or PBS show, like Nova.
  • #30
Ivan Seeking said:
It has been argued that the pyramid evolved from dirt and rock mounds. At least one scientist claims that a clear progression from simple mounds to the classical pyramid can be traced; at least, in some cultures such as here in the Americas. I have no idea who said this but I saw it on either a Discovery Channel or PBS show, like Nova.

I thought they traced the evolution of the Egyptian pyramids from Babylonian ziggurats. The evolution from mounds is certainly possible in the Americas, although the moundbuilders all resided in what is now the United States, whereas the pyramid builders were thousands of miles south of there. Mounds never used quarried rocks, either. I suppose they could simply have gotten the idea from moundbuilders that the only stable structures would be ones wider at the base and narrower at the top, but that seems self-evident.
  • #31
Someone is reallly lost..
  • #32
loseyourname said:
I thought they traced the evolution of the Egyptian pyramids from Babylonian ziggurats.

A bit more complex than it; there are a lot of internal evolution traced inside Egypt itself. Just they do not show it to tourists.
  • #33
Arivero what r u talking about??
  • #34
Actually the pyramids were a slow, natural progression in tomb building. Ancient tombs in Egypt started out as pits dug in the sand, then covered with rocks. Then someone added a stone slab on top of the rocks, as time went by, this became larger and more elaborate, they were called mastabas. The tops were flat. They started having layers (like a wedding cake) and this lead to the "step pyramid", the first attempt at a true pyramid was a failure, it is the "bent pyramid", they finally worked the design out and ended up with the final pyramids.

Here are examples of the progression of Egyptian tombs.

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  • #35
Interesting evidence to ponder for a scientist

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