How do you leave the toilet seat when using the washroom?

  • Thread starter Mr. Robin Parsons
  • Start date
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In summary: Oh! and if you are going to crap, make sure you do it in the sink. I'm so sick of stepping in crap on the floor.If you have to crap, don't use the seat, the crabs in here jump 20 feet.

So, when you use the washroom, how do you leave the seat?

  • I leave the entire seat up!

    Votes: 10 34.5%
  • I leave only the lower half down!

    Votes: 14 48.3%
  • I close the seat/lid completely prior to flushing.

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • I close the seat/lid completely, post flush.

    Votes: 4 13.8%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Mr. Robin Parsons
So, when you use the washroom, to do either number 1, or number two, how do you leave the toilet seat?

(I'll explain why I ask, later!)
Physics news on
  • #2
This toilet poll stinks...

Are we talking about at home or someplace else?

I always put the lid back on top of the 5-Gallon bucket (I'll try not to mention corn cobs)!

Actually, I clean up the bowl and make sure the seat is placed down (to keep unfortunates from falling in the thing accidentally, especially at night).

Remember: if you sprinkle when you tinkle be a sweety and wipe the seaty.
  • #3
where is the option for "wherever it was when you were done using it"?
  • #4
Usually I just leave the seat up since I live on my own; however, whenever I have guest (particularly girls), I tend to lower the toilet seat and lid all the way. Guess its just a courtsey issue.
  • #5
Originally posted by Lyuokdea
where is the option for "wherever it was when you were done using it"?
Left that one off as it usually isn't always in the appropriate position when starting.

Sign in the host's bathroom, "We aim to please, you aim too please!"
  • #6

Originally posted by BoulderHead
Are we talking about at home or someplace else? Anywhere/Everywhere
I always put the lid back on top of the 5-Gallon bucket (I'll try not to mention corn cobs)! We had an actual seat on our five gallon pail (that is the truth!, the "Honeybucket")
Actually, I clean up the bowl and make sure the seat is placed down (to keep unfortunates from falling in the thing accidentally, especially at night).
Remember: if you sprinkle when you tinkle be a sweety and wipe the seaty.
And, "If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down" (water conservation rules)
  • #7
Originally posted by Cod
Usually I just leave the seat up since I live on my own; however, whenever I have guest (particularly girls), I tend to lower the toilet seat and lid all the way. Guess its just a courtsey issue.
Nice of you , but I am sort of looking for a little more then just a "courtesy issue"
  • #8
I wondered if we were getting kinda slow around here. Now after seeing this post, I have my answer
  • #9
Originally posted by Zantra
I wondered if we were getting kinda slow around here. Now after seeing this post, I have my answer

YUP! real evidence of just how quickly things get "flushed out" isn't it! [?]
  • #10
*turns green with envy*

We had an actual seat on our five gallon pail (that is the truth!, the "Honeybucket")
Now that's super stylish !

I think I may have guessed where this thread is going...
  • #11

Originally posted by BoulderHead
Now that's super stylish !
I think I may have guessed where this thread is going...
Actually I had done this to tell of the researcher who had researched this and found that when a toilet is flushed the swirling water "atomizes" and sends out a very fine mist/spray of bacterally laden moisture.
Apparently this "bacteria laden moisture" arises from the toilet bowl, then settles upon everything, and anything, that is in your bathroom...your toothbrush, face-cloth, towels, etc. etc.

It was to this I had meant to address the issue, and the resultant idea that the best thing to do, with any, and every toilet seat (that you have chance to employ) is to close the lid completely prior to flushing, hence eliminating that debate 'tween males and females about "half down", (bottom half only, Female) "none down" (whole seat in up position, Male) seat arrangement.

So away we go, can we flush out further comments?

  • #12
Hmmm, I didn’t know anything about what you mentioned, I thought it was going to be about snakes or sewer rats coming up out of the toilet.
The "bacteria laden moisture" scenario sounds particularly nasty, but better the underside of the toilet lid than your toothbrush. Maybe I'll go back to 5-gallon buckets again, haha
  • #13
I couldn't remember the cool jingle about peeing on the seat, so here's one about using a convient store restroom:

If you have to crap, don't use the seat, the crabs in here jump 20 feet.

For a time I use to leave the seat down, but here recent with woman wanting to open there own doors and such, I wonder why they can't raise the seat for us?

And that is interesting, and uhh, nasty about the bacteria thing. Wouldn't a bowl sanitizer take care of that problem though? You know, the things that make the water blue.
  • #14
Originally posted by megashawn
(SNIP) For a time I use to leave the seat down, but here recent with woman wanting to open there own doors and such, I wonder why they can't raise the seat for us? GOOD POINT!, I have wondered about that one too, but would want for them to place the seat all the way down, (Prior to flushing!) as well.
And that is interesting, and uhh, nasty about the bacteria thing. Wouldn't a bowl sanitizer take care of that problem though? You know, the things that make the water blue. (SNoP)
As far as I know spraying water into the air helps to kill bacteria, (%? <100%?) as it is employed as a useful form of water sanitation, just that, even dead bacteria can invoke a "pyrotogenic (pyro/fire + genisis/start) reaction" as the cells walls of the dead bacteria still have the protien coat and can still induce a fever from the human bodies immune reaction to what it will still recognize as "foriegn".

It will not particularily give you an actual cold or flu, but it can still produce fever.

The "blue stuff" I suspect is effective, but it might just "aerosol" along with the rest of the contents of the bowl, so some of that would join the (now dead?) bacteria/germs that will settle within the space that they aerosol in.

Sound tasty? brush your teeth, and find out??
  • #15
if we're tlaking public i leave the bottom seat down only but ofcourse makesure i have sufficently coverd it with urine...
  • #16
Originally posted by The Grimmus
if we're tlaking public i leave the bottom seat down only but ofcourse makesure i have sufficently coverd it with urine...
So that was YOU in the washroom, with the urine, that slid the butler off the seat, and crashed him into the library floor, holding the candlestick, that slew the attendant.
I never had a clue!
  • #17
The only thing that has (sorta) bugged me about this entire "Toilet poll" thing, I cannot remember the name of the researcher who clearly deserves the credit for having figured it out!
  • #18
I saw him interviewed on TV in the late 1980s. He was a first-rank
germophobe, the type of guy who
opens doors with a tissue.

He may never suffer from a bacteriological infection but
you could see his Blood Pressure
was working on a really big
aneurism for him.
  • #19
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
I saw him interviewed on TV in the late 1980s. He was a first-rank germophobe, the type of guy who opens doors with a tissue.
He may never suffer from a bacteriological infection but you could see his Blood Pressure was working on a really big aneurism for him.
Quite possible, but as I recall, the one that I had read, had been published in the Newspaper mid, to late 90's.
(Possibly from Mc Gill University??)

One stat I had heard was something along the lines of if you cleaned all of the bacteria off of yourself, (your skin) 'cept one, within 24 hrs, you would have the equivalent of the number of humans on the planet, as bacteria, back (reborn) on your skin. Neat eh??
  • #20
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
One stat I had heard was something along the lines of if you cleaned all of the bacteria off of yourself, (your skin) 'cept one, within 24 hrs, you would have the equivalent of the number of humans on the planet, as bacteria, back (reborn) on your skin. Neat eh??
And some people claim they don't
have any pets!
  • #21
I've been ill for awhile, and this is just to make sure I haven't gotten better yet.

Sung to a popular tune, about a man reverting to 5-Gallon buckets in order to avoid unsanitary mist-spraying toilets.

Gimme Back My Buckets
(Allen Collins -- Ronnie VanZant -- BoulderHead)

Commodes are strange when they're flushin', yes indeed
Well I've seen the lime deposits and the water vapour's been on me
But I keep on workin' 'em out like a workin' man doo-doo
Started using using tidy-bowl, and I hope that you are too

Gimme back my buckets
Put 'em back where they belong
Ain't flushin' it down 'cause I done had my fun
Don't want to see no mist droplets flung
Gimme back my buckets

Sweet sprayin' toilets done run my immunity system down
And I've injested enough "aerosol" to float a battleship around
So I'm leavin' this game one flush ahead of you
But you will not see me smile 'cause my teeth have all turned blue

Gimme back my buckets
Put 'em back where they belong
Ain't flushin' it down 'cause I done had my fun
Ain't going to see no more mist droplets flung
Gimme back, gimme back my buckets
Oh, put 'em back... where they belong

Been working the handle since I turned seventeen
Then I read this poll, and it made me lose my dream
Since I brought my buckets back, I'm feelin' better everyday
Tell all those toilet flushers, better get out of my way

Gimme back my buckets
Put 'em back where they belong
Ain't flushin' it down, 'cause I done had my fun
Don't want to see no mist droplets flung
Gimme back, gimme back my buckets
Oh put 'em back where they belong
Gimme back my buckets
  • #22
Before I had kids, I left the toilet in whatever state was most convenient. But my 2 year old is fascinated by toilet water. He orinally wanted to just play with it, but lately he's been trying to give himself a "swirly".

  • #23
First of all, Boulderhead, you need a hobby! You've got way too much time on your hands. Cool song though. I like the teeth turning blue line.

My wife and I made an arrangement a long time ago that we would both put the seat and the cover down. Sometimes I do it before, sometimes after flushing. We also have a dog and this is a good way to assure that she does not help herself to a drink now and then.

Njorl, I love kids, but there are times when I am sooo glad I just have a dog.
  • #24
toilet fun

once, someone i knew (not me i swear) mummified the a public toilet in oodles of toilet paper and then soaked it all in their urine. whenever i get into that "dark place" i think about that and it brings me back to the light.

i was thinking of starting a related thread with a poll: which hand do you wipe your ass with? there would be two options: right hand and left hand.

then, after a few people answer the poll, i'd say, "yuck! i don't use my hand, i use toilet paper."
  • #25
All the toilet seats were stolen from police headquarters.
The police have nothing to go on.
  • #26
Originally posted by photon
All the toilet seats were stolen from police headquarters.
The police have nothing to go on.
Tell me, do you think it was the work of a ring??
  • #27
Tell me, do you think it was the work of a ring??
Police are pretty sure. Whoever it was, the criminals will surely be plunged into prison.
  • #28
Originally posted by photon
Police are pretty sure. Whoever it was, the criminals will surely be plunged into prison.
Ya mean the police are going to scrub out the ring, then flush them down the toilet??

Do you think they can handle the paperwork??
  • #29
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
Do you think they can handle the paperwork??
If not, they will be in deep doo-doo, and someone will have to come along and mop up after them.
  • #30
Ya mean the police are going to scrub out the ring, then flush them down the toilet??
Sure, that's their job. Well, that's what it says on the paper.
  • #31
Originally posted by photon
Sure, that's their job. Well, that's what it says on the paper.
Only problem is, we can't pull up a seat, and watch the action from the throne! Yoiks!
  • #32

Originally posted by phoenixthoth

i was thinking of starting a related thread with a poll: which hand do you wipe your ass with? there would be two options: right hand and left hand.

then, after a few people answer the poll, i'd say, "yuck! i don't use my hand, i use toilet paper."

There are/were societies where it was right hand eat, left hand wipe. That's why it's not polite to eat with your left hand when eating finger food in India. (I'm not kidding.)

Having had problems with clogging recently, I'm a close-post flush, but the option 'leave it the way you found it' is missing.
  • #33

Originally posted by NateTG
There are/were societies where it was right hand eat, left hand wipe. That's why it's not polite to eat with your left hand when eating finger food in India. (I'm not kidding.)
Having had problems with clogging recently, I'm a close-post flush, but the option 'leave it the way you found it' is missing.
It's implied in the other responces, could easily be added in your responce, and heck! got to leave something for you to say, NO?

FAQ: How do you leave the toilet seat when using the washroom?

1. Why do some people leave the toilet seat up when they are finished using the washroom?

There could be a variety of reasons for this. Some people may have been taught to leave the seat up as a courtesy to the next user, while others may simply forget to put it down. Some people may also prefer to leave the seat up for hygiene reasons, as it allows the toilet bowl to dry out and prevent the growth of bacteria.

2. Is it necessary to put the toilet seat down after using the washroom?

While it is not necessarily required, it is considered polite to put the toilet seat down after use. This is especially important if there are multiple users sharing the same bathroom, as it shows consideration and respect for others.

3. Should the toilet seat be left up or down when flushing the toilet?

The toilet seat should always be left down when flushing the toilet. This helps to prevent the spread of bacteria and germs from the toilet bowl into the air and onto surfaces in the bathroom.

4. What is the best way to remind others to put the toilet seat down?

If you live with others who frequently leave the toilet seat up, it can be helpful to have a friendly reminder in the bathroom to put the seat down after use. This could be a sign or note, or simply a verbal reminder to each other.

5. Is there a specific etiquette for leaving the toilet seat when using a public washroom?

In public washrooms, it is generally expected that the toilet seat should be left down after use. This is for hygiene reasons and to ensure that the next user has a clean and comfortable experience. It is also important to wash your hands after using a public toilet to prevent the spread of germs.
