- #1
- 13
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Homework Statement
Find the common temperature at which the inner diameter of the ring is 0.05% larger than the diameter of the sphere.
Lead sphere
d = 5cm
To = 70°C
∝ = 29x10-6/C°
Steel ring
d = 4.9975cm (the sphere is 0.05% larger than the inner diameter of the ring, hence this value)
To = 70°C
∝ = 12x10-6/C°
Homework Equations
Af = Ao(1+2∝Δt)
Δt = Tf - To
The Attempt at a Solution
Equate both final area of sphere (S) and ring (R)
AFR = AFS (1.0005)
Af = Ao(1+2∝Δt)
AoR(1+2∝RΔt) = (1.0005)AoS(1+2∝SΔt)
Arrange equation to find Δt
Δt = (1.0005)(AoS) - (AoR) / 2(AoR)(∝R) - (1.0005)(2)(AoS)(∝L)
Enter the values
Δt = (1.0005)(π(5cm/2)2) - (π(4.9975cm/2)2) / 2(π(4.9975cm/2)2)(12x10-6/C°) - 2(1.0005)(π(5cm/2)2)(29x10-6/C°)
The answer is
Δt = -44.0416 C°
Which is incorrect because the Final temperature is supposed to be 11.2766°C, using my answer and finding for the final temperature with 70°C as initial.
Tf = 25.9584°C
I've found out that if I multiplied 1.0005 on the diameter of lead sphere (5cm) immediately before others, I'll get an answer of Δt = -58.6820 C° where the final temperature will be 11.3180°C which is pretty close but not the exact answer :(