Managing Time and Work: Strategies for Success

  • Thread starter hisham.i
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    Time Work
In summary: I think the advice has held up, though there are always new techniques to be learned. In summary, if you're having trouble managing your time, try to make a plan, follow it as best as you can, and avoid putting off tasks that are important but not urgent. If you're a student, check out books by Cal Newport.
  • #1
Is there a way to manage our time and our work?
Physics news on
  • #2

Did you have a more specific issue you need help dealing with?
  • #3
Doesn't matter what you manage, but can you still stick with the plan?
  • #4
Check out some books by Cal Newport. . .
  • #5
If you have problems with procrastination.. (like I do)
Here are some helpful hints:
1) It doesn't have to be perfect it just has to be good, and most importantly, it needs to be done.
2) Once you begin its much easier to keep going.
3)Do the important but non urgent tasks.
  • #6
Highway said:
Check out some books by Cal Newport. . .

If you are a student, this book is really good.
  • #7
glueball8 said:
If you are a student, this book is really good.

great, so now we have books on how to manage your time?
I thought it was simple as make a plan and stick with it.
  • #8
I follow my motto adherently,
"Procrastinate and Masturbate"... I mean spend my time on more productive activities!
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  • #9
qedprigmosyno said:
great, so now we have books on how to manage your time?
I thought it was simple as make a plan and stick with it.


So you read it and try to follow the ideas that you think that will help you.
  • #10
Here is the best piece of advice I can give you with regards to time management:

Start working on assignments/projects as soon as they are assigned!

You do not have to complete the assignment right away - just get started. This will help you stay on top of things. I can't tell you how many times I've been working on assignments which lasted much longer than I had originally anticipated. If I had put them off until a later time, I would have been in trouble!
  • #11
I am on the verge of being completely and utterly defeated by procrastination. Two days from now.

Listen to Lateralus. Heed him well.

I dare add only: choose reasonable research subjects. Save the pipe dream research for after you've got the degree.

Do not do as I have.
Do not end up like I will.
  • #12
On procrastination:

Perhaps train yourself to monitor and adjust your attitudes. Focus on the positive end result. Instead of thinking something like, "I've got to get my homework done," try to think of the results that are satisfying: "When I'm done, I'll have a better understanding of rotational friction (or whatever)."

On time managing:


Edit: Geez, this is from January!
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FAQ: Managing Time and Work: Strategies for Success

1. What are some effective time management strategies?

Some effective time management strategies include creating a schedule or to-do list, setting priorities, breaking tasks into smaller chunks, and eliminating distractions.

2. How can I balance my workload and prioritize tasks?

To balance your workload and prioritize tasks, it can be helpful to use the Eisenhower Matrix. This involves categorizing tasks based on urgency and importance, and focusing on the most important and urgent tasks first.

3. What are some ways to increase productivity?

Some ways to increase productivity include setting realistic goals, taking breaks to avoid burnout, delegating tasks when possible, and using tools such as time tracking apps or productivity techniques like the Pomodoro method.

4. How do I deal with procrastination and time-wasting habits?

To overcome procrastination and time-wasting habits, it can be helpful to identify the root cause and find ways to eliminate or reduce it. This could include setting smaller, achievable goals, creating a supportive environment, or seeking accountability from others.

5. How can I effectively manage my time when juggling multiple projects?

When managing multiple projects, it is important to prioritize tasks and set realistic deadlines. Communication and delegation can also be helpful, as well as using tools such as project management software to keep track of tasks and progress.
