To deduce *geometrically*

  • Thread starter Hill
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  • #1
Homework Statement
The roots of a general cubic equation in X may be viewed (in the XY-plane) as the intersections of the X-axis with the graph of a cubic of the form, Y = X^3 + AX^2 + BX + C.
(i) Show that the point of inflection of the graph occurs at X = −A/3 .
(ii) Deduce (geometrically) that the substitution X = x − A/3 will reduce the above equation to the form Y = x^3 + bx + c.
(iii) Verify this by calculation.
Relevant Equations
Y = X^3 + AX^2 + BX + C
Y = x^3 + bx + c
The (i) is straightforward: take the second derivative to 0.
The (iii) is obvious: after the substitution, ##x^2## comes from the ##X^3## with the coefficient ##-3A/3## and from the ##AX^2## with the coefficient ##A##, and they cancel.

Here is my attempt for the (ii).
The substitution translates the graph so that the inflection point sits at ##x=0##. Thus, the curvature of the graph is zero at ##x=0##.

The curvature of ##x^3## is zero at ##x=0##. The terms ##bx## and ##c## do not affect the curvature. But ##ax^2## with ##a \neq 0## has a non-zero curvature. So, if there were such a term, the curvature of the graph would be zero when the curvature of the ##x^3## cancels the curvature of ##ax^2##, i.e., when the curvature of ##x^3## is not zero, i.e., not at ##x=0##. Done.

Do you think this derivation is geometric? Any ideas for a different geometric derivation?
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  • #2
Hill said:
The substitution translates the graph so that the inflection point sits at
##x=0##. Thus, the curvature of the graph is zero at ##x=0##.

The curvature of ##x^3## is zero at ##x=0##. The terms ##bx## and ##c## do not affect the curvature. But ##ax^2## with ##a \neq 0## has a non-zero curvature. So, if there were such a term, the curvature of the graph would be zero when the curvature of the ##x^3## cancels the curvature of ##ax^2##, i.e., when the curvature of ##x^3## is not zero, i.e., not at ##x=0##.
I don't see anything wrong with this, but I would add that the terms bx and c do not affect the curvature, because the curvature involves the second derivative, for which the second derivative of bx + c vanishes. I don't see another way of making the point that there cannot be an ##ax^2## term, but I would try for a cleaner explanation of why this can't happen.
  • #3
Mark44 said:
the terms bx and c do not affect the curvature, because the curvature involves the second derivative, for which the second derivative of bx + c vanishes
This is of course true. However, trying to keep it geometrical, I'd rather point to the fact that ##bx+c## is a straight line, and that does not have a (non-zero) curvature.
  • #4
Hill said:
Homework Statement: The roots of a general cubic equation in X may be viewed (in the XY-plane) as the intersections of the X-axis with the graph of a cubic of the form, Y = X^3 + AX^2 + BX + C.
(i) Show that the point of inflection of the graph occurs at X = −A/3 .
(ii) Deduce (geometrically) that the substitution X = x − A/3 will reduce the above equation to the form Y = x^3 + bx + c.
(iii) Verify this by calculation.
Relevant Equations: Y = X^3 + AX^2 + BX + C
Y = x^3 + bx + c

The (i) is straightforward: take the second derivative to 0.
The (iii) is obvious: after the substitution, ##x^2## comes from the ##X^3## with the coefficient ##-3A/3## and from the ##AX^2## with the coefficient ##A##, and they cancel.

Here is my attempt for the (ii).
The substitution translates the graph so that the inflection point sits at ##x=0##.
And you already know from (i) that the unique point of inflection of [itex]x^3 + ax^2 + bx + c[/itex] is at [itex]-a/3[/itex], so you must have [itex]-a/3 = 0[/itex].

The "geometric" derivation comes from translation of the graph by [itex]A/3[/itex] units to the left, as opposed to the algebraic derivation of (iii). This does of course assume that a translated cubic remains a cubic, but I don't think it is possible to show that without doing some algebra.
  • #5
pasmith said:
This does of course assume that a translated cubic remains a cubic, but I don't think it is possible to show that without doing some algebra.
This is a challenge.

In case all three roots are real we don't need algebra to show that the translated cubic is at least cubic: the horizontal translation cannot change the number of intersections with the x-axis.
  • #6
pasmith said:
This does of course assume that a translated cubic remains a cubic, but I don't think it is possible to show that without doing some algebra.
We don't need algebra to show that the translated cubic is at least cubic: translation cannot remove inflection point.