Totally Hypothetical, probably incorrect, Shock Wave Generation Mechanism

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of generating shock waves without having to go Mach 1 or detonate something. The idea involves using a rotating block of super dense metal to create a shock wave, with calculations and assumptions made to estimate the pressure generated. The conversation also mentions other methods of generating shock waves, such as using a bb gun and a piece of pipe, and the potential for projectile-based devices in water.
  • #1
So I was sitting around pondering about forces, and I found myself thinking about shock-waves. Whether they're caused by supersonic travel, or explosions, the pressure at the front of the wave-bow shock pressure is a force.

So I started thinking of a way to generate them without having to go Mach 1 or detonate something. And here is what I came up with, and please be as brutal as you want with the criticism. This is all hypothetical and done out of curiosity.

So imagine, if you will, a block .1 m x .1 m x .1 m of some super dense metal and this block weighs about .5 lbs (.2267 kg). Now imagine this block is at the end of a .1 m rod and this whole contraption rotates around the other end of the rod. (Hoping that you're still with me) This rod will need to rotate at least at 33422 RPM to go 350 m/s which is a little more than Mach 1 (v=r*RPM*.10472). Which isn't hard for today's electric motors, so let's bump it up to Mach 1.1 (so 17905 RPM).

That's the setup. Now for some more math. So going off some math off a great technical paper (linked at the bottom), I was able to calculate the bow shock pressure with some generous assumptions.

Bow Shock Pressure:

Kp: Pressure Amplification Factor
KR: Reflection Factor (assumed 2.0)
pv: Atmospheric pressure of aircraft (Pa)
pg: Atmospheric pressure of ground (101325 Pa)
M: Mach number
he: Altitude
L: Length of object
Ks: Object shape factor

To find Ks, we have this equation:

Ae: Effective area
L: Length
Le: Effective length

Because it's a cube, L=Le

So we get
Ks=2.166 (In that ballpark)

Now onto our assumptions, as crazy as they may be. I'm assuming that the whole system is sealed and the environment is pressurized to 3atm and we have some technology (magic?) to transfer the pressure generated in the system to the outside to be measured.

I think I've assigned all the variables except Kp and he. So without doing those we get

Now, Kp is usually in the ballpark of .8-2.1 for supersonic aircraft, so that factor won't have much affect on the order of magnitude of the pressure.
he affects how the bow shock travels through the air s it's really not relevant to my system because it's closed. Unless someone can give me an idea of what to assign it, I'll just ignore it, because like Kp, it won't affect the order of magnitude much.

Wrapping this up, we have somewhere in the vicinity of 110000 Pa, which is 110000 N/m2. Supersonic aircraft are usually within 50-100 Pa, and I was trying to get as large of a pressure as possible.

Can someone comment on this, or just tell me that this idea is completely ludicrous and shut me up?
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  • #3
Now where's the hypothetical fun in that?
  • #4
We've done a lot of work inventing several shock wave and simulated blast wave generators.

One idea we tested was simply shooting a bullet into water. It gives a true shock wave with a repeatable peak pressure, but the shape is too poor to serve as a simulated blast wave in any practical application. It will kill fish though. It will also burst old Igloo ice chests requiring the need to mop the lab.

Most of our better simulated air blast waves use oxy-acetylene based devices. I still think projectile based devices have potential in water.

FAQ: Totally Hypothetical, probably incorrect, Shock Wave Generation Mechanism

1. How does the shock wave generation mechanism work?

The shock wave generation mechanism is a process in which a sudden release of energy causes a rapid change in pressure, resulting in a shock wave. This can happen through various means, such as explosions, supersonic flight, or even underwater disturbances. The energy released creates a compression wave that moves outward in all directions, causing a sudden increase in pressure and temperature.

2. What factors affect the strength of a shock wave?

Several factors can influence the strength of a shock wave, including the amount of energy released, the distance from the source of the shock wave, and the medium through which it travels. The type of shock wave, whether it is a blast wave or a shock front, can also affect its strength. Additionally, the shape and size of the object causing the shock wave can impact its intensity.

3. Can shock waves be controlled or harnessed for practical use?

While shock waves are often associated with destructive events, they can also be harnessed for practical purposes. For example, shock waves can be used in medical procedures, such as breaking up kidney stones or treating tumors. They are also used in industrial applications, such as shock wave cleaning and drilling. However, controlling and directing shock waves is still a challenging task and requires precise engineering and understanding of the mechanisms involved.

4. Are there any potential dangers associated with shock waves?

Yes, shock waves can pose various dangers depending on their intensity and location. High-intensity shock waves can cause physical damage to structures and living organisms, while low-intensity shock waves can still cause discomfort and hearing damage. The proximity to the source of the shock wave also plays a significant role in determining its potential dangers.

5. How does the study of shock wave generation mechanisms benefit us?

Understanding shock wave generation mechanisms is crucial for many fields, such as aeronautics, military, and medicine. By studying shock waves, we can gain insights into how different materials respond to extreme conditions, develop better protective measures, and improve medical treatments. Additionally, studying shock waves can also help us understand natural phenomena, such as earthquakes and meteorite impacts.

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