Exploring the Relationship Between Rotational Rates and Area in Calculus

  • Thread starter Duhoc
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In summary: If you want the area under the curve, you need to integrate the curve from the starting position to the ending position. The result is a function of the radii and the rates of rotation. The specific relationship depends on the specific values of R1, R2, and \omega.
  • #1
Let's say that someone is drawing a circle with a compass. As that circle is being drawn a second compass is attached to the first such that the needle leg is attached to the pencil of the first. Only instead of a needle it is a small wheel. As the first compass inscribes its circle the second compass is tracing out the circumference of the first and drawing a circle at twice the rate of rotation of the first. An analogy would be someone at the edge of a merry-go-round that is rotating above a piece of paper. The rider endeavors to trace out a circle on the paper as the merry-go-round rotates at twice the rate of rotation of the merry-go-round. Is there an exponential relation between the relative rates of rotation and the area incribed under the curve created by the second compass? Additionally, if a third compass rode on the path inscribed by the second attempting to sketch a circle at some ratio of the rate of rotation of the first and second could that area be expressed? (Please private message as well as post.)

Thank you,
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  • #2
Doesn't look all that hard. If you take (0,0) as the center of the circle described by the compasses and [itex]\omega[/itex] as the "rate of rotation", assuming radius R1, then the circle itself is described by the equations [itex](R_1cos(\omega t), R_1 sin(\omega t))[/itex]. A second circle with center at that point, radius R2 and "rate of rotation" [itex]2\omega[/itex] is given, relative to that point, by [itex](R_2cos(2\omega t), R_2 sin(2\omega t))[/itex].

That point, relative to the original coordinate system is just the sum:
[itex](R_1 cos(\omega t)+ R_2cos(2\omega t), R_1 sin(\omega t)+ R_2 sin(2\omega t))[/itex]
  • #3
Are you sure?

Remember that the second circle is not a circle. It is rotating around the circumference of circle 1 as it attempts to inscribe a circle forming a curve. I am seeking an expression for the area under that curve relative to the rotation rates of the circle and the would-be circle. And I would like to know, is that area in some way related to the relative rates of rotation of the two compasses. Again, to clarify, compass two has a wheel that is riding along the track of the circumference of circle one as it is trying to inscribe circle 2 at twice the rate of rotation of circle one. This is exactly analagous to an elbow joint rotating in relation to a shoulder joint.
  • #4
Yes, I understand all that. The equations I gave are correct.

FAQ: Exploring the Relationship Between Rotational Rates and Area in Calculus

What is the toughest concept in calculus?

The toughest concept in calculus can vary from person to person, but some common ones include limits, derivatives, and integrals.

How can I improve my understanding of tough calculus concepts?

One way to improve understanding of tough calculus concepts is to practice, practice, practice! Work through various problems and seek help from teachers or online resources when needed. It may also be helpful to break down the concept into smaller, more manageable parts.

Why is calculus often considered a difficult subject?

Calculus can be considered difficult because it requires a strong foundation in algebra and trigonometry, and it introduces new and abstract concepts such as limits and derivatives. It also requires a lot of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

How can I prepare for a tough calculus exam?

To prepare for a tough calculus exam, it is important to review all the material covered in class, practice solving problems, and seek help from teachers or tutors if needed. It may also be helpful to create study guides or flashcards to review key concepts and formulas.

Are there any tips for understanding tough calculus concepts?

Some tips for understanding tough calculus concepts include breaking them down into smaller parts, making connections to real-world applications, and seeking help from teachers or peers. It may also be helpful to use visual aids or online resources to supplement learning.
