Transform of Line Element in Special Relativity

In summary, the homework statement asks for a line element equation relating new coordinates (t', x', y', z') related by t =\left (\frac{c}{g} + \frac{x'}{c} \right )sinh\left (\frac{gt'}{c} \right) . The equation becomes: ds^2 = -(cdt)^2 + dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2 when g is constant with units of acceleration.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Transform the line element of special relativity from the usual (t, x, y, z) coordinates rectangular coordinates to new coordinates (t', x', y', z') related by
[itex] t =\left (\frac{c}{g} + \frac{x'}{c} \right )sinh\left (\frac{gt'}{c} \right) [/itex]
[itex] x =\left (\frac{c}{g} + \frac{x'}{c} \right )cosh\left (\frac{gt'}{c} \right) - \frac{gt'}{g}[/itex]
y = y', z = z'

for constant g with dimensions of acceleration

Homework Equations

[itex] ds^2 = -(cdt)^2 + dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2 [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

After taking the typical steps to transform a line element, I came up with:

[itex] (cdt)^2 = g^2 \left (\frac{c}{g} +\frac{x'}{c}^2 \right) cosh^2 \left(\frac{gt'}{c} \right)(dt')^2 + sinh^2 \left (\frac{gt'}{c}\right) (dx')^2 + 2g \left (\frac{c}{g} +\frac{x'}{c} \right) sinh \left (\frac{gt'}{c} \right) cosh \left(\frac{gt'}{c} \right) dt'dx'[/itex]

[itex](dx)^2 = g^2 \left (\frac{c}{g} +\frac{x'}{c}^2 \right) sinh^2 \left(\frac{gt'}{c} \right)(dt')^2 + cosh^2 \left (\frac{gt'}{c}\right) (dx')^2 - 2g \left (\frac{c}{g} +\frac{x'}{c} \right) sinh \left (\frac{gt'}{c} \right) cosh \left(\frac{gt'}{c} \right) dt'dx'[/itex]

As you can see, if you plug these expressions into the line element equation above, (dy = dy' and dz = dz'), the cross terms don't cancel out, but actually add together, as so,

[itex](ds)^2 =-g^2\left(\frac{c}{g} +\frac{x'}{c}\right)^2(dt')^2 -4g\left(\frac{c}{g} +\frac{x'}{c}\right)sinh \left(\frac{gt'}{c} \right ) cosh\left(\frac{gt'}{c} \right )dt'dx' + (dx')^2 +(dy')^2 + (dz')^2 [/itex]

which seems wrong, but at the same time, the next part of the question asks me to find the gt'/c << 1 limit, which seems to imply that not all the hyperbolic terms cancel out, which would clearly be the case if the cross terms vanish. Have I made an error in calculating the line element somewhere?
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  • #2
There's clearly something wrong with your units. In the coordinate transformations you have same units for t and x, but then in the metric you have an extra conversion factor c.

What is the extra t' doing in the coordinate transform for x? Is it just a typo since it's not in the later stages of your calculation?
  • #3
x =\left (\frac{c}{g} + \frac{x'}{c} \right )cosh\left (\frac{gt'}{c} \right) - \frac{gt'}{g}
Should the last term in this be gt'/c ? The c factors are not right, as clamtrox suggests.

I can see your mistake ( I think). The minus on the cross term in dx2 is wrong.

If you still have a problem, I have a Maxima script for this now.
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  • #4
Whoa, yeah, sorry. That last term at the end of x should be c2/g, NOT gt'/g. I got carried away, or mixed up in the LaTeX or something. Anyway, it's a constant, and disappears in the differentiation.

Mentz, you're totally right. I made the rookie mistake of assuming that the derivative of coshx was -sinhx. I really should have looked that up while I was doing the problem yesterday XP

Ok, so the cross term in dx2 is now positive, so the cross terms in ds2 vanish. Thanks, guys.

so my new line element becomes:

[itex] ds^2 = g^2 \left(\frac{c}{g} +\frac{x'}{c} \right)^2 \left[sinh^2 \left (\frac{gt'}{c} \right) -cosh^2 \left(\frac{gt'}{c} \right )\right]dt'^2 + \left[cosh^2 \left (\frac{gt'}{c} \right) -sinh^2 \left(\frac{gt'}{c} \right )\right]dx'^2 + dy'^2 + dz'^2 [/itex]

Which simplifies to:

[itex]ds^2 = -g^2 \left(\frac{c}{g} +\frac{x'}{c} \right)^2 dt'^2 + dx'^2 + dy'^2 + dz'^2[/itex]

So, when the problem asks me to take the gt'/c << 1 limit, what does that even mean to the above metric? This is supposed to result in a metric detailing a constant acceleration in the Newtonian limit.
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  • #5
soothsayer said:
Whoa, yeah, sorry. That last term at the end of x should be c2/g, NOT gt'/g. I got carried away, or mixed up in the LaTeX or something. Anyway, it's a constant, and disappears in the differentiation.

Mentz, you're totally right. I made the rookie mistake of assuming that the derivative of coshx was -sinhx. I really should have looked that up while I was doing the problem yesterday XP

Ok, so the cross term in dx2 is now positive, so the cross terms in ds2 vanish. Thanks, guys.

so my new line element becomes:

[itex] ds^2 = g^2 \left(\frac{c}{g} +\frac{x'}{c} \right)^2 \left[sinh^2 \left (\frac{gt'}{c} \right) -cosh^2 \left(\frac{gt'}{c} \right )\right]dt'^2 + \left[cosh^2 \left (\frac{gt'}{c} \right) -sinh^2 \left(\frac{gt'}{c} \right )\right]dx'^2 + dy'^2 + dz'^2 [/itex]

Which simplifies to:

[itex]ds^2 = -g^2 \left(\frac{c}{g} +\frac{x'}{c} \right)^2 dt'^2 + dx'^2 + dy'^2 + dz'^2[/itex]

So, when the problem asks me to take the gt'/c << 1 limit, what does that even mean to the above metric? This is supposed to result in a metric detailing a constant acceleration in the Newtonian limit.

Are you sure it's not asking for the limit when gx'/c2<<1?
  • #6
Yeah, I also thought it might have asked for gx'/c << 1 when I was typing this and didn't have the book on hand, but no, I checked it again and it definitely asked for gt'/c << 1. So I went back to the coordinate transform equations and took the gt'/c << 1 limit of those, instead of the line element, but try as I did, I couldn't seem to find any physically significant results.
  • #7
The units on the first term on the rhs of the equation for x in your original post don't seem right. There seems to be a factor of c missing out front. If you make this change and use

sinh(gt'/c) → gt'/c at gt'/c <<1
cosh(gt'/c) → 1 + (gt'/c)2/2 at gt'/c <<1

see what you get.

FAQ: Transform of Line Element in Special Relativity

1. What is a transform of a line element?

The transform of a line element is a mathematical concept used in geometry and physics to describe the relationship between two coordinate systems. It represents the change in position and orientation of a line segment when moving from one coordinate system to another.

2. What is the purpose of a transform of a line element?

The purpose of a transform of a line element is to simplify calculations and measurements by representing them in a more suitable coordinate system. This allows for easier analysis and interpretation of geometric and physical data.

3. How is a transform of a line element calculated?

A transform of a line element is typically calculated using matrix multiplication. The coordinates of the line segment in one coordinate system are multiplied by a transformation matrix to obtain the coordinates in the other coordinate system.

4. Can a transform of a line element be applied to any shape?

Yes, a transform of a line element can be applied to any shape, not just lines. It can be applied to polygons, curves, and even three-dimensional objects. The concept remains the same, but the calculations may be more complex.

5. How is a transform of a line element used in real-life applications?

A transform of a line element is used in various fields such as computer graphics, computer vision, robotics, and physics. It is used to represent and manipulate objects in different coordinate systems, making it a crucial tool in 3D modeling, navigation, and motion planning.

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