Translational motion in Quantum Chemistry

In summary, the Coulomb potential is the difference in potential energy between two objects that are close to each other.
  • #1
Hello, I'm usually a PF user in General Physics/Chemistry, but I might need the help of you quantum physics users :), recently I have started a quantum chemistry module and I'd appreciate if I could clear some stuff up with you guys rather than look like a penis by asking all my friends, who probably don't understand as much as me either anyway.

Not quantum (but appeared in the quantum chem bit)

Now I've used the coulomb equation for about 3 years now, but It's always been slightly confusing for me, so just to clear it up:

[tex] V_{potential energy} = \frac{Q_{1}Q_{2}}{4\pi\epsilon_{o}r}[/tex]

We have this (non-quantum) equation, sorry for ramming it in here, but I'd rather not spam by posting two threads, and this is probably basic for most of you guys, now for this equation. Let's say I have a proton and an electron, the maximum potential energy that they can have is "ZERO" (infinite seperation) and their lowest potential energy is negative "Infinity", so when an electron has potential energy of, say, -30eV, this would be equal to saying, if I gave the electron 30eV it would become infinitely separated and have maximum potential energy?

Likewise for two alike charges (two positive) the maximum potential energy is Positive infinity and the lowest is Zero, so if I gave two Protons infinite energy they should be able to meld into eachover (lets not go into details, I'm just going to guess there's a limitation to how close they get before binding).

Translational Motion

Heres one that was pulled up in the lecture, translational motion was represented by a wavefunction, now I understand that Atoms will move in a "Wavelike" manner represented by the wavelength:


but don't they have a particular position in space, mapping translational motion as a wavefunction would have massive implications for diffusion, gas velocity between two pressures and such, how does Quantum theory work around this?

Uncertanty theory

Now the lecturer just said uncertainty theory means we can't be sure about anything (which is true), If i could have a go at the explination around the uncertainty theory, if I wanted to localise the postion of a particle exhibiting a wavefunction, such as an electron, I would have to superimpose a sympathy of waves over it until the interference pattern divulged a particular position in the wavefunction where the proabability of it existing in the position is extremely high, but by this series of superpositions we cannot find out the momentum of the said wavefunction? Or is the equation:

[tex]m * p = \frac{h}{4\pi} [/tex]

Where m and p are uncertanties of these quantities, i used an equals sign rather than an inequality sign because, I'm a newbie with Latex :)

Sorry for the hassle, but, your probably used to it so...*pokes your brain with a stick*
Physics news on
  • #2
Anyone hooome? ^^
  • #3
  • #4
pokey doke?

Im poking because its been inac for 3 weeks now ¬_¬ hehe
  • #5
This may be better suited to the homework/coursework forums.

Your understanding of the Coulomb potential is good. There is a deep misunderstand with what a wavefunction is, and your exposition on the HUP is also somewhat flawed.

Don't have time to address these now, but will check back later tonight.
  • #6
AbedeuS said:
Lets say I have a proton and an electron, the maximum potential energy that they can have is "ZERO" (infinite seperation) and their lowest potential energy is negative "Infinity", so when an electron has potential energy of, say, -30eV, this would be equal to saying, if I gave the electron 30eV it would become infinitely separated and have maximum potential energy?

OK right, you say negative infinity, but this is not the case. Protons and electrons cannot exist in the same place due to the pauli exclusion principle, this means that the closer you get them, there will eventually be an immense repulsive force, to stop you breaking the laws of physics; giving the electron POSITIVE energy when moved closer, so the graph for potential energy will probably look something more like this:

[tex]V = A^{12}/r^{12} - 2A^6/r^6[/tex] where [itex]A[/itex] is a constant that is the equilbrium distance for the orbit of the electron around a hydrogen nucleus (proton). Will probably make more sense if put into Mathmatica or Maple.

I'm tired can't answer the questions now, I'm sure someone else will :P

Sam :D

P.S. That equation was pulled out of a piece of coursework I had to hand in recently (I hope I remembered it right) :P

FAQ: Translational motion in Quantum Chemistry

1. What is translational motion in quantum chemistry?

Translational motion refers to the movement of a molecule or atom through space. In quantum chemistry, it is described by the principles of quantum mechanics, which take into account the wave-like nature of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels.

2. How is translational motion related to the principles of quantum mechanics?

Translational motion is related to quantum mechanics because it involves the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels, which are governed by quantum mechanical principles. These principles allow for a more accurate description of the movement and interactions of particles in a chemical system.

3. How is translational motion measured in quantum chemistry?

In quantum chemistry, translational motion is measured using mathematical models and equations that take into account the position, velocity, and acceleration of particles. These models are based on quantum mechanical principles and can be used to predict the behavior of particles in a chemical system.

4. What are the practical applications of studying translational motion in quantum chemistry?

Studying translational motion in quantum chemistry can provide valuable insights into the properties and behavior of molecules and atoms, which can be applied in various fields such as materials science, drug design, and nanotechnology. It also allows for more accurate predictions of chemical reactions and properties, aiding in the development of new technologies and products.

5. How does translational motion affect chemical reactions?

Translational motion plays a crucial role in chemical reactions as it determines the speed and direction of reactants and products. Understanding the translational motion of particles allows for a better understanding of reaction rates, energy transfer, and the formation of products. This information is essential for designing and optimizing chemical reactions for various applications.
