Two short electrodynamics questions

In summary, the first question asked about the calculation of Lorentz scalars using the field strength tensor (F) and its dual (G). It was determined that the only invariants that can be formed are FF, GG, FG, and GF. The second question inquired about the properties of the Riemann-Silberstein vector under parity and time reversal. It was found that under parity reversal, the vector becomes -F*, and under time reversal, it becomes F*. The interpretation of these results is still unclear.
  • #1
1. Invariants in field strength

The first part of the question asked you to calculate the Lorentz scalars by contracting the field strength tensor (F) and it's dual (G): FF, GG and FG (index's omitted) and formed ±2(B²-E²/c²) and -4/c(E.B). The next part asked:

Are there any other invariants quadratic in the field strengths (but not depending on any higher derivatives of the potentials? Why or why not? [Hint: count parameters].


Attempt: I'm pretty sure the answer is no, as the invariants that can be formed from the field strength tensors are FF, GG, FG and GF (which gives nothing new). But I'm not sure how to show it formally. Is there are reason no other Lorentz scalars can be formed involving E & B?

2. Parity and time reversal of the Riemann-Silberstein vector

Question: What are the properties of the Riemann-Silberstein vector under parity and time reversal?

Equations: F(x,t) = E(x,t) + iB(x,t)

Attempt: Under parity reversal E -> -E and B -> B. Thus F -> -F*. This to me doesn't obviously make F a vector or pseudovector, have I made a mistake or is this another type of properties vectors can have or the extension of one of the other properties to complex numbers.

As for time reversal E -> E and B -> -B, so F -> F*. Again I'm not sure how to interpret this result.

Thanks for any help!
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  • #2
Any thoughts?

FAQ: Two short electrodynamics questions

1. What is the difference between electric and magnetic fields?

Electric fields are generated by stationary charges and exert a force on other stationary charges. Magnetic fields are generated by moving charges and exert a force on other moving charges.

2. How does an electric current create a magnetic field?

When an electric current flows through a wire, it creates a circular magnetic field around the wire. The strength of the magnetic field is directly proportional to the magnitude of the electric current.

3. What is the relationship between electric and magnetic fields?

Electric and magnetic fields are closely related and can be thought of as different aspects of the same phenomenon. They are interconnected through Maxwell's equations, which describe how changes in one field can induce changes in the other.

4. How do electric and magnetic fields interact with each other?

Electric and magnetic fields can interact with each other through electromagnetic waves. These waves are created when an electric field oscillates, which in turn creates a magnetic field that also oscillates. This oscillation continues and results in a self-propagating wave of energy.

5. How do electric and magnetic fields affect matter?

Electric and magnetic fields can have various effects on matter depending on the intensity and frequency of the fields. They can cause particles to move, heat up materials, induce electric currents, and even change the chemical properties of substances. In some cases, they can also be harmful to living organisms.
