Calculate Tidal Force on Underwater Artwork Sculpture in Philippines

In summary, it is difficult to calculate the forces of Typhoon waves on an underwater artwork sculpture, and building a safety factor into the design is not possible without more data.
  • #1
Can anyone assist. I'm workingg on a project for the installation of an underwater artwork sculpture. How do I calculate the tidal force on the structure to stop it moving on the seafloor. It's not anchored to the seafloor only sitting on it. Also what safety factor should be built into it for typhoon strength waves. The structure is going to be installed in the Philippines as a diving attraction
Engineering news on
  • #2
That is a very difficult question. I don't know how to do engineering calculations on something like that.

The forces of Typhoon waves depend on many factors, including the local shape of the sea bottom including sand bars. Sometimes, very heavy rocks get thrown on to shore, most times not.

I know that other projects built scale models of the sea, rather than calculating.

We have many knowledgeable engineers here on PF. Maybe one of them can give you a better answer than this.

  • #3
I think the crucial factor is: how deep? Wind induced waves are to my best knowledge restricted to the surface, in contrast to e.g. tsunamis. This doesn't mean you couldn't have big amplitudes as in typhoons, but then again depth is the quantity that matters. IMO it's a more a question of meteorology than it is an engineering question.
  • #4
James8626 said:
diving attraction
You didn't say snorkeling, so maybe you mean scuba diving, which means a greater depth and farther out from shore.
Any indication of the underwater water currents during tides and storms at that particular depth?
Maybe you can estimate the worst, ie the velocity of the water and subsequent force on your art, if no data available, for toppling or twisting.
That part is probably doable to some extent by calculation for your member cross section and joint weld strength.
But as anorlunda eluded to, transfer of say sand or mud undercutting the base of the art could make it unstable after a storm.
In which case, a safety factor for that situation would be greatly unknown.
  • #5
  • #6
Perhaps you can make a model and test it in a water tank? Perhaps a university would be interested in taking it on as a project?
  • #7
It has been a number of years since I was required to analyze the hydrodynamic drag forces no an exposed subsea pipeline but below is a summary of the steps used in that process.

The first step is to determine the area and the depth where want to install your structure and then probable storm for you want your sculptures to survive i.e. 10 yr, 50 yr or 100 yr. With that information there are references that can give you the predicted maximum predicted wave heights for those conditions. From there you can determine the wave circulation velocities and direction at your selected location; as well as any prevalent strong cross currents at that location. The next item is to determine the orientation of your sculpture to the predicted storm wave's and cross current's direction. With all of that established there are equations for predicting the hydrodynamic drag force on your sculpture(s). Depending upon what you find, there are two choices, either relocate your structure to a deeper area as given in post #5; or, to design a sufficiently large and heavy structure base or a piling support that is sufficient to resist the anticipated hydrodynamic drag loadings.
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Likes Nik_2213
  • #8
I just saw a report that says that Hurricane Irma sandblasted algae off the coral reef at depths of 45-65 feet (14-20 m) in the Florida Keys.
  • #9
Welcome to the PF, James. :smile:
James8626 said:
How do I calculate the tidal force on the structure to stop it moving on the seafloor. It's not anchored to the seafloor only sitting on it.
That would seem to be a very problematic design constraint, and maybe insurmountable. Is there a way to apply for a permit to allow you to sink an anchorage point into the sea floor there? What is the composition of the sea floor there? Sand, rock, coral, etc.?
  • #10
berkeman said:
Welcome to the PF, James. :smile:

That would seem to be a very problematic design constraint, and maybe insurmountable. Is there a way to apply for a permit to allow you to sink an anchorage point into the sea floor there? What is the composition of the sea floor there? Sand, rock, coral, etc.?

One could easily make the anchor stronger than the art work; which makes it pointless. Also, anchoring does nothing to protect against "sandblasting."
If the art is at all fragile, the best remedy is to remove it from the water before the storm gets there. Indeed, a floating art work that uses an anchor to pull it down to the bottom, could be easily retrieved from shore in advance of a storm.
  • #11
If it's a diving attraction there won't be strong currents all the time, just the occasional storm to worry about.
  • #12
Perhaps a more empirical approach might be better than the analytical one.
This has been done before, and there are even videos describing the efforts.

Most artists would likely talk to you about what the complications are, the worst they could say is,
"no" they won't talk to you.
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Likes anorlunda
  • #13
Very relevant video @johnbbahm. Some of those sculptures weigh 60 tons. I suspect many of them are located in sheltered lagoons.

Unfortunately, the OP has not been back here since posting this thread, so we probably will not learn more about the art or the location.

FAQ: Calculate Tidal Force on Underwater Artwork Sculpture in Philippines

1. What is a tidal force?

A tidal force is the gravitational force exerted by the moon and sun on the Earth's oceans, causing tides to rise and fall.

2. How is tidal force calculated?

Tidal force is calculated using the formula F = (2GMm)/r^3, where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the larger object, m is the mass of the smaller object, and r is the distance between the two objects.

3. Why is tidal force important in underwater artwork sculpture in the Philippines?

The Philippines is located in the Pacific Ring of Fire and experiences high tidal ranges, making it an ideal location for underwater artwork. Tidal force is important to consider in the design and placement of these sculptures to ensure their stability and longevity.

4. How does tidal force affect underwater artwork sculpture in the Philippines?

Tidal force can cause fluctuations in water pressure and movement, which can put stress on the structure of underwater artwork sculptures. It is important to calculate and account for these forces to ensure the sculptures can withstand the changing tides.

5. Are there any factors that can affect the tidal force on underwater artwork sculpture in the Philippines?

Yes, there are several factors that can affect tidal force, such as the shape and size of the sculpture, the materials used, and the location and depth of the installation. Other environmental factors, such as currents and weather patterns, can also impact tidal force.
