Unfamiliar formulation of Stokes Problem

  • Thread starter the.drizzle
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In summary, the problem is that the developers have formulated the Stokes problem in a manner that is unfamiliar to me and I am not able to make it work in the manner I would expect it to.
  • #1
Hello, I'm trying out the escript python FEM software package which is so far rather impressive, if for no other reason than the developers have included a Stokes Flow solver. The problem I'm having, however, is that they have formulated the problem in a manner I have not encountered before, nor can seem to make it "work" in the manner I would expect it to. In particular, we have from from section 6.1 of the users manual:

We want to calculate the velocity field v and pressure p of an incompressible fluid. They are given as the solution of the Stokes problem
[tex]-\left( \eta \left( v_{i,j} + v_{j,i} \right) \right)_{,j} + p_{,i} = f_i + \sigma_{ij,j}[/tex]
where [itex]f_i[/itex] defines an internal force and [itex]\sigma_{ij,j}[/itex] is an initial stress. The viscosity may weakly depend on pressure and velocity. If relevant we will use the notation [itex]\eta\left(v,p\right)[/itex]to express this dependency.

My basic problem is that I have not encountered what would normally be the Laplacian on the LHS of the above statement. That is, I would typically expect Stokes problem to be stated as
[tex]\Delta v - \nabla p = f[/tex]
which, components aside, does not seem to be an equivalent statement. Due to my application, the inclusion of the initial condition [itex]\sigma_{ij,j}[/itex] is unimportant, and conservation of mass ([itex]\nabla\cdot v=0[/itex]) is assumed in both cases.

So, can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong, or where I might find a derivation of the quoted formulation so that I can actually apply it?

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  • #2
See the explanation in section 1.5.
  • #3
Thanks, but I suppose I should clarify...

The problem I'm having is not one of indices vs. operator, what I'm failing to see is how
[tex]\nabla\cdot\left(\eta\left(\nabla v + \nabla^T v \right)\right)[/tex]
is equivalent (in some sense?) to
[tex]\eta\Delta v[/tex]
That is, I'm assuming that they mean that [itex]\nabla^T[/itex] denotes the adjoint to [itex]\nabla[/itex], but even then that doesn't seem to add up...

  • #4
the.drizzle said:
Thanks, but I suppose I should clarify...

The problem I'm having is not one of indices vs. operator, what I'm failing to see is how
[tex]\nabla\cdot\left(\eta\left(\nabla v + \nabla^T v \right)\right)[/tex]
is equivalent (in some sense?) to
[tex]\eta\Delta v[/tex]
That is, I'm assuming that they mean that [itex]\nabla^T[/itex] denotes the adjoint to [itex]\nabla[/itex], but even then that doesn't seem to add up...


[itex]\nabla^Tv[/itex] denotes the TRANSPOSE of [itex]\nabla v[/itex]

If you sum them both and divide by 2, you get a symmetrical tensor called the "rate of stain tensor", let's call it ε

For an incompressilble flow ([itex]\nabla · v = 0[/itex]) the law that relates the "viscous stress tensor σ" (I think this one is also called deviatoric stress tensor) to the "rate of strain tensor ε" is:

σ= 2η·ε

Now, in the equation of conservation of momentum, σ doesn't appear as such, but through its divergence. If you calculate its divergence (or just look it up, Navier-Poisson's Law), you get to the conclusion:

[itex]\nabla · σ = - \nabla \times (η\nabla \times v)[/itex]

Since η is constant you can get it out of the curl expression. Applying this property of operators you finally get to the laplacian of v

[tex]\nabla \times \nabla \times \vec{v} = \nabla (\nabla \cdot \vec{v}) - \nabla^2 \vec{v} [/tex]

Hope I could clarify!
  • #5
Brilliant, thank you!


FAQ: Unfamiliar formulation of Stokes Problem

1. What is the Stokes Problem?

The Stokes Problem is a mathematical model used to describe the motion of a viscous, incompressible fluid. It was first formulated by Sir George Stokes in the 19th century and is commonly used in fluid dynamics research.

2. What is an unfamiliar formulation of the Stokes Problem?

An unfamiliar formulation of the Stokes Problem may refer to a different way of expressing or solving the equations that make up the model. This could include using different mathematical techniques or incorporating additional variables.

3. Why is studying the Stokes Problem important?

Studying the Stokes Problem is important because it can help us better understand the behavior of fluids in various scenarios, such as in engineering applications or in natural phenomena. It is also a fundamental model in fluid dynamics and can be used as a basis for more complex problems.

4. How is the Stokes Problem solved?

The Stokes Problem is typically solved using numerical methods, such as finite element analysis or finite difference methods. These involve breaking down the equations into smaller, discrete parts and using algorithms to solve them iteratively.

5. What are some real-world applications of the Stokes Problem?

The Stokes Problem has many real-world applications, including analyzing the flow of fluids in pipes, predicting weather patterns, and understanding the behavior of blood flow in the human body. It is also used in the design of various engineering systems, such as pumps and turbines.

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