Verifying Nuclear Binding: Is it True and How Far Can it Go?

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In summary, nuclear binding occurs when two nuclei are very close to each other and bind together, resulting in a release or use of energy. This is known as mass defect, as proposed by Einstein. The equation mx+my>mafter binding shows that the mass after binding is greater than the sum of the individual masses. This has been verified by sources, such as the Wikipedia page on binding energy. Additionally, it is believed that nuclear fusion can only reach up to proton number 62 or higher.
  • #1
i had learned that in a nuclear binding, when two nucleus are very close to each other, the two nucleus will bind together, known as nuclear binding.
since the process consumes energy
and from what einstein had proposed, the energy released or used by the nucleus come from their loss in mass, which is known as mass defect.
therefore, mx+my>mafter binding

is it true or not? can someone verify it for me

and also under this info
[edit] Nuclear fusion
Main article: Nuclear fusion
When two low mass nuclei come into very close contact with each other it is possible for the strong force to fuse the two together. It takes a great deal of energy to push the nuclei close enough together for the strong or nuclear forces to have an effect, so the process of nuclear fusion can only take place at very high temperatures or high densities. Once the nuclei are close enough together the strong force overcomes their electromagnetic repulsion and squishes them into a new nucleus. A very large amount of energy is released when light nuclei fuse together because the binding energy per nucleon increases with mass number up until nickel-62. Stars like our sun are powered by the fusion of four protons into a helium nucleus, two positrons, and two neutrinos. The uncontrolled fusion of hydrogen into helium is known as thermonuclear runaway. Research to find an economically viable method of using energy from a controlled fusion reaction is currently being undertaken by various research establishments (see JET and ITER).

it seems that nuclear fusion can only reach up to proton number 62? or higher?
Physics news on
  • #3

I can confirm that nuclear binding is a true phenomenon. When two nuclei are very close together, they can bind together due to the strong nuclear force. This process does consume energy, as you mentioned, and this energy comes from the loss in mass of the nuclei, which is known as mass defect. This is in accordance with Einstein's famous equation, E=mc^2.

In terms of how far nuclear binding can go, it depends on the elements involved. Generally, the larger the nuclei, the more energy is required for them to bind together. This is why nuclear fusion, which involves combining smaller nuclei, can only reach up to a certain point. However, with advanced technology and techniques, scientists are constantly pushing the boundaries and exploring the potential of nuclear binding.

As for your question about the maximum proton number for nuclear fusion, this also depends on the elements involved and the conditions under which fusion is taking place. Generally, fusion can occur with elements up to proton number 62 (samarium), but under extreme conditions, fusion of heavier elements has also been observed.

In conclusion, nuclear binding is a well-established and verified concept in the scientific community, and its potential and limitations are constantly being explored and expanded upon.

FAQ: Verifying Nuclear Binding: Is it True and How Far Can it Go?

What is nuclear binding and why is it important?

Nuclear binding is the force that holds together the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. It is important because it determines the stability and properties of an atom, and ultimately plays a crucial role in the functioning of our universe.

How is nuclear binding verified?

Nuclear binding is verified through various experiments and calculations, including nuclear reactions, mass spectrometry, and theoretical models such as the Liquid Drop Model and the Shell Model. These methods allow scientists to measure the binding energy of nuclei and confirm the existence of nuclear binding.

Is nuclear binding always true for all atoms?

No, nuclear binding is not always true for all atoms. The strength of nuclear binding varies depending on the number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus. Some atoms may have unstable nuclei due to a lack of sufficient nuclear binding, which can result in radioactive decay.

How far can nuclear binding go?

The strength of nuclear binding can vary significantly among different atoms. Generally, the larger the atomic nucleus, the stronger the nuclear binding. However, there is a limit to how large a nucleus can be before it becomes unstable. This limit is known as the nuclear drip line.

What are the potential applications of understanding nuclear binding?

Understanding nuclear binding has many practical applications, including nuclear energy production, nuclear medicine, and nuclear weapons technology. It also helps scientists gain a better understanding of the fundamental forces and structures of the universe.
