Ground State and Excited State Wave Function - Explained

In summary, the wave functions for ground state and excited state are different solutions to the Schroedinger equation, with the latter having more nodes and a higher spatial frequency. This is important in understanding Quantum Field Theory and can be further explored in the book "Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur."
  • #1
I am curious, if I were to draw a wave function, would one for ground state and one for excited sate be different? If different, could someone explain how and why? If you could, thanks!
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  • #2
Well in general you can't draw wavefunctions because they are complex valued and are defined at points of three dimensional space.

But yes - the wave-functions are different.

The why is trivial - they are different solutions of the Schroedinger equation.

  • #3
They will be different, because they're different solutions to the same differential equation (the Schrodinger equation). If they weren't different they'd be the same solution so would describe the same state and be the same.

The exact shape of the wave functions will depend on the potential for a particular situation, but a good example is the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator. Google will find you a bunch of images of the wave function for various energy levels in that potential.
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Likes bhobba and terp.asessed
  • #6 I am curious if the wave function (n=0) has the same maximum value as wave function (n=1)? I mean, based on the gif.
  • #8
Awesome! I get it!
  • #9
terp.asessed said:
Okay, thank you for the reply! Btw, I did google online, "one-dimensional harmonic oscillator" but am not sure which is exactly one that describes wave functions for various energy levels in that it this one?:


But I also want to mention this is a very important example for future studies into Quantum Field theory. You get to grips with things like the number operator, annihilation, and creation operators.

The reason its so important is if you do a Fourier transform on a quantum field each of the 'parts' of the transform act mathematically exactly the same as the harmonic oscillator - which is hardly surprising since, classically, you have gone to the frequency domain and the harmonic oscillator oscillates at a fixed frequency. You transform back and low and behold you see a quantum field consists of creation and annihilation operators that behave exactly the same as creating and annihilating particles of a certain momentum. Really deep and interesting stuff.

If that has whetted your appetite for QFT then I highly recommend the following:

I am going through it right now.

You can tackle it after a basic course on QM.

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  • #10
Very simply, the ground state wavefunction won't have nodes. An excited state will have nodes, with higher excited levels having more nodes and more undulations. The spatial frequency of the wave will be higher.

FAQ: Ground State and Excited State Wave Function - Explained

1. What is the ground state wave function?

The ground state wave function is the lowest energy state of an atom or molecule. It represents the most stable arrangement of electrons around the nucleus and is characterized by the lowest possible energy level.

2. How is the excited state wave function different from the ground state wave function?

The excited state wave function is a higher energy state of an atom or molecule compared to the ground state. It occurs when an electron absorbs energy and jumps to a higher energy level, resulting in a less stable arrangement of electrons.

3. How are ground state and excited state wave functions used in quantum mechanics?

Ground state and excited state wave functions are used in quantum mechanics to describe the behavior and properties of electrons in atoms and molecules. They are used to calculate the probability of finding an electron at a specific location and to determine the energy levels of an atom or molecule.

4. Can the ground state wave function be changed?

The ground state wave function can be changed if the atom or molecule absorbs or releases energy. This can happen through processes such as photon absorption, electron excitation, or chemical reactions. However, the ground state wave function represents the most stable arrangement of electrons, so it will always be the most likely state of an atom or molecule.

5. How do ground state and excited state wave functions affect an atom's or molecule's properties?

The ground state and excited state wave functions determine an atom's or molecule's properties, such as its size, shape, and reactivity. The energy levels of an atom or molecule, which are determined by the wave functions, also affect its physical and chemical properties.

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