What Are the Best Games for Any Platform?

  • Thread starter The Grimmus
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  • #36
You didn't have to read the walls to finish the game. You just had to walk past them to find that track for the video machine at the end of the passage. First time I finished the game I didn't read those walls but the next I read them and believed they contained too much wisdom to be in a PC game.

Doh! I thought that i had to read the walls, 'cause some puzzle later on will be related to the Chronicles! Yeah, i remember it was rather biblical, but i just can't recall anything i had read from the wall.

One puzzle that I specially liked was mouse-and-tunnels puzzle (I don't think you got there or?)

Tunnels? I remember one part where you had to wind up some music box, then i remember something about some cart tracks.
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  • #37
These are the first steps in Neverhood. The mouse-and-tunnels puzzle comes way after this one. Anyway, Neverhood is worth playing...
  • #38
Chrono Trigger
Perfect Dark
Splinter Cell
  • #39

THE most addictive game ever.

Ah... a fellow *bander..
I wonder how many others there are on this forum...

As to the Blizzard vs Westwood debate, I kinda feel that both are rather outdated and mundane. I mean, they are fun, but there are only so many permutations of "build a base, build lots of troops, swarm their base, win" you can have. I would lump AoE into this category as well. You play them for a while, but then you just get bored. The total war games (Shogun, Medieval) are for me much better games, simply in terms of complexity and versatillity. I bought shogun a couple of years ago and am still playing it. Then again, maybe I just don't have many games...:wink:
  • #40
Hey greg how about that sc/war 3 game soemtiem after the 17 when we are mostly free
  • #41
ofcourse eveyrone eles is welcome to play a round of sc or war3
  • #42
Day of Defeat was a cool game if you played with the right people. My friends and I used to play over a network and we had a great time, the Normandy Beach assault was pretty cool. But it was way to small, the game should have been larger!
  • #43
the old unreal was pretty cool with their normady...that is ofcourse untile everyoen hacked the pooh oput of it
  • #44
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds and Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast. unfortunately I haven't played outcast in months because my comp got erased and we lost our sound card.
  • #45
hitman (1 & 2) S.O.F (1 & 2) all strategy games and metal gear and for RGB i play a lot FF versions
  • #46
dude chrono trigger is one of the best RPGs ever.
  • #47
Anything in the Myst series, currently URU.
Move over Everquest and Neverwinter Nights.
