What Activities Can You Find at a Club Besides Dancing?

  • Thread starter ocean09
  • Start date
In summary: Basically, if you're looking for a good time and want to be around people who are just as drunk as you are, go to a bar. If you're looking for a more laid back atmosphere and want to be around people who are sober, go to a club.
  • #1
This might be a stupid question.

1. What do people do at a club? You dance, i know that. Anything else?

2. What do people do at a bar? I know you drink here, but is there anything esle to do beside this?

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  • #2
1. go to a club and find out!

2. go to a bar and find out!


Went to a bar yesterday. People hang out, talk. But it depends on the bar/people. That's why I said go to one.
  • #3
It depends on the club.

In both cases I think the general idea is to have a good time with your friends.
  • #4
Personally, at the club I like to dance and just meet new people. I started wandering off on my own and just start talking with people. Before I thought you need to be like in a group, but clearly you don't.

At the bar, you just hang out and chat it up with your buddies. Talk about hockey and how much work sucks. The usual.
  • #5
Leave us not forget the all-important pool tables. Also darts, foosball, etc.. One bar in Calgary even has a mini-golf that runs all over the floor.
  • #6
If you go to a bar you go to chat with mates and get drunk.
If you go to a club you go there to dance and get drunk.
  • #7
Either you have no life, or you're English. :rolleyes:
  • #8
If I am not working, I am either drunk or getting drunk.
  • #9

Bars are things that I tend to walk into periodically.
  • #10

Haha, wow did I really post that two years ago?

I guess it was fun at first because it was something new. But two years later, I only go to a bar/club if a really good DJ is in town, or if a BUNCH of my friends are going. Otherwise, I avoid going there. After a while you realize most, if not all of the women there are trashy. And most, if not all, of the guys there are chumps that stand around like fools with no kahnooas to talk to any women.

Dont get me wrong, I don't regret it and I have a ton of fun when I go. But it gets old...and actually I'd perfer a girl that's not into clubbing/bars. I've seen one two many a-girls not able to hold their liquor and almost do a face plant right into the floor. Timberrrrr. Then there was the girl walking back home with her friends on the side of the road saying to people walking by, "DONT DO DRUGSSSSSSSSSS", advice she herself should take. I've also had girls flash me, buy me drinks, make out. I've also seen two guys who had too much to drink proceed to beat the hell out of each other right infront of me until the bouncers came and threw them out the door, literally. I've taken shots with Vanilla Ice as he sung "Ice Ice baby" and girls were dancing on the bar tops... Interesting experiences but not really something I'd want to do over and over again. Heh, I don't even like kissing someone that I don't really know anymore either.

Find a nice cute girl that like to read books and do things intellectual, I say.

Oh and vomit. Lots and lots of vomit on the sidewalks from drunk people as they go home. Ughh....

Trust me when I tell you this, you do NOT want to try and find a girl or a guy at a bar unless you want STDs or AIDS. I wouldn't touch any of those people with a ten foot pole.

Oh, I forgot to mention the people you see there who are clearly on drugs too...they usually stand under the vents because the a/c makes them feel good when there taking E-pills. I even had some stupid kid at the college bar walk up to my friend and I and ask us point blank if we could give him drugs...wow. We just looked at each other and shook our heads and told him to f' off.

And there's also the D-bags that walk around the bar pushing and shoving people out of their way. Most of the time its the women that do this. So I either give them a nice elbow to their ribs or I just block them and tell them not to push me ever again and yell at them to get lost. There is also the clueless idiot guys who think they are going to literally walk inbetween me and the girl I am dancing with to get to the other side. I just stare at him straight in the eyes with a mad face and shake my head saying no, you're not going this way. Get lost.

Bars have some ...errr...interesting aspects to them. You really have to be a JERK for people to give you any respect there. The bigger a jerk you are, the more people like you. But I don't like that aspect of it.

Oh, and unless the DJ is special big name, expect the music to SUCK. When Paul Oakenfold came to town, he was good. Tiesto was sold out though. :(

I'd rather sit at home and read a nice book.
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  • #11

some clubs you dance at and different clubs do dfferent themes
  • #12

Cyrus said:
Oh and vomit. Lots and lots of vomit on the sidewalks from drunk people as they go home. Ughh....

You REALLY need to find better neighborhoods to go to bars. The only place I've ever been with enough bars and enough drunks for this to be an issue was New Orleans (the streets in the French Quarter just STINK of urine and vomit). Otherwise, I've not run into anything like this, not even in the part of town with the bars/clubs all the students frequent.
  • #13

Actually I did a little experimenting to find out why I go to bars. I went to a bar and I asked myself "what's a nice guy like you doing in a place like this?" I've heard this line so many times that it's etched like a rut in my mind, so I told myself to buzz off. I got off my stool, steadied myself against some biker's girlfriend and staggered toward the door. I would have made it too if it hadn't been for some biker. He asked me a completely different question which knocked me off my feet. He wanted to know how I would like a knuckle sandwich, and he provided me with a free sample.

This was going nowhere, so I slithered out of the bar and drove over to a club. You have no idea how many idiots are on the roads these days until you drive drunk through town. They come at you from every direction. When I got to the club things were really hopping. All the beautiful people were there. I asked myself "what's a nice guy like you doing in a place like this?" I said that I didn't come here to answer a lot of fool questions, I came here to dance. So I danced with all the nice young ladies. My POSSLQ inquired if I would like a knuckle sandwich. That's pugilist of the opposite sex sharing living quarters. Then she offered me a free sample.

I go for the free sandwiches.
  • #14

Danger said:
Either you have no life, or you're English. :rolleyes:

  • #15

Moonbear said:
You REALLY need to find better neighborhoods to go to bars. The only place I've ever been with enough bars and enough drunks for this to be an issue was New Orleans (the streets in the French Quarter just STINK of urine and vomit). Otherwise, I've not run into anything like this, not even in the part of town with the bars/clubs all the students frequent.

Well, the place with the most vomit is in adams morgan. Admittedly not the greatest part of DC to go to. But the Dupont Circle area has the more upscale clubs around k-street. Those are nice clubs, but its STILL the SAME story, just not as much of it.

Note, when I say bars I don't mean sports bars or resturants with a bar. I mean full on bars where people only drink and dance.
  • #16

Cyrus said:
Oh and vomit. Lots and lots of vomit on the sidewalks from drunk people as they go home. Ughh....

Trust me when I tell you this, you do NOT want to try and find a girl or a guy at a bar unless you want STDs or AIDS. I wouldn't touch any of those people with a ten foot pole.
Alcohol and love.

The first kiss is magic. The second kiss is intimate. The third kiss is routine. The fourth kiss, she vomits in your mouth.
  • #17

ocean09 said:
This might be a stupid question.

1. What do people do at a club? You dance, i know that. Anything else?
At some clubs, you may have sex there as well
2. What do people do at a bar? I know you drink here, but is there anything esle to do beside this?

As above.
  • #18

jimmysnyder said:
Actually I did a little experimenting to find out why I go to bars. I went to a bar and I asked myself "what's a nice guy like you doing in a place like this?" I've heard this line so many times that it's etched like a rut in my mind, so I told myself to buzz off. I got off my stool, steadied myself against some biker's girlfriend and staggered toward the door. I would have made it too if it hadn't been for some biker. He asked me a completely different question which knocked me off my feet. He wanted to know how I would like a knuckle sandwich, and he provided me with a free sample.

This was going nowhere, so I slithered out of the bar and drove over to a club. You have no idea how many idiots are on the roads these days until you drive drunk through town. They come at you from every direction. When I got to the club things were really hopping. All the beautiful people were there. I asked myself "what's a nice guy like you doing in a place like this?" I said that I didn't come here to answer a lot of fool questions, I came here to dance. So I danced with all the nice young ladies. My POSSLQ inquired if I would like a knuckle sandwich. That's pugilist of the opposite sex sharing living quarters. Then she offered me a free sample.

I go for the free sandwiches.
Did you invite yourself up to your place? Did it turn hot & steamy? Were you still there in the morning?
  • #19

jimmysnyder said:
Actually I did a little experimenting to find out why I go to bars. I went to a bar and I asked myself "what's a nice guy like you doing in a place like this?" I've heard this line so many times that it's etched like a rut in my mind, so I told myself to buzz off. I got off my stool, steadied myself against some biker's girlfriend and staggered toward the door. I would have made it too if it hadn't been for some biker. He asked me a completely different question which knocked me off my feet. He wanted to know how I would like a knuckle sandwich, and he provided me with a free sample.

This was going nowhere, so I slithered out of the bar and drove over to a club. You have no idea how many idiots are on the roads these days until you drive drunk through town. They come at you from every direction. When I got to the club things were really hopping. All the beautiful people were there. I asked myself "what's a nice guy like you doing in a place like this?" I said that I didn't come here to answer a lot of fool questions, I came here to dance. So I danced with all the nice young ladies. My POSSLQ inquired if I would like a knuckle sandwich. That's pugilist of the opposite sex sharing living quarters. Then she offered me a free sample.

I go for the free sandwiches.

I applaud this piece as a lovely bit of writing. :biggrin:
  • #20

GeorginaS said:
I applaud this piece as a lovely bit of writing. :biggrin:

I ALWAYS love jimmysnyder's writing! I predict he's going to write himself straight into a volcano very soon :wink: !
  • #21

Well, well, well. I go to clubs to pick up chicks. I go to bars to drink really good beer. But the best places to be is actually at parties at other peoples houses. That really rocks.
  • #22

lisab said:
I ALWAYS love jimmysnyder's writing! I predict he's going to write himself straight into a volcano very soon :wink: !

:biggrin: :smile:

FAQ: What Activities Can You Find at a Club Besides Dancing?

1. What is the purpose of going to a club?

The purpose of going to a club can vary from person to person. Some may go to socialize and meet new people, others may go to dance and enjoy the music, and some may go to have a few drinks and relax.

2. What activities are typically done at a club?

Some common activities at a club include dancing, listening to live music or a DJ, socializing with friends and strangers, drinking and trying out different cocktails, and potentially playing games or participating in events organized by the club.

3. Is it necessary to consume alcohol at a club?

No, it is not necessary to consume alcohol at a club. Many people go to clubs without drinking and still have a good time. Most clubs offer non-alcoholic beverage options as well.

4. What is the dress code for a club?

The dress code for a club can vary depending on the type of club and the event being held. Some clubs may have a specific dress code, such as requiring guests to wear formal attire, while others may have a more relaxed dress code. It is best to check with the club beforehand to ensure you are dressed appropriately.

5. Are there age restrictions for entering a club?

Yes, most clubs have age restrictions and require guests to be at least 18 or 21 years old. Some clubs may also have specific age restrictions for certain events or areas within the club. It is important to check with the club beforehand to ensure you meet the age requirements for entry.

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