What Do We Believe In? Explained Post Form

  • Thread starter FZ+
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation covers various beliefs including the efficacy of acupuncture, the existence of unidentified flying objects, the possibility of global conspiracies, and the belief in astrology, the power of the human mind, and other paranormal phenomena. Some individuals do not believe in any of these options and find them to be purely fictional. The discussion also touches on the search for extraterrestrial life and the credibility issues faced by researchers in these areas. One member mentions having success with Shiatsu for pain relief. Another raises the possibility of Atlantis being a distorted version of a real ancient city like Troy.


  • Astrology, Palmistry, Prophecy...

    Votes: 3 7.9%
  • UFOs, Abductions etc

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • Global conspiracy, Area 51, MJ12 etc

    Votes: 8 21.1%
  • Faeries, Spirits, Ghosts, Demons..

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Atlantis, Lemuria etc...

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • ESP, Psychokinesis, Mind Control

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Homeopathy, Acupunture, Crystal Healing...

    Votes: 7 18.4%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 18 47.4%
  • Superstition, "Luck"

    Votes: 6 15.8%
  • Other - please post

    Votes: 3 7.9%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Really, what do we believe in? Explanations in post form if possible...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I believe in the effacacy of accupuncture. It has been tested extensively. There are plausible physical explanations for its effectiveness.

I believe there are unidentified flying objects, unidentified by me at least. I don't think they are remarkable.

I don't give credence to any specific global conspiracies, though I do believe it is in the nature of the rich and powerful to be secretive. I'm sure there are many conspiracies - good ones -so good I'll never know about them. It's the ones that people find out about that I don't believe in.:wink:

  • #3
damn... forgot a none of the above option.
NO-ONE VOTE FOR YETI. It'll get changed to a none of the above option when Sting has time...
  • #4
I chose astrology as I have self studied it for going on 12 years...and in that length of time, I have been able to understand the language it speaks...
  • #5
None of the above. Most of the above are a bit too "leap of faith"ish for me.
  • #6
The power of the human mind and its capacity for reason. That is what I believe.
  • #7
I don’t necessarily believe in UFO’s, but they are fun to talk about, and I like alien movies. Conspiracies also make for interesting discussions. Some conspiracies are quite outlandish while others might nearly be true. As far as conspiracies go I think the government holds a lot back from us and the media obscures many situations, so there definitely exists the possibility of conspiracies/cover-ups. Paranormal stuff is also fun to talk about; everyone likes ghost stories and tales of “strange” happenings. All of these phenomena are linked in that they all are quite out of the ordinary. That’s what makes them interesting. Paranormal, conspiracy and UFO/Alien topical matter always makes for great fictional stories that capture and intrigue the mind. While many people do not “believe” in one of these things, nor do I “believe” in anyone of the choices presented, I still find that it is fun to speculate.
  • #8
I believe nothing... but i guess you guys already knew that!
  • #9
None of the above. I once studied some of them (palmistry, astrology) to see what was in them. And I came to the conclusion that they are false.
  • #10
HI FZ+. Until I have fully hypothesized, theorized, philosophized and experienced all of the above I can't say I believe any of the above.

Belief, for me, is having the point in question right there in your hand... that's when I can believe that a phenomenon exists and does what has been said it does.

For instance: when I swim into the halls of Lemuria... and there's a big blinking sign that says Welcome to Lemeria... in Lemeriese... and the rock the sign is made of is dated to, say, 30,000 years bp... then I will start truly believing that the land of Mu actually existed at one time.

For me, that is the nature of belief. Belief is nutured by an irrefutable experience that, backed by scads of crossreferences, leaves no other option other than to believe what has been presented in the experience.

In terms of Possibility and Probablility I could rate each of your options accordingly. But in terms of belief... which, for most individuals, is purely subjective, no clues till the numbers are in.

Some of the items on your list will probably never be proven by conventional physics. I have a feeling the science of physics has a lot more experiementing to do! Yippee!
  • #11
i chose other and you wanted to know what well it is pure fact theory and idea oh with a dash just a dash of government cover up but nothing too extream
  • #12
NO-ONE VOTE FOR YETI. It'll get changed to a none of the above option when Sting has time...

I took care of it FZ. :smile:

I don’t necessarily believe in UFO’s, but they are fun to talk about, and I like alien movies. Conspiracies also make for interesting discussions.

I usually don't get involved with M & PS discussion, but I have to admit the fun nature of talking about UFO and Aliens. The only problem is that I think the search for life beyond our planet could be a legitimate branch of science if it wasn't for the crackpottery of some people.
  • #13
Originally posted by Sting
The only problem is that I think the search for life beyond our planet could be a legitimate branch of science if it wasn't for the crackpottery of some people. [/B]

Hi Sting.

Ever heard of S.E.T.I.? Or the Blue Book Project? These were legit branches of science... in/for their time.

By the way... thanks for being a PF moderator!
  • #15
Ever heard of S.E.T.I.? Or the Blue Book Project? These were legit branches of science... in/for their time.

Hi Carl,

Yes, I have heard of them but in all honesty, it can get a bad reputation (even though I can appreciate the actual study of exobiology as a legit science)

By the way... thanks for being a PF moderator!

Thank you for your support and for making the job pleasant.
  • #16

You want to talk exobiology? Richard Hoagland!

Have you seen his Enterprise Mission site? It might be down by now. Plenty of experts working with him.

I agree that any work in unproven or seemingly unproven areas of science does tend to diminish a researcher's credibility with creditors... ach... the hazards of pioneering!

Personally I think Richard's a bit off in his calculations. Whatever he says is extraterrestrial in origin... I suggest is the result of very early human exploration and discovery.

Like the "face on mars" and all that.

This is the psuedosciences section, right?! I can say that here, right?
  • #17
I voted for Atlantis, not because of the 9000 year claim of Plato but because of the existence of the mythical city of Troy has also been proven. I know somebody who is working on a hyphothesis that Atlantis is a highly deformed version of the wars of theSea people and that the Atlanteans may have been the Phoenicians. This would get Atlantis out of the field of pseudo science, I should think.

I also voted for "other", meaning the utterly detested poleshift, repeatedly beaten to death. I'm calling it a Rapid True Polar Wander, since that is what it is. Still looking for the Quartenarian geologists who are prepared to discuss this. I promise them a though time ;)
  • #18
Originally posted by quantumcarl
This is the psuedosciences section, right?! I can say that here, right?
For now.
  • #19
Originally posted by FZ+
For now.

FZ+... until I get to Mars and prove my ideas, suffer me...eh?!

It would be too cool to walk around on Mars, excavating and studying every nook and cranny. Really exhilarating.

My good friend built the sets and environs for the movie "Mission to Mars".

I think the whole endevor cost much more than an actual trip to the planet... besides... one wouldn't need to spend a penny making it look like Mars, now, would one!
  • #20

i believe the unbelievable.
  • #21
anything is possible
  • #22
I believe what is written...

I believe almost everything they tell me... Untill proven otherwise...

The bible started with one book, just some things that needed to be said, and were worthwile to be written down. It has grown since then.

Ok, so the Earth doesn't revolve around the sun, what would you have believed living thousands of years ago? It's just a story...

Every story is worth telling, or even written. What is true in the story is up to the one who listens to it to believe what is true!

So what I believe is, is science, which can be proven with mathematical equations. What I believe beyond that is my own choice, my fantasy! Yes, there are more than four dimensions, but the definition of it... I leave it up to the people who have more IQ than me (131) to try to explain it. Even then I can decide to believe them or not...

What I believe is my own synthesis of all the things I have read, heared, seen, felt, tasted, sensed, experienced with my senses (I've got only 5 of them)...

Apocalypse now! is what I believe! Not the film, but the book in the Bible...

  • #23

I believe that the problem with u.f.os is that they are too fast. I saw a u.f.o one night while standing in my front yard. The thing past by so fast that I did not have enough time to tell anyone about it. itwas low to be a plane and it was to fast to be anything the I know of on this earth
  • #24
Who the hell believes in government conspiracies such as Area 51? Please, the government isn't even capable of hiding the simplest of its secrets for more than a few months.
  • #25
I'm with selfAdjoint and Zero on this; I believe in nothing as well. But, if you insisted that I had to say I believed in something, I would probably say empiricism/materialism—that and those underpant gnomes! Arrghh! :biggrin:
  • #26
Step 1: Collect underpants.

Step 2:

Step 3: Profit!
  • #27
Chen said:
Step 1: Collect underpants.

Step 2:

Step 3: Profit!

So Chen do you know about corporations? :smile:
  • #28
I believe in the acupuncture thing, yet I am quite curious to know exactly acupuncture's link to biology. It would be interesting to tie in the traditional "energy" viewpoint of alternative medicine with the current practice of medicine.
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  • #29
I have to say I don't believe in the things listed, but I have an open mind and I am willing to listen if someone has proof of something. I believe that there is a lot we don't understand yet.

I want to know what Chen is going to do with all those underpants he's collecting and what "step 2" is? Or maybe I should be afraid to know? :eek:
  • #30
I am a "none of the above" type of guy. Also, I don't believe in hypnosis as anything more than a show-business gimmick.

I think it is true that some humans can be effectively brainwashed, though. I was listening to a preacher named Julia Coleman on the Christian radio station. I suspect she truly believes she can foretell the future. She used a sing-song voice, and whenever she hesitated over what to say next, she threw in a "my God" the way some speakers say "ummm."

"I'm here today to tell you, my God, that, my God, whatever the Devil has told you, my God, it ain't true, my God. And it says in Ezekiel chapter--my God--chapter three, and verse--my God--verse--my God--verse seven, it says, my God, 'Whatever shall ye do--' my God--'It shall be done unto you.' Oh my God. Praise Jeeeeezus. Now, my God, the responsibility of a prophetess, my God, is to never be wrong. My God. My children, my God, believe me, my God..."
  • #31
Janitor said:
I am a "none of the above" type of guy. Also, I don't believe in hypnosis as anything more than a show-business gimmick.

I think it is true that some humans can be effectively brainwashed, though. I was listening to a preacher named Julia Coleman on the Christian radio station. I suspect she truly believes she can foretell the future. She used a sing-song voice, and whenever she hesitated over what to say next, she threw in a "my God" the way some speakers say "ummm."

"I'm here today to tell you, my God, that, my God, whatever the Devil has told you, my God, it ain't true, my God. And it says in Ezekiel chapter--my God--chapter three, and verse--my God--verse--my God--verse seven, it says, my God, 'Whatever shall ye do--' my God--'It shall be done unto you.' Oh my God. Praise Jeeeeezus. Now, my God, the responsibility of a prophetess, my God, is to never be wrong. My God. My children, my God, believe me, my God..."
Oh my God. :wink:

FAQ: What Do We Believe In? Explained Post Form

1. What is the purpose of "What Do We Believe In? Explained Post Form"?

The purpose of "What Do We Believe In? Explained Post Form" is to provide a comprehensive explanation of different beliefs and ideologies that exist in the world. It aims to promote understanding and respect for different perspectives and encourages critical thinking about one's own beliefs.

2. Who should read "What Do We Believe In? Explained Post Form"?

"What Do We Believe In? Explained Post Form" is suitable for anyone who is curious about different beliefs and wants to learn more about them. It can be beneficial for students, researchers, and anyone interested in understanding the diversity of beliefs in our society.

3. Is "What Do We Believe In? Explained Post Form" biased towards a particular belief system?

No, "What Do We Believe In? Explained Post Form" aims to present different beliefs and ideologies objectively without any bias. It provides information from various sources and perspectives to give a comprehensive overview of each belief system.

4. How does "What Do We Believe In? Explained Post Form" address controversial topics?

"What Do We Believe In? Explained Post Form" presents controversial topics in a respectful and informative manner. It provides different perspectives and encourages critical thinking, but does not promote any specific belief or ideology.

5. Can "What Do We Believe In? Explained Post Form" change someone's beliefs?

"What Do We Believe In? Explained Post Form" is not intended to change anyone's beliefs. Its purpose is to provide information and promote understanding and respect for different beliefs. It is up to the individual to critically evaluate the information and decide their own beliefs.

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