What does Edgar Escultura think of Group Theory?

In summary, there was a conversation about Edgar Escultura's work on FLT and why he hasn't received the recognition he deserves. The conversation then shifted to discussing where to find more articles by him. Eventually, the conversation turned into an attempt to lure a member named Matt Grime into a certain subforum. However, it seems that the attempt was unsuccessful as Matt may not use the new posts search or may not be interested in the topic.
  • #1
Gold Member
From what I've read of his work on FLT, I think Edgar Escultura is brilliant. I wonder why he hasn't gotten the recognition he deserves. Does anyone know where I can find more articles by him?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
Eh, this was just an attempt to lure matt grime into GD. I don't really think EE is brilliant or care what he has to say about anything. I think it's beginning to annoy people, so I'll just let it go. o:)
But just out of curiosity, did it lure you into GD?? How did you come across it- did it show up in the new posts results? Were you already browsing GD?
  • #4
I was browsing the "Unanswered Threads" link. o:)
  • #5
Aha! So it did lure you in. :approve: matt may have won this one, but I will find his weakness eventually. One day when he least expects it... :devil:

Oh, I mean, I've uh let it go. :cool:
  • #6
robphy said:
I was browsing the "Unanswered Threads" link. o:)
Is there really an "Unanswered Threads" link? Where?
  • #7
On the home page, look at the left link at the bottom of the big table.
  • #8
robphy said:
On the home page, look at the left link at the bottom of the big table.
I still don't see it. :confused:
  • #9
Here is the URL

On the physicsforums.com homepage, use your browser to search (probably using Alt-F) for the phrase "Unanswered Threads" (without the quotes).

Plan B: Go to the bottom of that homepage and look for "What's Going On?". Look NorthEast of that phrase.
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  • #10
jma2001 said:
I still don't see it. :confused:
It's right beneath Dr. Michio Kaku's Forum.
  • #11
OK, I know I'm not the brightest bulb on PF's tree, but I am looking exactly where you are telling me to look, and it's not there. Just so there can be no misunderstandings, here's what my screen looks like:


So, where is it? :confused:

Edit: It looks the same whether I am logged in or not, so it has nothing to do with my user profile.
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  • #12
That's very strange- it should be right to the left of Mark Forums Read, on the same line. :confused: What browser are you using?
  • #13
I'm using IE6 ... yeah I know, not my choice, I am required to use it on this computer. Still, a simple HTML link should not be dependent on the browser?
  • #14
jma2001 said:
I'm using IE6 ... yeah I know, not my choice, I am required to use it on this computer. Still, a simple HTML link should not be dependent on the browser?
Heh, I couldn't think of anything else.
I'm using Firefox. When not logged in, there's no Unanswered Threads link. But when logged in, the link is there.
I tried it with IE6: Same thing. When not logged in, there's no Unanswered Threads link. But when logged in, the link is there.
Maybe it has something to do with your user settings? :confused: No idea really.
  • #16
Townsend said:
I see it...

perhaps there were no unanswered threads to be listed at the time you looked?
The search goes back far- it returns 500 results, which I think is the max. I think if there were no unanswered threads, the search would just return the Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

I wonder if it shows up for other subscribers.
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  • #17
honestrosewater said:
When not logged in, there's no Unanswered Threads link. But when logged in, the link is there.
I tried it with IE6: Same thing. When not logged in, there's no Unanswered Threads link. But when logged in, the link is there.
Maybe it has something to do with your user settings?
Apparently the "Unanswered Threads" link is a vBulletin hack, I found some info here:

According to the link: "it is set up for Admins, Super Mods and Mods to see the link. But you can add whatever usergroups you want to see it very easily."

So now, we just have to figure out why robphy, honestrosewater, and Townsend are all in the privileged usergroup, while I am not. :cry:
  • #18
I see it too, maybe it has to do with contributors?
  • #19
i also see it, though i never noticed it before. maybe it has to do with older members?
  • #20
To lure Matt, I think you'll have to put his name, or 'group theory,' or something else he's likely to notice, in the first words of the title. Since he probably doesn't ever look into this forum, he's going to have to see the link from the front page, and it cuts off into . . . after several words.
  • #21
loseyourname said:
To lure Matt, I think you'll have to put his name, or 'group theory,' or something else he's likely to notice, in the first words of the title. Since he probably doesn't ever look into this forum, he's going to have to see the link from the front page, and it cuts off into . . . after several words.
Yeah, I had his name at the very beginning of the first thread. He's also familiar with Edgar Escultura. I thought he used the new posts search, because several times I've noticed him post in one subforum, then in another, then again in the first one and such- unlike what you see when someone goes through each subforum in turn. But maybe he doesn't use the new posts search after all. Or maybe he's just not taking the bait. I'm getting over the joke- but now I'm curious about why none of the 5 or 6 lures worked.
  • #22
News from the other side : Matt has seen the lures but not bit.
  • #23
Gokul43201 said:
News from the other side : Matt has seen the lures but not bit.

Do you think he would feel inclined to comment if someone were to make a thread that said something like:

Proof that [tex]1 \neq .9999...[/tex]

I know he gets irate about those kinds of threads... :devil:
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  • #24
Gokul43201 said:
News from the other side : Matt has seen the lures but not bit.
How did you find out? You didn't just ask him, did you?
  • #25
Oh dear, that would have spoilt all the excitement.

FAQ: What does Edgar Escultura think of Group Theory?

1. What is Group Theory?

Group Theory is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties and behavior of mathematical groups. These groups are sets of elements that follow a specific set of rules or operations, such as addition or multiplication.

2. How is Group Theory used in science?

Group Theory has a wide range of applications in science, particularly in physics and chemistry. It helps us understand the symmetries and patterns in nature, and is used to describe the behavior of particles, atoms, and molecules.

3. What are Edgar Escultura's views on Group Theory?

Edgar Escultura is a renowned mathematician who has made significant contributions to the field of Group Theory. He believes that Group Theory is a powerful tool for understanding the structure and relationships between different mathematical objects.

4. Can Group Theory be applied to other areas besides mathematics?

Yes, Group Theory has also been applied to other areas such as computer science, music, and art. It can be used to analyze and classify patterns, and to create algorithms for data encryption and compression.

5. What are some common misconceptions about Group Theory?

One common misconception is that Group Theory is only relevant to pure mathematics and has no practical applications. Another is that it is a complicated and difficult subject, when in fact it can be understood and applied by people with various levels of mathematical background.

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