What Does It Mean to Be Average?

In summary, it means that the average person has an IQ less than or equal to that of a glass of water and they have the personality of mildew.
  • #1
What does it mean to be average? Isn't it subjective?
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  • #2
It's objective when applied to those things which are amenable to statistical analysis. "My IQ is average" means that it's around 100. "My wage is average" means that it's around $40k p/a (in my country). "My height is average" means that it's around 5'8" (in my country again). But, "I'm an average kind of guy" isn't a very objective statement.
  • #3
Imparcticle said:
What does it mean to be average? Isn't it subjective?
What does it mean? I wouldn't know. Ask Jimmy p
  • #4
The average person is a complete idiot; therefore, if you are average, you are an idiot. Such examples of average idiots
-lady leaves poptart in toaster, house starts on fire, she sues Kellogg (this really happened)
-Aliso Viejo almost banned foam cups because they were made with water (source: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,114168,00.html)
-Around 90% of Americans surveyed support a ban on water (source: dhmo.org)
-A bb gun I purchased has a warning on it: "aim away from face"

Nobody on this forum is average.
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  • #5
Lol..."aim away from face"...lol
:D :D :D

Is that so they don't get sued?...or for the protection of the 'avergae' person buying the gun?...
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  • #6
Mostly for protection against lawsuits... but you have to be a retard to aim a BB gun at somebody's face. To give you an idea of how powerful a BB gun is, it can penetrate half an inch of plywood. A BB can rip through a magpie like it's not even there. That's actually why I got that gun, to kill birds that awaken me...
  • #7
Dont you like being woken up by birds? Its even better if they have already cooked breakfast.
  • #8
lol... on the DHMO webpage:

It is not clear how the two contribute directly to the dangers inherent in Dihydrogen Monoxide, although von Bueltzingsloewen believes that a synergetic mechanism, catalyzed by traces of hydrogenhydroxide, plays a major role.

hydrogenhydroxide. Hah!
  • #9
The average person has an IQ less than or equal to that of a glass of water. They also have the personality of mildew. Frequently I spray average people with Lysol but it doesn't seem to stop them from sprouting up.

(well tribdog told you to ask! hah THAT one backfired didnt it?? :biggrin:)
  • #10
The average family has 2.7 children. Obviously, there is no such thing as a 0.7 child. So from this example you can see that it is quite possible that in a room of 100 people, no one would be "average" in whatever quality was examined.
  • #11
It's a bit like taking all the different colours in a painting, then mixing them up, averaging the colors somhow - and coming up with the 'average' colour in the painting.

Would in No Way represent the panting.
  • #12
quddusaliquddus said:
It's a bit like taking all the different colours in a painting, then mixing them up, averaging the colors somhow - and coming up with the 'average' colour in the painting.

Would in No Way represent the panting.

Take a the Mona Lisa, swirl it together, and boom: you've got Olive Green.

A masterpiece. Brilliant. Work of Art.
  • #13
I think Olive Green is hot. Didn't she date a couple of sailors?
  • #14
Wasnt that Olive Oil?? I would have said she was average. I mean if she can only date Bluto and Popeye, it proves she is no spring chicken
  • #15
well, shiver me timbers, yess, you gots something gainst popeye?
  • #16
well come on, he was a seedy guy. Anyone whose pipe is razor edged to act as an emergency can opener for a can of spinach he just HAPPENS to carry around with him each episode has to have something... well...wrong... with him. Other than that, he has a big chin.
  • #17
"He does not"~Jay Leno
  • #18
who is Jay Leno? Does he have a big chin too? AND it's a "bum chin"... does Jay Leno have a big bum chin?
  • #19
jimmy p said:
who is Jay Leno?
Obviously you wouldn't know, being British... Jay Leno is an extremely famous American comedian who, yes, does have a big 'bum' chin. A very, very big chin. That answer your question, jimmy?
  • #20
yes thanks :biggrin: Just like a sports commentator here... Jimmy Hill.
  • #21
You don't know Jay Leno? that's downright unamerican. lol
you notice the last two topics we took over were started by the same person. That's not a good way for us to make friends you know.
  • #22
friends? that's a word I haven't heard in a long time... lol, but that's cos they are dolts. I'm sure he doesn't mind, it brings a little spice into some topics. Not to say this is an "average" topic.
  • #23
I wasn't talking about this one. Sometimes I wish you'd pay attention. That's not asking too much is it?
  • #24
Actually you would be suprised. I have a very short atten...

FAQ: What Does It Mean to Be Average?

1. What is the definition of being average?

Being average means falling within the middle of a given range or group. It refers to the statistical concept of the mean, or the sum of all values divided by the total number of values, where half of the values are above and half are below.

2. How is being average different from being normal?

Being average and being normal are two different concepts. While being average refers to falling within the middle of a range, being normal refers to conforming to a standard or typical pattern. A person can be average in one aspect, such as height, but may not be considered normal in another aspect, such as personality.

3. Is being average a good or bad thing?

This is subjective and can vary depending on the context. In some cases, being average may be seen as a positive thing, such as when it comes to academic grades. In other cases, it may be viewed as negative, such as when it comes to athletic abilities. Ultimately, it is important to recognize that being average does not define a person's worth or potential.

4. Can someone change from being average to being exceptional?

Yes, it is possible for a person to move from being average to being exceptional in a certain area. This can be achieved through hard work, practice, and dedication. However, it is also important to recognize that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, and being average in one aspect does not mean a person cannot excel in another.

5. Is it better to be average or unique?

Again, this is a subjective question and can vary depending on personal beliefs and values. Some people may strive to be unique and stand out from the crowd, while others may feel more comfortable being average and fitting in with the norm. Ultimately, the most important thing is to be true to oneself and not compare oneself to others based on societal standards of "average" or "unique".

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