What does the symbol ± mean in scientific measurements?

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  • Thread starter Kendo
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In summary, "±" in a lab report means plus or minus, or the positive or negative of a value. It indicates a tolerance or error margin of a given nominal value. It is used to show the range of possible values for a result, with the mid point being the nominal value.
  • #1
Not sure if this is the right "forum section" but what does "±" mean when it comes to writing a lab report? I don't remember this back in high school but idk.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
That symbol means, "plus or minus".
Also it can be read, "The positive or the negative of...".
  • #3
##y= \pm \sqrt{x}## means, that both possible values are considered, e.g. in ##x_{1,2} = -\dfrac{p}{2} \pm \sqrt{\left( \dfrac{p}{2} \right)^2-q}\,.## So it's ##x_1=-\dfrac{p}{2} - \sqrt{\left( \dfrac{p}{2} \right)^2-q}## and ##x_2=-\dfrac{p}{2} + \sqrt{\left( \dfrac{p}{2} \right)^2-q}\,.##

##G = (6.674 08 \pm 0.000 31) \cdot 10^{-11} \,\dfrac{m^3}{kg \cdot s^2}## means, that the gravitational constant isn't known exactly but only up to a certain amount of significant digits. It is around ## 6.674 08 \cdot 10^{-11} \,\dfrac{m^3}{kg \cdot s^2}## but possible values range between ##6.673 77 \cdot 10^{-11} \,\dfrac{m^3}{kg \cdot s^2}## and ##6.674 39 \cdot 10^{-11} \,\dfrac{m^3}{kg \cdot s^2}\,.## Of course there is only one exact value, but we currently cannot measure it better than within this range.
  • #4
Kendo said:
but what does "±" mean when it comes to writing a lab report?
fresh_42 said:
##y= \pm \sqrt{x}## means, that both possible values are considered, e.g. in ##x_{1,2} = -\dfrac{p}{2} \pm \sqrt{\left( \dfrac{p}{2} \right)^2-q}\,.## So it's ##x_1=-\dfrac{p}{2} - \sqrt{\left( \dfrac{p}{2} \right)^2-q}## and ##x_2=-\dfrac{p}{2} + \sqrt{\left( \dfrac{p}{2} \right)^2-q}\,.##

##G = (6.674 08 \pm 0.000 31) \cdot 10^{-11} \,\dfrac{m^3}{kg \cdot s^2}## means, that the gravitational constant isn't known exactly but only up to a certain amount of significant digits. It is around ## 6.674 08 \cdot 10^{-11} \,\dfrac{m^3}{kg \cdot s^2}## but possible values range between ##6.673 77 \cdot 10^{-11} \,\dfrac{m^3}{kg \cdot s^2}## and ##6.674 39 \cdot 10^{-11} \,\dfrac{m^3}{kg \cdot s^2}\,.## Of course there is only one exact value, but we currently cannot measure it better than within this range.

WOW could you make it any more difficult ??
it was a B level question :eek:
symbolipoint said:
That symbol means, "plus or minus".
Also it can be read, "The positive or the negative of...".

so for example ...
I have a result of 50 ± 5 that is a result that is somewhere between 45 and 55 so the mid point is noted with the error margin
or I have a result of 100 ± 10% again the same thing but this time you are stating a percentage error margin

would be two easy examples of it's useDave
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Likes symbolipoint and phinds
  • #5
Kendo said:
Not sure if this is the right "forum section" but what does "±" mean when it comes to writing a lab report? I don't remember this back in high school but idk.

The simplest way to define it: "±" indicates a tolerance of a given nominal value. For example, "The result of the poll is 60% against, with an error margin of ± 5%". So the result is between 65% and 55%.
  • #6
The simplest way to define it: "±" indicates a tolerance of a given nominal value. For example, "The result of the poll is 60% against, with an error margin of ± 5%". So the result is between 65% and 55%.

did you read my post ? :wink:

FAQ: What does the symbol ± mean in scientific measurements?

What does plus/minus mean?

Plus/minus, also known as +/-, is a statistical measure used in sports to indicate the impact of a player on the outcome of a game. It is calculated by subtracting the number of goals scored against a team while a specific player is on the ice from the number of goals scored by the team while the player is on the ice.

How is plus/minus calculated?

Plus/minus is calculated by taking the number of goals scored by a team while a specific player is on the ice and subtracting the number of goals scored against the team while the player is on the ice. The resulting number is the player's plus/minus rating.

What does a positive plus/minus mean?

A positive plus/minus indicates that a player's team has scored more goals while the player is on the ice than they have allowed. This is seen as a positive contribution to the team's success.

What does a negative plus/minus mean?

A negative plus/minus indicates that a player's team has allowed more goals while the player is on the ice than they have scored. This is seen as a negative contribution to the team's success.

Is plus/minus a reliable measure of a player's performance?

While plus/minus can be a useful tool for evaluating a player's impact on a team, it is not always a reliable measure of performance. It does not take into account factors such as the quality of a player's teammates or the strength of the opponents they are facing. Additionally, plus/minus can be heavily influenced by luck and random chance. It is best used in conjunction with other statistical measures to get a more complete picture of a player's performance.

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