What happens to Quantum decoherence at Absolute Zero?

In summary, the conversation discussed the relationship between uncertainty and temperature in quantum systems. It is theorized that at absolute zero, quantum fluctuations cause quantum phase transitions, but experiments are typically done at temperatures close to zero. The critical point of a phase transition can affect behavior at finite temperatures, with the phase coherence time becoming maximally incoherent. This poses challenges for conventional methods of studying such systems.
  • #1
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  • #2
Isn't it the case that uncertainty predicts an above-zero temperature for empty space via quantum gyrations etc? I say that because I am not sure QM models apply at a theoretical absolute zero - its like wondering whether the frequency of light shifts at absolute zero - if there are photons present, perhaps that means the temperature is above absolute zero and it becomes difficult to interpret the question.
  • #3
Nothing much. Plenty of experiments are done at a temperature so low that it is from a 'practical' point of view might as well be zero. The 'energy scale' is set by kb*T, and if all energy scales (e.g. gap energies etc) of your system are much higher than that you have essentially eliminated thermal fluctuations as a source of decoherence. All this means is that other sources of decoherence dominates.
  • #4
Theoretically quantum phase transitions are defined as transitions which happen at T=0 by tuning some parameter. The phase transition is caused by quantum fluctuations, an example being the transverse Ising mode. In 1d it is a chain of spins with the interaction term for spin x and a field in the z direction. Since sigma^x and sigma^z don't commute, you can start in the ordered state with no field and at a certain coupling will have a phase transition to a disordered state.

Many quantum phase transitions, like the one above do not actually take place at nonzero temperature. However they critical point influences behavior at nonzero temperature. Getting back to your original question, one interesting scale in the system is the phase coherence time, or how long a system remembers its phase. At zero temperature this is infinite. In places where the temperature scale is lower than the distance from the critical point, the phase relaxation is finite but relatively long. However, right around the critical point at finite temperature, the phase relaxation becomes as short as possible and is on the same scale as the thermal relaxation time. This is called maximally incoherent. Thermal and quantum scales are on equal footing, and conventional methods used to study such systems break down.

FAQ: What happens to Quantum decoherence at Absolute Zero?

1. What is quantum decoherence?

Quantum decoherence is a phenomenon where the quantum behavior of particles is lost due to their interaction with the surrounding environment. This results in the collapse of the wavefunction and the loss of superposition, causing the system to behave classically.

2. What happens to quantum decoherence at absolute zero?

At absolute zero, all thermal energy in a system is removed, resulting in a lack of interaction between particles and their environment. This prevents any decoherence from occurring and allows for the preservation of quantum behavior.

3. Can quantum decoherence occur at absolute zero?

No, quantum decoherence cannot occur at absolute zero since there is no thermal energy to cause interactions between particles and their environment. This allows for the preservation of quantum behavior in a system.

4. How does quantum decoherence affect quantum computing at absolute zero?

In quantum computing, the preservation of quantum behavior is crucial for the correct execution of algorithms. At absolute zero, quantum decoherence does not occur, allowing for better control and preservation of the quantum state, resulting in more accurate and efficient computations.

5. Is it possible to reach absolute zero in a real-world experiment?

No, it is not possible to reach absolute zero in a real-world experiment. The third law of thermodynamics states that absolute zero cannot be reached through a finite number of steps. However, scientists have been able to reach extremely low temperatures, close to absolute zero, in laboratory settings.

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