What is the highest power in physics equations?

In summary, there are equations with quantities raised to the power of one, two, three, and four. However, I can only think of one equation where there is a quantity raised to the power of five - temperature in Stefans law.
  • #1
Sorry if a similar question has been posted before but I have been thinking about this recently.:redface:

When you scan through physics equations, quantities raised to the power of one are so common that the one is omitted.There are numerous equations where there are quantities squared but a smaller number of equations where there are quantities cubed.I can only think of one equation where there is a quantity raised to the power of four this being temperature in Stefans law, the derivation of this equation referring to T being raised to the power of five.My question is, are there any physics equations where there are higher powers?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Probably not the biggest, but the very common http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lennard%E2%80%93Jones_potential" has terms to the sixth and twelfth powers. These aren't minor approximation terms, either; the difference between the two represents the bonding between two atoms (which affects density, heat capacity, phase changes, thermal expansion, etc.). However, the higher-power term is empirical.
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  • #3
Dadface said:
My question is, are there any physics equations where there are higher powers?
Do exponential functions count? :smile:
  • #4
The relation between 8B neutrinos and the core temperature of the sun goes as T25. That's the highest power that immediately comes to mind.
  • #5
Mapes said:
Probably not the biggest, but the very common http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lennard%E2%80%93Jones_potential" has terms to the sixth and twelfth powers. These aren't minor approximation terms, either; the difference between the two represents the bonding between two atoms (which affects density, heat capacity, phase changes, thermal expansion, etc.). However, the higher-power term is empirical.
Thank you.Interesting, but I note from the reference you gave that the equation is an approximation and that there is no theoretical justification for the repulsive term.Still,I suppose it is a powerful equation and should be counted.:approve:
A.T. said:
Do exponential functions count? :smile:
You got me there. I was thinking more in terms of equations that had a power/powers of fixed value.:smile:
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  • #6
Vanadium 50 said:
The relation between 8B neutrinos and the core temperature of the sun goes as T25. That's the highest power that immediately comes to mind.
That is big! Mathematicians seem to deal with powers without limits but the only example I can think of is Fermats last theorem.I wonder if any of these equations have relevance to physics or the other sciences.
  • #7
So far we have:
0...Or should this be considered trivial?
5...I'm not sure if my example should be counted.
Now there seems to be a gap to 12 and then an even bigger gap to 25.
I find it interesting that there might be gaps but then I can be quite dopey.I wonder if it stops at 25.
  • #8
Kinetic energy is approximated at [tex]KE=\frac{1}{2}mv^{2}[/tex] for low speeds but the taylor series for KE with speed near c is given by [tex]\frac{1}{2}mv^{2}+\frac{3}{8c^{2}}mv^{4}+\frac{5}{16c^{4}}v^{6}+...=m\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{(2n-1)v^{2n}}{2^{2n-1}c^{2(n-1)}}[/tex]. Does that count? :biggrin:
  • #9
zcd said:
Kinetic energy is approximated at [tex]KE=\frac{1}{2}mv^{2}[/tex] for low speeds but the taylor series for KE with speed near c is given by [tex]\frac{1}{2}mv^{2}+\frac{3}{8c^{2}}mv^{4}+\frac{5}{16c^{4}}v^{6}+...=m\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{(2n-1)v^{2n}}{2^{2n-1}c^{2(n-1)}}[/tex]. Does that count? :biggrin:

Clever but i think it better to discount power series that converge to a final equation.You got me thinking there:rolleyes:
  • #10
There really isn't a limit as to how high a power something can have. It depends on what end result you get when doing model structure determination.

For example, you may have a sinusoidal signal in your data but not know it. The result is that the model structure will contain terms raised to the power of the Taylor series expansion of a sine or cosine since that is the only way in which the data can be fit without using a sine/cosine signal explicitly.
  • #11
Mapes said:
Probably not the biggest, but the very common http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lennard%E2%80%93Jones_potential" has terms to the sixth and twelfth powers.

And it follows that the force associated with such a potential has terms to the 7th and 13th powers.
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  • #12
Why are we discounting exponenetials again (i.e. exp(x))?
  • #13
maverick_starstrider said:
Why are we discounting exponenetials again (i.e. exp(x))?

The OP's question was about physical quantities being raised to some (constant) numerical power. e is not a physical quantity, and x is not a numerical power. So ex is not within the scope of this discussion.
  • #14
Cyrus said:
There really isn't a limit as to how high a power something can have. It depends on what end result you get when doing model structure determination.

For example, you may have a sinusoidal signal in your data but not know it. The result is that the model structure will contain terms raised to the power of the Taylor series expansion of a sine or cosine since that is the only way in which the data can be fit without using a sine/cosine signal explicitly.
I would have thought that specific physics equations are used during the modelling.
Redbelly98 said:
And it follows that the force associated with such a potential has terms to the 7th and 13th powers.
Two more numbers to add to the list.
Thanks for your inputs everyone.They have all given me further food for thought.
  • #15
Dadface said:
I would have thought that specific physics equations are used during the modelling.

No, model structure determination means you don't know the model structure. That's not the same as parameter estimation, where you assume a model structure but find the parameters (coefficients).

Remember that any physical system that involve the equations of motion will act as if they have a damping term for anything second order or higher. This is why it's very unlikely to find powers much higher than 2. They will dampen out quicker and quicker.
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  • #16
Edit: Should read "Remember that any physical system that involve the equations of motion will act as if they have a damping term for anything first order or higher in the state variables.
  • #17
Does an infinite potential barrier count (i.e., does the limit of the power as it approaches ∞ count)? The infinite potential barrier is used often enough (e.g. in QM). Or are you looking for physical laws specific to particular processes or theories?

Also, I was thinking that there may be some density functions out there that have "exotic" powers.
  • #18
Cyrus said:
Edit: Should read "Remember that any physical system that involve the equations of motion will act as if they have a damping term for anything first order or higher in the state variables.

turin said:
Does an infinite potential barrier count (i.e., does the limit of the power as it approaches ∞ count)? The infinite potential barrier is used often enough (e.g. in QM). Or are you looking for physical laws specific to particular processes or theories?

Also, I was thinking that there may be some density functions out there that have "exotic" powers.

For want of a better word I was thinking about "generic" equations, all encompassing equations which can be used as the starting point of calculations and which are independant of the system being investigated.

FAQ: What is the highest power in physics equations?

What is the highest power in physics equations?

The highest power in physics equations refers to the highest exponent or degree of a variable in an equation. This determines the complexity and order of the equation.

Why is it important to know the highest power in physics equations?

Knowing the highest power in physics equations allows scientists to understand the level of complexity and the type of relationship between variables in the equation. It also helps in solving and manipulating the equation to make accurate predictions and calculations.

How can one determine the highest power in a physics equation?

The highest power in a physics equation can be determined by looking at the exponents or degrees of the variables in the equation. The variable with the highest exponent or degree is considered the highest power in the equation.

What is the significance of the highest power in physics equations?

The highest power in physics equations represents the dominant term in the equation, which has the greatest effect on the outcome of the equation. It also helps in simplifying and analyzing the equation to understand the behavior of the system being studied.

Can the highest power in a physics equation change?

Yes, the highest power in a physics equation can change depending on the variables and their corresponding exponents or degrees. It can also change if the equation is manipulated or simplified in a different form.

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