What is the rank of the matrix of a reimannienne metric ?

In summary, the rank of a Riemannian metric is equal to the dimension of the manifold it is defined on. This is because the metric can be diagonalized, and the rank is equal to the number of nonzero diagonal elements. The fundamental metric tensor in Finslerian geometry is also symmetric and positive definite, so it will have rank equal to the dimension of the manifold. The concept of strong convexity does not affect the rank of the metric.
  • #1
What is the rank of the matrix of a reimannienne metric ?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

It is of full rank: if the manifold is of dimension n, then the rank is n.

This is because a riemannian metric g, when evaluated at a point p of the manifold M, is a positive definite symmetric bilinear form g_p(.,.)on TpM. In particular, its matrix can be diagonalized: there is a basis e_1,...,e_n of T_pM such that g(e_i,e_j) = 0 if i and j are different. Then the rank is equal to the number of nonzero diagonal element. Suppose the ith diagonal element is 0. Then g_p(e_i,e_i) = 0, violating the positive definiteness of g_p.

More generally, a bilinear form has maximal rank iff it is nondegenerate.
  • #3

Therefore the rank of the fundamental metric tensor Finslérienne has rank n-1?
  • #4

I don't know enough about Finslérienne géometry to answer that, sorry.
  • #5

the fundamental tensor g is also a symmetric bilinear form defined poitive USUALLY so it will rank n, I find no reason why it is of rank n-1, is a property called strong convexity
  • #6

the fact that g is positive definite on TM \ {0} can not give a solution to the fact that the rank is (n-1)?
  • #7

For a bilinear form B:V x V --> R, positive definiteness on V-0 or on V is the same thing since positive definiteness is a property that concerns vectors in V-0.
  • #8

oki thnx in all case i will try to found the result :)

FAQ: What is the rank of the matrix of a reimannienne metric ?

1. What is a Riemannian metric?

A Riemannian metric is a mathematical concept used in differential geometry to measure distances and angles on a smooth manifold. It assigns a positive definite inner product to each tangent space of the manifold, allowing for the calculation of lengths, areas, and volumes.

2. What is a matrix of a Riemannian metric?

A matrix of a Riemannian metric is a representation of the Riemannian metric in terms of a matrix. It is a square matrix with the same number of rows and columns as the dimension of the manifold, where each entry represents the inner product between two tangent vectors at a given point on the manifold.

3. What is the rank of the matrix of a Riemannian metric?

The rank of the matrix of a Riemannian metric is the number of linearly independent rows or columns in the matrix. This corresponds to the number of independent components of the metric, which is equal to the dimension of the manifold.

4. Why is the rank of the matrix of a Riemannian metric important?

The rank of the matrix of a Riemannian metric is important because it determines the dimension of the manifold on which the metric is defined. It also affects the curvature of the manifold and has implications for the behavior of geodesics, which are the shortest paths between points on the manifold.

5. How is the rank of the matrix of a Riemannian metric calculated?

The rank of the matrix of a Riemannian metric can be calculated by performing row operations on the matrix until it is in reduced row-echelon form. The number of non-zero rows in the resulting matrix is equal to the rank. Alternatively, the rank can also be determined by finding the number of non-zero eigenvalues of the matrix.

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