What is the significance of the number 666 in Christianity?

  • Thread starter Iacchus32
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation revolves around the number 666 and its significance in relation to religion and spirituality. The discussion touches upon various interpretations of the number, including its representation of imperfection and the three levels of spirituality it symbolizes. The posters also make references to biblical prophecies and personal experiences that may relate to the number. Ultimately, the conversation leads to the conclusion that 666 represents a state of being that falls short of true spirituality and understanding.
  • #1
I've decided to add this as it involved a couple posts made on the https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=794&perpage=15&pagenumber=3" thread (beginning on page 3) that I'm afraid were going to get overlooked. It involves my 216th and 217th posts and the reference made to the number 666 (i.e., 6 x 6 x 6 = 216). I'll begin by reposting the two posts leading into post 216, and continue on into post 217 which, everyone seemed to bypass? Well let's see what happens anyway? And notice this is my 218th post (at least for the time being). If nothing else consider it FYI.

Post 215 ...

Originally posted by FZ+
But the church isn't the defendent, it's the claimant. It claims the existence of God, when the default position is that nothing we can not directly show to exist, exists. Otherwise, you will justify every irrational belief.
You're getting into semantics now. And yes, the Church is the defendant, in that you're asking it to "defend" its claims about God. Just as with the early Church, where people were sentenced to prison and put to death for "claiming" Jesus Christ was the "Son of God."

FZ+'s reply ...

So if I went to you and said I am God, and you should give me $500 or go to hell, you will be perfectly happy to fork out and give me the benefit of the doubt?

Shall we put that into practice?
Post 216 ...

Did you know that the number 666 applies to The Reformation specifically? And that Babylon the Great Whore refers to the Roman Catholic Church? Hmm... 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 which, coincides with my "216th post" here. Just a coincidence?

I've got more if you're interested. Except that I've got to run! ...

Boulderhead's reply ...

I thought that 666 told the story of man’s existence;

360 degrees of the sphere we live on,
36 for the number of the life giving Sun (the individual digits of which also add to 666)
270 days for human gestation.

Hmm... 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 which, coincides with my "216th post" here. Just a coincidence?
Or perhaps ye be demon spawn...
Lifegazer's reply ...

Now if you were running for the number-216 bus, I'd really be impressed.

My understanding of the number 666 is that it is a numerical-representation of absolute-imperfection. Well-known symbology of biblical-names, places and numbers, is rampant throughout the bible.
If I remember correctly, 6 is something like 'imperfection'; and '3' = 'complete', or 'absolute', or something along those lines. Hence, 3 times 6 has a special significance.
Also, am I right that the relevant prophecy states that '666' will be "seen with that number stamped upon his head", or words to that effect? If so, I think we can rest-assured that the author was trying to tell us that "the beast" would have an absolutely-immoral mind, rather than telling us to observe the scalps of our neighbours.
kyleb's reply ...

basically Lifegazer, i think the actual translation is something along the lines of "within his forehead" which is even more to the point.

Or perhaps ye be demon spawn...
well, does he weigh as much as a duck?
FZ+'s reply ...

Did you know that the number 666 applies to The Reformation specifically? And that Babylon the Great Whore refers to the Roman Catholic Church? Hmm... 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 which, coincides with my "216th post" here. Just a coincidence?

I've got more if you're interested. Except that I've got to run! ...
It's times like this when you look back and around and ask:

Post 217 ...

Now if you were running for the number-216 bus, I'd really be impressed.
It's funny you should mention that. Because the route I was going to take today was blocked due to road work. So I had to take a detour, about three miles out of the way. Whereas I could just as easily driven another mile and a half and gotten onto the freeway which, is called Highway 217; it's also the way people normally take to get to my house if they don't know how to get there (without shortcuts). While now I realize I probably would have gotten there quicker by taking the freeway. A near miss you say? Well, here we are on post 217 ...

As for the number 666, what it represents is two thirds, and hence the second of three degrees: the first being 0 to 333, the second being 334 to 666, and the third being 667 to 1000. Which would be about right, for if you portrayed a symmetrical cross, where the top, bottom, left and right (sections) were equal in length, then by adding "an extension" equal in length at the base, you would have these same three degrees portrayed by the height of the cross: where the first two degrees (666 and below) exist below the horizontal plane, or "cross beam," and the third degree (667 and above) exists above it. So in this respect the number 217 (as opposed to 216) would be similar to 667.

While I've also come to understand there are three levels or degrees of spirituality that the "well disposed" spirit enters after death. The first corresponding to that which is natural (1), where one doesn't place a great deal of emphasis on religion or God, and yet has lived a fairly moral life. The second corresponding to that which is spiritual (2), where one places more emphasis on the religious aspect, and yet isn't altogether different "morally" than the first person. The third corresponding to that which is celestial (3), where one has developed both the religious understanding and, the morality to boot. For which reason this last state is the only "true state," whereby suggesting the nature of 666: everything that exists up to and below this state, but doesn't quite "make the grade" so to speak.

I have another analogy which also describes the three levels here. It begins with the development of radio, where everybody can "tune in" and listen so to speak, but are unable to see what's being described (except of course through their imagination). Enter the development of black and white TV, now everybody can see what's being talked about, except that it's not the "true representation," as it's still subject to interpretation. Hence comparing with the number 666. Enter the develpment of color TV, now the truth is plain as the nose on your face and doesn't require any "further interpretion," whereby one is content with what they know and can still go about their daily business. Something similar is signified by the following:

"But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." (Jeremiah 31:33-34) ... Huh? ... No more sermonizing?

Enter the Roman Catholic Church (1), a means by which to "subjugate the masses" (the natural mind) and standardize Christian Teaching. And yet being only the first degree (similar to the advent of radio), The Word is spoken unto the masses, yet in a foreign tongue (Latin), and no one is allowed to "see what it means."

Enter The Reformation (2) which, along with the advent of the printing press, begins presenting the The Word unto the masses, in their own tongue and yet, in "black and white" (and hence 666): whereby it's still subject to interpretation because no one understands the meaning behind the words. Ever wonder why there are so many denominations to the Protestant Church? And they all express it in terms of "Our way or the highway" (in terms of black and white).

Enter the one and only True Church (3), the church most are unaware of, as it doesn't postulate or sermonize, and pretty much goes about its own business. Which is funny because it was founded in the 18th century--hence corresponding to the Age of Enlightenment--and its founder, http://www.swedenborg.com/" , was in fact a scientist. Which actually makes a great deal of sense.

Need I say more? ...

A couple of books I recommend are Swedenborg's, Heaven and Hell, a real eye opener which delves into the nature of the spiritual world, as well as the Apocalypse Revealed, a verse for verse account to the book of Revelation. These are two of my primary sources by the way ... And here, Swedenborg's works are also theological in nature, and yet very practical in the way the concepts are presented. This might be the one for you FZ+!? ... Swedenborg's materials are available through the Swedenborg Foundation at http://www.swedenborg.com/
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  • #2
A couple of books I recommend are Swedenborg's, Heaven and Hell, a real eye opener which delves into the nature of the spiritual world, as well as the Apocalypse Revealed, a verse for verse account to the book of Revelation. These are two of my primary sources by the way ... And here, Swedenborg's works are also theological in nature, and yet very practical in the way the concepts are presented. This might be the one for you FZ+!? ... Swedenborg's materials are available through the Swedenborg Foundation at http://www.swedenborg.com/
No thanks. In the area of theology and most philosophy, asking new questions is more useful than finding old answers.
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  • #3
Did I hear someone say "lead balloon?" Yeah, that's what I thought.
  • #4
Where were you during my LSD phase?
  • #5
Huh? But let me see. This might just be the 666th post in this forum. Let me check? Oh damn, missed it! Will have to give that one to M. Gaspar. Will have to settle for 667 then I guess. Oh well?
  • #6
Originally posted by BoulderHead
Where were you during my LSD phase?
Oh, do you mean Lucifer Satan and the Devil? Am not sure what your're getting at?

By the way I was in the Philosophy forum and noticed your reply was the 665th in the God & Religion forum. And I thought, oh wouldn't that be something if I could sneak in a reply real quick but, I got beat out.

Originally posted by Iacchus32
As for the number 666, what it represents is two thirds, and hence the second of three degrees: the first being 0 to 333, the second being 334 to 666, and the third being 667 to 1000. Which would be about right, for if you portrayed a symmetrical cross, where the top, bottom, left and right (sections) were equal in length, then by adding "an extension" equal in length at the base, you would have these same three degrees portrayed by the height of the cross: where the first two degrees (666 and below) exist below the horizontal plane, or "cross beam," and the third degree (667 and above) exists above it. So in this respect the number 217 (as opposed to 216) would be similar to 667.
And I got to thinking, that in the "spiritual sense," the natural world is portrayed as "the sea": i.e., "sea of humanity?" Whereas the "unconscious mind" is also portrayed by water. Therefore, is it possible that the "horizontal plane" of the cross represents the water level? Where everything below is represented by the number 666, and hence "the unconscious?" and everything above is represented by the number 667, and hence "consciousness?" Could it be 666 is the number of the "collective unconscious?"
  • #7
Iacchus32: I've just had a mad thought...

Are you by any chance Alexander?

Or maybe his long lost evil twin?

Just checking.
  • #8
Originally posted by Iacchus32
Oh, do you mean Lucifer Satan and the Devil? Am not sure what your're getting at?
Nope, that’s not what I meant. Neither this;

Last Stage of Delirium.

What I meant was;

d-lysergic acid diethylamide.
  • #9
square dancing!
  • #10
Originally posted by BoulderHead
Nope, that’s not what I meant. Neither this;

Last Stage of Delirium.

What I meant was;

d-lysergic acid diethylamide.
What do you mean? We could have been tripping out together or something?

Were you looking at my avatar when this occurred to you? If you would like to understand what it means go to the thread "The Advent of Color" in this section (God & Religion).

By the way that's a pretty sharp avatar you have there. Where did you get it? You didn't make it yourself did you?
  • #11
Originally posted by Iacchus32
What do you mean? We could have been tripping out together or something?
Yes, or just me while you told me stuff.

Were you looking at my avatar when this occurred to you? If you would like to understand what it means go to the thread "The Advent of Color" in this section (God & Religion).
That was partly the reason. It does have that ‘psychedelic’ look. I often have a time trying to dig out your meaning and I thought that I might have more success if I had my 'mind expanded' haha.

By the way that's a pretty sharp avatar you have there. Where did you get it? You didn't make it yourself did you?
Thanks! I don’t remember where I got it from but I didn’t make it myself. Sometimes I go on little ‘scouting’ trips across the internet and forget where I’ve been afterwards. If I find something such as the avatar I save it to a folder (I have some very interesting ones). I like that in this version of PF we can upload our own avatars, providing the dimensions do not exceed 64x64 pixels. I use Ulead Gif Animator software to conform them to the proper size…very slick piece of software I might add.
  • #12

That was the 700th post in this section by the way! Hey maybe we're all part of the 700 Club now! But then again, that would be 666!? ... Huh?

Originally posted by BoulderHead
That was partly the reason. It does have that ‘psychedelic’ look. I often have a time trying to dig out your meaning and I thought that I might have more success if I had my 'mind expanded' haha.
Oh, did you get a chance to check out "The Advent of Color?"

Well hold on to your hats everyone, because here it comes!
  • #13
Alexander vs Dionysus

Originally posted by FZ+
Iacchus32: I've just had a mad thought...

Are you by any chance Alexander?

Or maybe his long lost evil twin?

Just checking.
Are you referring to Alexander of Macedonia? There is a connection to be made by the way. It goes back to my "delusional period," after I bought a pickup truck from my next door neighbor "Alex" and moved up to Oregon from Califorina. After that I bought a mobile home and began experiencing problems with my new neighbors, and effectively went "mad" (lots of disturbances in the middle of the night), so I opted to move everything out into the sticks (the middle of nowhere). This was back in 1985.

But this didn't help as much as I hoped, and soon after moving in I had a vision (in a dream) of my pickup truck in my next door neighbor's living room (across the road). Needless to say they were about to get introduced to my world of visions and revelations. Fortunately nobody was hurt, although I did get institutionalized for a month. (It took another three years to recover fully.) While at one point I equated myself with Alexander the Great (i.e., Alex sold me the truck), and I proclaimed myself as, "Sinned not-the-lamb" (it refers to my name spelled backwards and, that I'm not Jesus Christ), and I announced, "I have come to conquer the world!"

While the whole thing centered around the stage I had created in my mind (like watching a movie almost) and claiming my neighbor's wife "through my embrace." By which I was to conquer the world and establish "my religion." Sound crazy?

I had also wondered about my name, "Dennis," thinking it must have been Greek in origin and there must have been a Greek saint by that name. Well come to find out later that the name Dennis comes from Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and, that the triumphs of Alexander were also equated with Dionysus--who, through the cultivation of the vine, conquered the world and established his religion.

Whereas one of the strongest proofs for Dionysus' might and triumph in "his coming" was his marriage to the thing queen of Athens, by which he claims the king's wife "through his embrace." (Walter F. Otto, Dionysus, Myth and Cult).

If that isn't enough, Dionysus was supposed to appear in Athens, after sailing across the Aegean sea, with his ship on wheels. He was also called the "twice-born god," after being born a second time from "Zeus' thigh," hence the "only begotten son of Zeus." Whereas both his appearance in Athens and his birth were celebrated during the ancient Greek festivals of "Anthesteria" which, occurred around March 2nd to the 4th.

And guess what happened between March 2nd and March 4th in 1987? On March 2nd I had a lucid dream, where I found myself standing aboard an ancient Greek sailing vessel, sailing across the sea and into the night. And on March 4th I had driven my truck (same truck) from mother's house to a remote area about 50 miles away, where I parked and fell asleep, in the hopes that I would not wake up again. Such were the nature of the problems I was having with my mother, exacerbated of course by the bad experience with my neighbors above.

While all that night I had dreams and visions, and at one point awoke to an incredible screeching noise, wailing in my ears! And I awoke and looked up to the sight of this newborn baby, which completely filled my vision before me! It was a breathtaking sight, and when this child cried he cried in such a demanding way (it was a boy), letting the whole world know he had just been delivered and required attending to. See any connection to Dionysus' rebirth? and, to a ship on wheels? (i.e., pickup truck). Pretty strange you say? Well this was the whole turning point for me and explains the nature of my book. Also note, I didn't know who Dionysus was until well after these things occurred.

If you would like to read more about it please follow the link: http://www.dionysus.org/x0501.html
  • #14
wow, that is one wild story; and i never though about that Dennis spelled backward thing before, that is pretty cool too.
  • #15
Iacchus32, what is it with you and numbers? The fact that 1+1=2 is not a coincidence and holds no spiritual meaning. Its MATH.
  • #16
Originally posted by russ_watters
Iacchus32, what is it with you and numbers? The fact that 1+1=2 is not a coincidence and holds no spiritual meaning. Its MATH.
Oh geeze, there's a lot to be said about numbers, in fact this is probably the most ignorant thing one could possibly say.

Numbers are symbols, just like words are symbols, both of which are used to create language, by which we convey meaning.

Originally posted by Iacchus32:
This is something Asians tend to know so well, but the west has made a great deal of progress in the sciences by denying the validity of paradox so that has become the western tradition. With the advent of QM and Relativity, however, paradox is once again commanding more respect in the west.
This is the yin and yang of it all right? Which speaks of the duality of things, which are opposite and yet inseperable and hence, the foundation for everything ... Is this what you mean by paradox?

Therefore, 1/2 + 1/2 = 1 ... and also, 1/2 x 2/1 = 1

And from the "one mind" we have fallen, to accept "the two," and hence the "knowledge of opposites" ... regarding the fall from the Garden of Eden.

Where before the fall, 1/2 + 1/2 = 1 ... and afterwards, 1 + 1 = 2 (where we don't embrace the opposites a whole, but rather as singular and "seperate").
Can't you see the applied meaning to the numbers here?
  • #17
Do you believe that certain shapes do certain things?
  • #18
Originally posted by BoulderHead
Do you believe that certain shapes do certain things?
I believe that in the symbolic sense they represent things. Am not sure what you mean by what they "do?" On the physical plane probably nothing? And yet, when mind (1), body (2) and spirit (3) get together (doesn't that sound like the holy trinity thing again?--and hence the "spirtiual value" of the number 3), who's to say? Do you mean like invoking some kind of supernatural power?
  • #19
Originally posted by russ_watters
Iacchus32, what is it with you and numbers? The fact that 1+1=2 is not a coincidence and holds no spiritual meaning. Its MATH.
From previous PF 2.0 thread, Quarks and the collective unconscious ...

Originally posted by Iacchus32
It doesn't bother me to think of all numbers in a mystical sense, just as it doesn't bother me to think of all numbers in a mathematical sense. Really it's all a matter of how you look at it. You can look at it more in terms of the rational intellectual sense (left brain) or, more in terms of the intuitive creative sense (right brain). It all depends on what you want to do with it. Either way you have truth (form) and essence (good).

"Truth is the vessel and good is contained within."
Just as there are two sides to our brain, we can view numbers in a "rational sense" or, an "intuitive sense." It's too bad most left-brain intellectual types can't see that ...
  • #20
Are you referring to Alexander of Macedonia?
Nyet! I mean the Alexander of PF2.0. His philosophy was similar to yours, but also completely different. He too believed in a mathematical basis to all existence, but developed this as wholly exclusive of spirituality. He considered mathematics as the backbone of the material world, a sort of background logic for things to occur...
  • #21
Originally posted by FZ+
Nyet! I mean the Alexander of PF2.0. His philosophy was similar to yours, but also completely different. He too believed in a mathematical basis to all existence, but developed this as wholly exclusive of spirituality. He considered mathematics as the backbone of the material world, a sort of background logic for things to occur...
Well, it's either one way or the other, or both? ... It's like I said above you can use numbers in both the rational sense and the intuitive sense. Except that in the rational sense it would be "quantitative" (that which can be measured) and in the intuitive sense it would be "qualitative" (more like a rating system I suppose).

It is interesting that you should bring up Alexander though (the name), for maybe Alexander was the "material" counterpart of Dionysus who, represented the "spiritual world?" They both conquered the world, and both went so far as to conquer India.

And, just as with my little story above (bottom of page 1), it suggests a correlation between the names Dennis and Alexander.
  • #22
666, isn't it weird how it appears everywhere? I was playing a card game and I picked up 3 sixes in a row, consequently my hand was 666. It appears in other places in my life and has very little affect on me. What do these 3 little sixes really mean?
  • #23
The only time i have ever seen this number is on a dollar bill that someone had wrote "whomever posses this bill on the sixth hour on the Sixth day of the sith year will become satin."
  • #24
The Name Jesus = 666?

Hey, did you know that the http://www.dionysus.org/forums/showthread.php?t=113 Sure it does. All you need to do is take the numerical values of the letters in his name which, when added (10 + 5 + 19 + 21 + 19), you get 74. Which, when multiplied by 9, you get 666! Whoa dude!
  • #25
Where do u get the 9 from?
  • #26
He picked it arbitrarily so that he could make a 666. I guess we're supposed to be impressed.
  • #27
man... the reason that you find it everywhere, is because it means something to you...
the number 134 wouldn't mean much to you, but i guarantee you that it come up at least as often as 666 if you looked for it...
  • #28
loseyourname said:
He picked it arbitrarily so that he could make a 666. I guess we're supposed to be impressed.

especially since he's using the western alphabet order to find it... an alphabet that wasn't invented at the time jesus lived... or maybe that's the freaky part :eek: :eek: :eek: :surprise:
  • #29
9 Months? / 630 + 036 = 666

Well, if the whole thing isn't strange enough, here's a copy of the email I sent to another poster on this forum ...


Actually, this was something that was brought up on Physics Forums a while back, and I'm not the one who made the connection. However, I was just thinking about it and realized it takes 9 months for a woman to give birth and, in that sense the number 9 corresponds to all of us. Whether that has any bearing on the matter or not I don't know? Also, in case you're interested, I started this same thread on my http://www.dionysus.org/forums/showthread.php?t=113.



Also, if you take a look at the number table below, you'll notice how they're all divisible by 9 and, when adding the top numbers to the bottom numbers -- which, show an inherent symmetry -- they all add up to 99. What's really interesting though, is when you take the top 63 which, is 7 x 9 and, the bottom 36 which, is 4 x 9, you in effect get the equation 630 + 036 = 666. Which, is 70 x 9 + 04 x 9 = 666 or, 74 x 9 = 666. You should also notice that this is the only "subset" of numbers that will do this. So there definitely is something there. :wink:

00 . 09 . 18 . 27 . 36 . 45 . 54 . 63 . 72 . 81 . 90 . 99
99 . 90 . 81 . 72 . 63 . 54 . 45 . 36 . 27 . 18 . 09 . 00
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  • #30
balkan said:
especially since he's using the western alphabet order to find it... an alphabet that wasn't invented at the time jesus lived... or maybe that's the freaky part :eek: :eek: :eek: :surprise:
As I have mentioned elsewhere, the number 666 is corresponds to The Reformation which, in effect became established in Great Britain. And, is what we now know as the Protestant Church, including our beloved Fundamentalists ... especially. :wink: So if that's the case, it's no wonder that the whole thing should crop up in English.
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  • #31
Iacchus32 said:
As I have mentioned elsewhere, the number 666 is corresponds to The Reformation which, in effect became established in Great Britain. And, is what we now know as the Protestant Church, including our beloved Fundamentalists ... especially. :wink: So if that's the case, it's no wonder that the whole thing should crop up in English.
Another thing I should add, is that the number 666 represents Jesus in the false sense, in the sense that the name Jesus is being upheld, and yet it's a purely ficticious representation of who He actually was. Which, is why the number 666 refers to the False Prophet in Revelation 13:18.
  • #32
Or you could take this a step further and say that the anti-christ is this whole damn planet and almost everything on it. It is just a bunch of carbon.
6 electrons
6 protons
6 neutrons

I can see the blanket of post apocolyptic ash already.
  • #33
666 - A different "take"

How about a unique twist to the 666 debate? Anyone ever consider the Old Testament as a source for the number? That which brought down the house of Israel was initiated by Solomon and his penchant for beautiful women and gold. Didn't anyone ever associate the fact that when Sheba had her gods placed within the temple of Yahweh, the going rate for the annual stipend for Solomon's coffers was six hundred and sixty-six talents of fine gold? Interesting; n'est pas?
  • #34
The number 666 holds no mathematical meaning. To the Hebrews numbers where also though to have meanings. Take for example the number 7 which means "perfection." Many other cultures also share this believe. This is the same reason why there are 7 wonders of the ancient world and why the number 7 is thought to be lucky. Now about the number 6, it is thought to mean "imperfection." The number 666 is give to the wicked one, the antichrist or something involved with Satan so effectively it means "imperfection, imperfection, imperfection."