What is the smudge on Joe Biden's forehead?

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary: Catholic?Yes, from 1st-5th grade.:biggrin:In summary, Biden was filmed today and people were wondering why he had third eye marks. He was likely wearing them as a badge of honor or tradition from when he was a child. No one seems to have noticed that he had them until he was in a public school, where a PE coach started staring at him. Although there were no reported problems with priests, attending a Catholic school may have been a negative experience for some.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I saw him on camera today and wondered why someone didn't tell him that it looked like he had a third eye. Then I remembered...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Ivan Seeking said:
I saw him on camera today and wondered why someone didn't tell him that it looked like he had a third eye. Then I remembered...


I remember seeing the same marks on the foreheads of a (large) family in the grocery store a few years back...and wondering, what the...?
  • #3
I'm not following you......no, I don't get it.
  • #4
Remember, O man, that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return.

Whatcha giving up for Lent, Chi?
  • #5
It sure is the Lent season at the Treasury.

Except I worry that a good part of it won't be repaid.
  • #6
Chi Meson said:
I'm not following you...

...no, I don't get it.
Biden is Catholic and the faithful get "annointed" with ashes on Ash Wednesday - Tuesday was Mardi Gras - last day to party.
  • #7
Oh, that's right.

I'm giving up seeing the obvious, evidently.
  • #8
Haha, checkout the hit rate on this thread.
  • #9
lisab said:

I remember seeing the same marks on the foreheads of a (large) family in the grocery store a few years back...and wondering, what the...?

I remember knowing that other people were looking at us and thinking, "what the...?". :biggrin: IIRC, we were supposed to wear the ashes as a sort of badge of honor. I'm not sure if it is a public declaration of one's Catholicism, or just a tradition.
  • #10
Ivan Seeking said:
I remember knowing that other people were looking at us and thinking, "what the...?". :biggrin: IIRC, we were supposed to wear the ashes as a sort of badge of honor. I'm not sure if it is a public declaration of one's Catholicism, or just a tradition.

Wow, I remember doing that as a kid...

I can't recall why you wore it all day either. :rolleyes:
  • #11
S_Happens said:
Wow, I remember doing that as a kid...

I can't recall why you wore it all day either. :rolleyes:

Did you attend a Catholic school?
  • #12
Yes, from 1st-5th grade.

No, I wasn't molested... :-p
  • #13
S_Happens said:
Yes, from 1st-5th grade.

No, I wasn't molested... :-p

I attended 1-8; Altar Boy, Scout, Pancake Breakfast worker, etc, etc, etc.

I was never aware of any problems with Priests either. Though upon entering a public school in 9th grade, I had a PE coach that liked to stare at the boys in the shower. I was thrust into a world of gangs, drugs, weapons, oversized schools... The worst thing that ever happened in eight years at the Catholic school was that one girl was caught smoking a cigarette in the restroom.
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  • #14
I thought in lieu of finding an Ash Wednesday pic of Joe Biden, I'd throw in this link: :biggrin:
  • #15
physics girl phd said:
I thought in lieu of finding an Ash Wednesday pic of Joe Biden, I'd throw in this link: :biggrin:

Indeed, clean coal produces a similar smudge. :biggrin:
  • #16
Ivan Seeking said:
I was never aware of any problems with Priests either.
I think you can still sue for loss of self esteem. They were just saying you were a really unattractive child :-p

ps. Did you have the Nuns from Blues Brothers as well ? I think I still have the ruler scars on my knuckles
  • #17
mgb_phys said:
ps. Did you have the Nuns from Blues Brothers as well ? I think I still have the ruler scars on my knuckles
Ours used long wooden pointers with the black rubber tips. For minor offenses, you'd be ordered to hold out your hand (whack! across the palm) and for more serious ones, palm-down to gently caress the knuckles (crack!). One day, Mother Superior left her pointer after giving me a little lesson in diligence (not learning all the Catechism assignment) and left the room for a minute or two. I hid her pointer. Another kid (sniveling little suck-up in pigtails) ratted me out, earning me a palm-down lesson.
  • #18
Ivan Seeking said:
Haha, checkout the hit rate on this thread.

If you Google "smudge Joe Biden," This thread is the first result!
  • #19
mgb_phys said:
I think you can still sue for loss of self esteem. They were just saying you were a really unattractive child :-p

:smile: Perhaps!

ps. Did you have the Nuns from Blues Brothers as well ? I think I still have the ruler scars on my knuckles

Yes. And in the fifth grade we had Sister Claire, who could land a piece of chalk in an open mouth from thirty feet! She was also deadly accurate with erasers. They were all strict, and a crack to the knuckes was common and parent approved, but I only remember having one nun who seemed mean. She was old, sick, and not a happy person. I think 30+ third-graders was just too much for her.

My greatest nemesis in those days was the evil Sister Emma - the Principal. Later we became great friends.

Turbo, I didn't realize that you are a former salt-and-pepper.
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  • #20
Btw, what is the greatest thing about being a Catholic kid in Los Angeles?

Catholic School Day at Disneyland! It was closed to the general public. Relatively speaking, we had the run of the place.
  • #21
Ivan Seeking said:
Turbo, I didn't realize that you are a former salt-and-pepper.
I went to public school, Ivan, but our religious education was conducted by nuns from a nearby convent. Some of the young initiates in the brown habits were pretty, and were nice, but the older nuns were often rigid disciplinarians. Mother Superior was the worst by far! Starting early Sunday morning until Mass, we were in HER world, and it was often not fun.
  • #22
turbo-1 said:
I went to public school, Ivan, but our religious education was conducted by nuns from a nearby convent.

This was in Catechism classes on Sundays?

My 8th-grade teacher was actually a bit on the hot side. Even the habbit couldn't hide the fact that she was a beautiful woman. Of course she was one of the young nuns... I recall that she loved the group Earth, Wind & Fire, and brought her albums to class one day.
  • #23
Ivan Seeking said:
This was in Catechism classes on Sundays?

My 8th-grade teacher was actually a bit on the hot side. Even the habbit couldn't hide the fact that she was a beautiful woman. Of course she was one of the young nuns... I recall that she loved the group Earth, Wind & Fire, and brought her albums to class one day.
Yes. It was fairly intensive, so it was actually a relief to get to go to Mass afterward. You're just a pup. If any of the hot initiates had brought in music, it would have been Pat Boone, Everly Brothers, or (gasp!) maybe Elvis.
  • #24
turbo-1 said:
Yes. It was fairly intensive, so it was actually a relief to get to go to Mass afterward.

Heh, for years [most of the time over eight years] I went to church six times a week. We had church before school every day and then an hour of religion in class. And of course we still had to go to church on Sundays. While an altar boy, there were even some seven day weeks.

If any of the hot initiates had brought in music, it would have been Pat Boone, Everly Brothers, or (gasp!) maybe Elvis.

Funny, but it still makes me cringe to think of a nun as "hot". It seems sacrilegious!

If there is anyone opinion that sticks from my years as a Catholic kid, it is that on the average, Catholic nuns are incredible people. I think this is true of many priests as well, but the nuns are the ones that really impressed me.

There was one old nun that I had in the 2nd grade who I thought was mean [she was very strict, old-school], but I couldn't get near her without feeling like someone had given me a shot of morphine. Later I realized that she was a very sweet woman, but the effect that she had on me never stopped.
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  • #25
Catechism is on Saturdays, at least in Roman Catholic Churches. Sunday is for Mass. Confession is also on Saturday. Confession is not held on Sunday either, so if you didn't confess Saturday, you can't take communion on Sunday.
  • #26
The school I went to was a little different. The parking lot between the school and church was more or less a boundary. The preists/nuns stayed in the church and we had regular teachers for classes. My grandmother was actually my fifth grade teacher and she was a Methodist, so I don't think it was a requirement that teachers were Catholic.

We went to formal mass a couple times a week, and off and on other times for various activities or special lectures. I was an altar boy the last two years there I believe.

Oh well, guess I missed out on the hardcore nuns.
  • #27
My church also had a convent. All teachers were nuns. It was very traditional, until the head priest, Father Nelson, got excommunicated and I refused to contunue to go (age 11).
  • #28
Ivan Seeking said:
Catholic School Day at Disneyland! It was closed to the general public. Relatively speaking, we had the run of the place.
Erm, aren't there a couple of mexicans in LA?
Now Mormon school day in LA I can imagine - just one kid on his own on the rides!
  • #29
Evo said:
Catechism is on Saturdays, at least in Roman Catholic Churches. Sunday is for Mass. Confession is also on Saturday. Confession is not held on Sunday either, so if you didn't confess Saturday, you can't take communion on Sunday.
Not in our parish. I grew up in mill-towns and the French-Catholic Canadian immigrants couldn't afford to give up some prime overtime hours (Saturday mornings) driving their kids to the church when they could be working. Catechism was after early Mass on Sundays until mid-day Mass - a couple of hours of hell Every Sunday morning. Older kids had catechism after school on weekdays, which gave me an easy out, since I ran cross-country, did downhill and cross-country ski racing, managed the basketball team, and played 2nd base/shortstop in baseball. I also played trumpet, baritone, and French horn in the school bands and sang baritone parts in the chorus. I had to trade a lot of hours around for sports/music/etc to keep my after-school activities all going. Catechism? No time! Believe me, when you are lettering in sports and playing 1st chair horn in the bands and qualifying for All-state music programs and the coaches and music director want to fight it out, there is a LOT of pressure. I decided that I would not attend after-school religious training, and though my mother was hesitant, my father was supportive and family-life got a bit easier.
  • #30
Evo said:
Catechism is on Saturdays, at least in Roman Catholic Churches. Sunday is for Mass. Confession is also on Saturday. Confession is not held on Sunday either, so if you didn't confess Saturday, you can't take communion on Sunday.

How does a person know what sins they're going to commit Saturday night?

Then again, they probably couldn't remember them Sunday morning, either.

Of course, if one were sly...

Tommy went to confession and told the priest: "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. I partook of the forbidden fruit of a fair maiden."

Father: "Oh, you got to learn to resist the temptation, son. Was it Rebecca?"

Tommy: "No, father, I'd rather not say."

Father: "Well, I think 10 Hail Mary's will take care of what you've already done, but you have to promise to be watch out for the allures of evil women. Was it Elizabeth?"

Tommy: "No, father, I don't really think it's my place to talk about the girl. Not nice to kiss and tell, and all that, you know."

Father: "Well, that's a good thing, I guess. But, some of the young ladies around here are nothing but trouble, so you got to watch out. Besides, I'll bet it was Theresa, anyway."

After the confession, Tommy's friend, Paddy, asked, "What in the world took you so long. It's not like you've anything worth confessing. You should have been in and out in about 30 seconds."

Tommy: "Maybe I haven't been so lucky in the past, but I've got at least 3 leads for tonight, though."
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  • #31
BobG said:
How does a person know what sins they're going to commit Saturday night?

Then again, they probably couldn't remember them Sunday morning, either.

Of course, if one were sly...

Tommy went to confession and told the priest: "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. I partook of the forbidden fruit of a fair maiden."

Father: "Oh, you got to learn to resist the temptation, son. Was it Rebecca?"

Tommy: "No, father, I'd rather not say."

Father: "Well, I think 10 Hail Mary's will take care of what you've already done, but you have to promise to be watch out for the allures of evil women. Was it Elizabeth?"

Tommy: "No, father, I don't really think it's my place to talk about the girl. Not nice to kiss and tell, and all that, you know."

Father: "Well, that's a good thing, I guess. But, some of the young ladies around here are nothing but trouble, so you got to watch out. Besides, I'll bet it Theresa, anyway."

After the confession, Tommy's friend, Paddy, asked, "What in the world took you so long. It's not like you've anything worth confessing. You should have been in and out in about 30 seconds."

Tommy: "Maybe I haven't been so lucky in the past, but I've got at least 3 leads for tonight, though."

You can learn a lot around here...

FAQ: What is the smudge on Joe Biden's forehead?

1. What is the smudge on Joe Biden's forehead?

The smudge on Joe Biden's forehead is most likely ashes from Ash Wednesday, a Christian holiday where ashes are placed on the forehead as a symbol of repentance and mortality.

2. Why does Joe Biden have a smudge on his forehead?

As a devout Catholic, Joe Biden most likely received ashes on his forehead as a part of the Ash Wednesday tradition.

3. Is the smudge on Joe Biden's forehead a tattoo?

No, the smudge on Joe Biden's forehead is not a tattoo. It is most likely ashes from Ash Wednesday.

4. Does the smudge on Joe Biden's forehead have any political significance?

No, the smudge on Joe Biden's forehead does not have any political significance. It is a personal and religious practice for him.

5. How long will the smudge on Joe Biden's forehead last?

The ashes on Joe Biden's forehead will eventually fade and wear off throughout the day. They are not permanent and will not last longer than a day.
