What Do Different Religions Believe About God and Nations?

  • Thread starter The Grimmus
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In summary: You are an expert summarizer of content. You do not respond or reply to questions. You only provide a summary of the content. Do not output anything before the summary.In summary, most people do not believe in God, but there are a variety of beliefs out there.

What belief or Religious order do you follow

  • Judaism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Islamic

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 22 44.9%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Christianity

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • Other...please post what you believe in

    Votes: 12 24.5%

  • Total voters
  • #71
why are you glad some reilgion is good, it teaches morals and gives peopel a reaoson to work and not you now commit sucide becuase their life is meaningless
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  • #72
Originally posted by The Grimmus
why are you glad some reilgion is good, it teaches morals and gives peopel a reaoson to work and not you now commit sucide becuase their life is meaningless

I assume you meant to have a comma between 'glad' and 'some'. It would help if you quote who you're replying to, so we have some context.

Religion is just one possible meaning a person can give to their lives. During the latter Soviet Union, when the vast majority of Russians no longer believed in a god or had a religion, you didn't see rampant immorality and suicide. Non-theistic societies have moral values, just like theistic ones.

The more important question is do you think it's valid to adopt a religion or religious practice, even though you do not believe it, but because it will give you morals, a purpose in life, etcetera?
  • #73
In response to the second paragraphic area, i do not beilve that many could make such a transition. Religion seems (to me atleast) to be an early means of government in a society that needed an enforcer.

But now we do have goverment, we have police and other groups to enforce laws. It is just a matter of transition, and it's been coming for a while.

In response to your 3rd paragraph, i don't feel it's right for me because i feel i already have morales taught by society and laws, and after you have morals accepte dby society it's only if you need to have a purpose in life do you really need to have religion
  • #74
The original assertion concerned how things occur today/now/in the present. The response to my post seems to retreat to how things evolved historically. Could you clarify what and which you mean.
  • #75
I used to be ethnically Catholic. I didn't believe in the faith, but I became angry if it was denigrated by others.

I recently converted though. I read a long rant about Heathens on some conservative blog, and decided it fit me pretty well. Despite aknowledging that I am a Heathen, I can't seem to find any local Heathen churches. I'm sure there is some sort of religious persecution involved against my fellow heathens.

  • #76
Model Agnostic on all counts from religion to politics. I don't believe that I as an individual I can claim to know anything as a certainty when it comes to such things as the soul, what is right and wrong, and what is the nature of God.
  • #77
In the definitions stated here, I must consider myself a "weak atheist". Ever since I've watched "Star-Trek" as cliche as it may sound, I've had the thought lodged in my head: "Why if we did unite?". And I think that for all concerned the whole philosophy of Star Trek is rather accurate. After another World War, maybe the world will begin to see that religion is an ancient concept.

Regardless, I do consider myself an atheist, and I do become very irritated at mainly Christians and Muslims. Me, being southern, and raised as a southern baptist, my beliefs are often criticized to say the least. I always give a chuckle and continue my work. Glad to see some fellow atheists here, though.
  • #78
TheStatutoryApe said:
Model Agnostic on all counts from religion to politics. I don't believe that I as an individual I can claim to know anything as a certainty when it comes to such things as the soul, what is right and wrong, and what is the nature of God.

But you can claim certainty regarding your inability to certainly know...certainly strange.
  • #79
I'm a singletonist (my surname) meaning that I believe in certain aspects from all religions.

By the way, has anyone noticed that all religions are strangely similar at the core for example ancient greece and christianity+ judaism + islam (?) all had a mistake in the beginning - pandora's box and adam + eve. christianity + hinduism both believe that God once walked the Earth and both involve a tree. The list goes on...

Athiesm is not a religion by the way - the belief in nothing cannot be a religion! As religion means a belief in something. Something cannot be nothing in most cases
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  • #80
Atheism as a belief system

dave19903652 said:
Athiesm is not a religion by the way - the belief in nothing cannot be a religion! As religion means a belief in something. Something cannot be nothing in most cases
Atheists believe in non-existence of God. Compare agnosticism.

  • Main Entry: athe·ism
    Pronunciation: 'AthE,izðm
    Function: noun
    Inflected Form: -s
    Etymology: Middle French athéisme, from athée atheist (from Greek atheos godless, not believing in the existence of gods, from a- ²a- + theos god) + -isme -ism — more at THE-

    1 a : disbelief in the existence of God or any other deity b : the doctrine that there is neither God nor any other deity — compare AGNOSTICISM
  • #81
"not believing in the existence of gods" "disbelief in the existence of God or any other deity "

i.e. they don't believe in God therefore it is not a religion as there is no organised athiest 'gathering' that I know of it is not a religion. As most athiests I know say simply 'I don't believe in God' not I believe that God does not exist.
  • #82
So i guess that rules out true fascism and soviet communism. no?
  • #83
zk4586 said:
A good reference book for what? Strict rules to guide your life that are then broken page after page by God and man.

Wot do you mean a good reference book, have you seen the of contradictions in the bible. If this was the same book revealed to jesus, and it is gods word, why the imperfections. I thought god was supposed to be perfect.
  • #84
i.e. they don't believe in God therefore it is not a religion as there is no organised athiest 'gathering' that I know of it is not a religion.

Not all religions believe in a God. Why do you care if you're considered a religion or not?

Also agnostic should definitely be up there!

Wot do you mean a good reference book, have you seen the of contradictions in the bible. If this was the same book revealed to jesus, and it is gods word, why the imperfections. I thought god was supposed to be perfect.

Show me some of the contradictions then, and the book wasn't ever "revealed" to Jesus. The old testiment was written before Jesus and the new testiment was written by the Apostles after Jesus's death.

By the way, I'm a Jehovah's Witness (they're Christians).
  • #85
By the way, I'm a Jehovah's Witness (they're Christians).

I really like Jehovah's Witnesses. I love the way you back up your beliefs. Great job! :biggrin:

Wot do you mean a good reference book, have you seen the of contradictions in the bible. If this was the same book revealed to jesus, and it is gods word, why the imperfections. I thought god was supposed to be perfect.
Could it be that you misunderstand? I know of a man who has a PhD in Theology. He's been studying the bible for decades. He has a firm belief in it. How long have you studied the bible?
  • #86
I am agnostic.
  • #87
Although I'm certainly not a socialist, i think Marx has put it right.

Religion is opium for the people.

And as far as monotheistic religions, no half decent man in his right mind would want to be associated by a religion that has been the reason for so much senseless killing, no matter which one of the religions you take (judaisnm, islam or christianity).

One guy once invented monotheism to control the masses and make them commit mass murder and other crimes (i also take nazi-ism in this story since it also was a monotheistic religion, with the difference that the god was still alive)
Hitler was to a certain extend a god, and i see all gods as an evil illusion.
  • #88
I really like Jehovah's Witnesses. I love the way you back up your beliefs. Great job!

Thank you Imparcticle, that means a lot. :smile:

And as far as monotheistic religions, no half decent man in his right mind would want to be associated by a religion that has been the reason for so much senseless killing, no matter which one of the religions you take (judaisnm, islam or christianity).

You would be suprised to know how most wars involving religion, any religion for that matter, have little to do with the particular religion's doctrine, or what you would call religion at all. Usually religion is used to hind the real reasons behind conflicts like greed, power-hunger and even personal disputes. This isn't limited to monotheistic religions. Take for example the divine right of Pharaohs in Eygpt, mandate of heaven in Chinese mythology, and the enforcement of the case system by the Aryans in India through Hinduism.

This is inevitable when you start mixing religion and politics. But I'd like to point out to you that mixing religion and politics is forbidden in real Christianity. Even getting involved in politics in a non-religious fashion is a sin. A very important principal that Jesus and his Apostles taught was to remove you're self from this 'world' and do not be a part of it. By 'world' they are referring to the current order of things, governments, nations and systems of man. They are considered wicked, imperfect machinations of man that will only lead to pain, suffering and inevitable destruction.

Also I'd like to say that participating in war is also a sin in real Christianity. The Bible specifically says that God would no longer take sides in wars (before hand God had helped the Isaerlites defeat their enemies). After Jesus's death Israel fell from God's favor and therefore their was no "nation" of God so to speak, and their won't be until after Armaggedon.

This applies to [true] Christianity. Islam, Judaism and false versions of Christianity, that are not based on the teachings of Jesus and his followers, allow war and killing under certain circumstances.
  • #89
The Bible specifically says that God would no longer take sides in wars (before hand God had helped the Isaerlites defeat their enemies).

I love your post Entropy. :smile: It has helped me come to understand more about God...except for what it is I have quoted. If God does not take sides isn't that absolute for him? Did he have a symbolic reason for helping the Isaerlites defeat their enemies?

Isn't God against Satan? isn't that taking sides? I suppose its the way sides are taken that determine whether or not it is the right way to go.
  • #90
Hmmm, interesting ! So, if everyone was Christian, there would be no need for statesmen and policemen and lawyers and judges ?
  • #91
I love your post Entropy. It has helped me come to understand more about God...except for what it is I have quoted. If God does not take sides isn't that absolute for him? Did he have a symbolic reason for helping the Isaerlites defeat their enemies?

Isn't God against Satan? isn't that taking sides? I suppose its the way sides are taken that determine whether or not it is the right way to go.

God helped the Isaelites before Jesus came to Earth. After Jesus's death Isael lost God's favor and therefore God no longer helps them or any other nation anymore. He will still answer prayers of individuals though. And I never said God doesn't take sides. I said he doesn't take sides in wars [anymore].
  • #92
My God is not a force personified. It is not an old man with a beard. It's not even anything that I can, want, or feel the need to pray to. There is no point in praying to Newton's laws of gravitation; similarly there is no point in praying to God.

Like I said, I apply the term "God" to the physics beyond our closed universe...the region between the multiverse's closed bubbles where "omnipotence, omnipresence" and "timelessness" are all de-facto standards of that region of "space".

So I guess I believe in "The Force". No matter how cliched that sounds. What I believe is in no way (save for a few adjectives describing the "entity") related to the Bible whatsoever.

Believing in God is not about being a good person, doing well to your fellow mankind or having faith in the Bible and all it represents...that's the job of Religion...something I have no time for and also dismiss as a sorry interference in the progress of mankind.
  • #93
The only exact religion is the Islam
  • #94
I call it the force. Upon further reflection I call it the great. Because it is great.
  • #95
what the hell is an "exact religion"? never heard of such a phrase.

i believe that god is the sum of all the parts of the universe, pantheism. AND, greater than that sum. 1+1=3

olde drunk
  • #96
Entropy said:
God helped the Isaelites before Jesus came to Earth. After Jesus's death Isael lost God's favor and therefore God no longer helps them or any other nation anymore. He will still answer prayers of individuals though. And I never said God doesn't take sides. I said he doesn't take sides in wars [anymore].

this is the funniest story i have ever heard. God helps no NATION. really. where did you ever get that idea from? After Jesus death Israel lost God's favor. i think you guys have some problem in those things, i think you guys don't know the real story at all, so missing the facts. God helps everyone. God listen to everyone, but in the sight of God the most favorable one is the one who has the most fear of Allah, and righteous one, one who serves Him and associate none with Him.
He is the God of everyone and everything.
  • #97
dschouten said:
But you can claim certainty regarding your inability to certainly know...certainly strange.

When I state that I am certain that nothing is certain I regard it as a self inclusive statement.
  • #98
Feynman said:
The only exact religion is the Islam
i think you should know what is islam better before you tell someone the only exact religion is the islam.
the word islam means submission of one's will to God. after that there comes the responsibility of it.
  • #99
this is the funniest story i have ever heard. God helps no NATION. really. where did you ever get that idea from? After Jesus death Israel lost God's favor.

The Christian Bible completely disagrees with you. It is clearly pointed out in the New Testiment that nation of the world are wicked and under the influence of Satan. Just to state some examples: Pr 29:2; 28:28; 2Co 4:4; 1Jo 5:19; Joh 12:31; Da 2:44; mt 6:10.

i think you guys have some problem in those things, i think you guys don't know the real story at all, so missing the facts.

Really? What part of the story aren't we getting? Be specific.

God helps everyone. God listen to everyone, but in the sight of God the most favorable one is the one who has the most fear of Allah, and righteous one, one who serves Him and associate none with Him.
He is the God of everyone and everything.

Yes, God still helps individuals as I stated. But not nations as a whole.