What Do Different Religions Believe About God and Nations?

  • Thread starter The Grimmus
  • Start date
In summary: You are an expert summarizer of content. You do not respond or reply to questions. You only provide a summary of the content. Do not output anything before the summary.In summary, most people do not believe in God, but there are a variety of beliefs out there.

What belief or Religious order do you follow

  • Judaism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Islamic

    Votes: 1 2.0%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 22 44.9%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Christianity

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • Other...please post what you believe in

    Votes: 12 24.5%

  • Total voters
  • #1
The Grimmus
I was just brushing up on the old God & relgion area and was wondering what everyone's religion or beleife is i am not looking for an exsplantion because that starts a fight...

edited with spell checkign powers... and to get more people to submit to the poll
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  • #2
wow all 2 of us don't believe in god?
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  • #3
  • #4
i voted other but because i believe a lot of things, including some of all of the above. aside from atheism that is. :wink:

and Sensei, as you might have noticed i do consier that a good idea; but i think it is something that should be done on a personal level. trying to make the world have one concept of god has lead to some of the most evil things humans have ever done.
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  • #5
I think it's possible, but I'm willing to bet the last ones to jump on the bandwagon will be the Muslims. They are some hardcore mamma jammas.
  • #6
actualy i would think it would be a polytheistic relgion because the new "trend" is monotheism
  • #7
I am a Mopist (I practice Mopism). We Broomists consider cleaning a sacred covenent with the all powerfull Mr. Clean.

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  • #8
I'd probably be best described as an Agnostic, i.e. can't make up my mind
  • #9
Yeah... why isn't agnostic an option?
I am kinda an agnostic leaning vaguely in the direction of atheism.
  • #10
Reasonism? :wink:
  • #11
And as its antipode, Lifegazerism? :wink:
  • #12
I don't define myself as anything, otherwise it becomes "contrived" and detracts from your perception. I still consider the Bible a good reference book though (amongst a few others).
  • #13
Originally posted by Iacchus32
I don't define myself as anything, otherwise it becomes "contrived" and detracts from your perception. I still consider the Bible a good reference book though (amongst a few others).

A good reference book for what? Strict rules to guide your life that are then broken page after page by God and man.
  • #14
Originally posted by zk4586
Originally posted by Iacchus32
I don't define myself as anything, otherwise it becomes "contrived" and detracts from your perception. I still consider the Bible a good reference book though (amongst a few others).
A good reference book for what? Strict rules to guide your life that are then broken page after page by God and man.
If there is a God in heaven, and this is the book that's been handed down, then yes, there "must" be something to it. As far as the "big if" is concerned? this you'll have to work out for yourself.

Whereas if nothing else, the Bible is a blueprint for the "frailty of the human condition." Which, is kind of what you're saying isn't it? And when you read some of the stories, come to find out these people are no different than you or I, and you begin to wonder about it and say, Wow, God operates through common ordinary people, and it becomes that much easier to relate to.

I don't know what else to say? Except that I rely on my observations, rather than the labels attached, otherwise you can't see what's really there.
  • #15
I'm an atheist, which I don't see as a religion.
  • #16
it's a belife or disbelife rather
  • #17
Actually, its the lack of belief. Its the "I can't prove god does exist, and I can't prove that he does not exist. Neither can anyone else"

But from that stance, that makes everyone an atheist. The only difference, is ppl such as myself, admit this. People with religous beliefs think they can prove his existence by merely uttering a few words from religous text.
  • #18

So-called Agnostics stop pretending you're on the fence and admit there is no God too :smile:
  • #19
No, I regard my particular brand of agnosticism as distinct from atheism - I accept that god can exist, but contend that no evidence for his existence is present and he probably doesn't exist. For the time being, it is better to live life as though God/gods do not exist than otherwise.
  • #20
I find myself inclinded the same way as FZ+.
  • #21
Originally posted by FZ+
No, I regard my particular brand of agnosticism as distinct from atheism - I accept that god can exist, but contend that no evidence for his existence is present and he probably doesn't exist. For the time being, it is better to live life as though God/gods do not exist than otherwise.
You will never find the evidence unless you are willing to look within.
  • #22
If you don't believe, you're an Atheist, simple as that. 'Agnosticism' is a nonsensical term for people who are afraid of being embarassed if God did turn up. Which he wont
  • #23
well the monotheistic relgion i believe their god is forgiving but as for the other relgions i believe i am in trouble...well unless the buddah is right.

I have a questions though, for all of those who do follow a relgion do you follow it strcitly flat Earth society wise or do you believe that some of the transcrpts in your holy book could be just for moral value and have no fact in it...becuase i am realizing a trend, those poeple who are on PF are very skeptical if i where to ask anyone form my school they would be christain or jewish or muslim or hinduh or soem other relgion but here..well atleast out of those who posted 50% are athiests or agnosticism my mistake for not putting that as a choice but I am wondering if the rest are skeptical about the very fine detials of their relgion
  • #24
Originally posted by Mulder
If you don't believe, you're an Atheist, simple as that. 'Agnosticism' is a nonsensical term for people who are afraid of being embarassed if God did turn up. Which he won't

it seems the only thing nonsesical is your understanding of the term.
  • #25
oh and i should point out that a gnostic is someone who proclaims that they are privy to divine knowledge and those are the ones who have given theology a bad name; agnostic faith is the redeeming part of religion.
  • #26
I know perfectly well what Agnosticism is. I was merely expanding the definition out of the dictionary and into the real world.
  • #27
I thought Agnosticism was that you believed in God, just that God didn't give a crap about humanity... 'course I'm not to learned in the beliefs of the world.
  • #28
Originally posted by Mulder
I know perfectly well what Agnosticism is. I was merely expanding the definition out of the dictionary and into the real world.

funny, i take it your dictionary and your "real world" are full of bible beaters?
  • #29
My Religion is Islam,
Iam Muslim :)
Mercy,bless and peace be upon u from God (The God).
  • #30
In the last version of pf there was a thread on agnosticism...The genereal consensus was it was the disbelief in God because there was no proof, or if they were given proof they would not believe. Whereas, an atheist would believe in God if they were provided with sufficient proof.

I think more often than not atheists are agnostics and agnostics are religious just going through a period of disbelief...just my opinion.

I voted atheist.
  • #31
if they were given proof they would not believe. Whereas, an atheist would believe in God if they were provided with sufficient proof
I think you mixed it up...

But I disagree anyway. :smile:
Atheists would still change their minds if they had objective proof. They however put a (very) high probability in the non-existence of proof, while agnostics believe in the suspension of the conclusion (but not neccessarily the discussion) until proof is given. Kinda.
  • #32

  • #33
greeneagale what are you responding to when you say none
  • #34
no religion

about my religion.

i don't pray to anything.
  • #35
i believe in a creator god.

but i don't believe anyone religion has got it rite. well its possible one of them did but i don't feel the need to choose one.

watch Dogma.