What's Your Political Orientation?

  • Thread starter damgo
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In summary, the conversation covers various political ideologies and positions held by the participants, including extreme right, extreme left, middle, compassionate conservative, independent, social democrat, socialist, communist, conservative, and apolitical. The participants also express their individualistic beliefs and reluctance to conform to any specific label or ideology.

Which one do you most consider yourself?

  • Liberal

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • Centrist

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 6 27.3%
  • Libertarian

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Socialist/Communist

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • Anarchist

    Votes: 1 4.5%
  • Politics is for l0sers

    Votes: 4 18.2%

  • Total voters
  • #1
I think I know this for everyon in CE&P by now :wink: but I am curious about the rest of PF. So, what are you?

I consider myself to lean liberal on most issues, though there are plenty I disagree on.
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  • #2
I couldn't pick one because I have opinions all the way from extreme right to extreme left.

Extreme right: I believe that IQ, or better g, the factor that connects different IQ test scores, to be a fact of life, and also the difference of distributions in the various subpopulations. This leads me to predict that Head Start never worked and never will, among other violently disliked conclusions.

Extreme left. About 1.5% of the population owns about 50% of the assets in this country. It wouldn't break my heart at all to see these folks expropriated.

Middle: I am in favor of welfare reform, but think more should be done to help the poorest people to find and keep jobs.

War: I was against the war but I am strongly for the troops and feel that now it's started the important thing to do is get it over quickly and bring the troops home.
  • #3
Varying from middle-ish to quite far right. However I agree with many of Tony Blair's decisions over his term (especially Iraq, which Blair really went somewhat against Labour tradition on), so it's a tough one to answer.

Ah, I know - 'politics is for losers'
  • #4
You ommited compassionate conservatives. I feel left out.

  • #5
You forgot to include "Independent" as a choice.
I like to think/decide things based on the circumstances and the issue, not by labels.
Labels are for dividing into groups; where-as I believe it is better to unite into a whole. But it depends.
  • #6
Yeah, I realize that probably no one here fits really well into a group... but the idea was to get a feeling of the general persuasion. I have a lot of independent positions, but I find I agree with liberals more often than any of the others.
  • #7
You left out social democrat and you lumped socialist with communist, which isn't right. I'm a right socialist or a left liberal. I am definitely not a communist.
  • #8
I'm conservative on most issues, but somewhat liberal on things like abortion and gun control.
  • #9
I'm interested in truth and fairness for all. I would prefer for the most benefit be extended to the most people . Politics, and certainly politicians, will never allow my preferences to exist in a meaningful way.
  • #10
I voted 'conservative', but I do disagree with them on religion (as in, I wish conservatives would have nothing to do with it).
  • #11
Evidently centrists don't look at internet boards. I'm not suprised.

  • #12
I don't have a political position. I make mine up as I go along.

I guess I can usually be classed as liberal, but I am happy to break ranks.

Where's the none of the above option?
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  • #13
I have afriend who is a fachist, a friend who is a communist. I am a, I don`t know what I am?
  • #14
Originally posted by FZ+
I don't have a political position. I make mine up as I go along.

I guess I can usually be classed as liberal, but I am happy to break ranks.

Where's the none of the above option?

Ditto, but you can call it "apolitical", 'Without politics', as what I seek is the best path.
  • #15
My political position is six feet under. I put it there myself.
  • #16
Originally posted by N_Quire
You left out social democrat and you lumped socialist with communist, which isn't right. I'm a right socialist or a left liberal. I am definitely not a communist.

Same here... I consider myself a liberal who supports social programs.

Actually, I also consider myself a free-thinker. I have no undying allegiance to any ideological group. I always consider individual issues when taking sides. Some might call that an anarchist... as many call Noam Chomsky an anarachist... but I don't really care for labels anyway.

  • #17
i am glad to see we are all out of the box thinking hippies
  • #18
does the political position commutes with the political momentum?
  • #19
Politics? Bah, humbug

FAQ: What's Your Political Orientation?

1. What is your political ideology?

My political ideology is based on my personal beliefs, values, and principles. I do not align with any specific political party, but rather evaluate each issue on its own merits.

2. What are your views on social issues?

As a scientist, my views on social issues are informed by data and evidence. I believe in equality, fairness, and justice for all individuals regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.

3. How do you feel about government involvement in the economy?

I believe that government involvement in the economy should be limited and focused on promoting fair competition and protecting consumers. However, I also recognize the importance of certain regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of the public.

4. What is your stance on environmental policies?

As a scientist, I believe that protecting the environment is crucial for the well-being of our planet and future generations. I support policies that promote sustainable practices and conservation efforts, while also considering the economic impact.

5. How do you approach foreign policy?

I believe in diplomacy and collaboration with other nations to address global issues. However, I also recognize the importance of protecting our national interests and maintaining a strong national defense.
