When can one reduce the structure group?

In summary: The result also follows from the theory of classifying spaces, and it is explained quite well in the book by tom Dieck "Algebraic Topology."In summary, there is a theorem that states in any fiber bundle with structure group G having finitely many connected components, the structure group can be reduced to a maximal compact subgroup of G. This is also true for vector bundles with structure group G=U(n,n). Additionally, there is a result about reduction of structure groups of vector bundles that says if H<G and H has the same homotopy type as G, then we can reduce to H. This applies to fiber bundles in general and the process involves choosing a homotopy between the associated transition maps to the
  • #1
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I know of the theorem that says that in any fiber bundle with structure group G having finitely many connected component, the structure group can be reduced to a maximal compact subgroup of G.

But here I am reading a thesis in which the author says: "[Since U(n,n)] is homotopic to its maximal compact subgroup U(n) x U(n), the structure group can be reduced to U(n) x U(n)."

The context here is a vector bundle with structure group G=U(n,n).

So I am wondering, is there a result about reduction of str. groups of vector bundles that says something like "if H<G has the same homotopy type as G, then we can reduce to H" ??

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  • #2
Yes, it's true. Trivialize the bundle locally with associated transition maps to the structure group. Choose a homotopy between each of those maps and a map to H. This yields a bundle homotopy, hence an isomorphism.
  • #3
So it's true for fiber bundles in general, and withouth restriction on the number of connected component to G?

(P.S. wikipedia doesn't seem to contain an article including the words 'bundle homotopy'. Do know of another name for the thing?)
  • #4
I'm not sure what you mean by fibre bundles in general here. For a general fibre bundle, the structure group is the diffeomorphism group of the fiber. This is an infinite dimensional Lie group, but not what you have in mind, I would guess.

A bundle homotopy between two vector bundles E_0 and E_1 is a vector bundle over M x [0,1] such that if one considers the inclusion i_s : M -> M x {s}, the pullback of the bundle satisfies i_s^*(E) =: E(s), with E(0)=E_0 and E(1)=E_1. Homotopic vector bundles are isomorphic.
  • #5
Oh, I see! Thanks. :)
  • #6
I carried out the "details", and it seems to me that this works only if H is a deformation retract of G. But perhaps I did not grasp the full power of your idea?
  • #7
In this context, it only works if H is a deformation retract of G. For the "full power," I think one has to go with either Cech cohomology or classifying spaces. It remains true, however.
  • #8
Ok, interresting. Any reference?
  • #9
Steenrod's "The Topology of Fibre Bundles" is the old standby.

FAQ: When can one reduce the structure group?

1. When can one reduce the structure group?

The structure group of a mathematical object can be reduced when there exists a subgroup that preserves the essential characteristics of the original group. This is typically done when studying symmetries or transformations of the object.

2. What is the purpose of reducing the structure group?

Reducing the structure group allows for a simpler representation of the mathematical object and can aid in solving problems or understanding its properties. It also allows for connections to be made between different objects with similar reduced structure groups.

3. Can the structure group be reduced for any mathematical object?

No, not all mathematical objects are suitable for structure group reduction. It is only possible for objects with certain symmetries or transformations that can be preserved by a subgroup.

4. How does one determine the appropriate subgroup for reducing the structure group?

The appropriate subgroup for reducing the structure group is typically determined by analyzing the symmetries or transformations of the object and finding a subgroup that preserves these properties. This may involve using techniques from group theory or symmetry groups.

5. Are there any limitations or drawbacks to reducing the structure group?

One limitation of reducing the structure group is that it may not always provide a complete understanding of the object, as some important characteristics may be lost in the process. Additionally, the process of reducing the structure group can be complex and require advanced mathematical techniques.
